Gorilla, gorilla, my problem child. The only one popping out of 5 but she is weaker than her roommates. She stays behind compared to them. But what can I do other than TLC, she has the best conditions, which are optimal in this grow room, also judging by the other two plants. Until I have a bigger operation, which in the current political climate, is not soon, where I can make mothers and clone them, breed my own strains, and root out runts like this, we do it like life. We play the hand as it is dealt to us and we love all our children the same... although this one is special.
So not a genderfluid Silverback yet, but it ain't over till the voluptuous lady sings. We shall nurse this little runt until adulthood, who knows she might surprise us, she should have the mighty Gorilla Glue Number Fouh genes in there somewhere. Now come on out here and show daddy what you're made of...
This week we spread out the leaves and branches, some leaf tucking and gentle LST, to prepare for some higher stress and super cropping today. Two days back we made the switch and set the lights to 12/12. Now the flowering stretch will begin, thus we bend the branches further outward in preparation for the canopy. When I do this I notice the branches are thick and sturdy, with no breakage at all unlike my previous grow, the gelato 33. I snapped some branches applying the super cropping and just normal bending with those. It seems like the fan (I didn't have a good option previous grow, hence the flimsier branches there) but also this lighting and soil regime are topnotch, asides from outdoor I haven't seen such lush bushiness yet, even on a more runt-like plant.
This MarsHydro SP3000 is still performing great, such controlled temperatures, such an ocean of light. I only wish I started growing with this earlier. Thanks again @MarsHydroLED for trusting us to test your mighty flagship light. It is so well made, it oozes quality, I just want to touch it every time (also to check if it stays cool) and it is just sexy, slender, and compared to my other 300 watt light, a completely different spectrum and clarity. If you are looking for new lights, look no further. At www.mars-hydro.com they have excellent and unbeatable deals on tent and light combinations where you practically get a tent for free, it is ridiculous.
I was afraid the light wouldn't cover the sides of my tent with my 4.5-foot space. Penny at MarsHydro had to laugh at this a bit, said not to worry. What an understatement. This light could signal to other galaxies. I sincerely recommend good sunglasses with this light.
Only thing I'm adding is an infrared light Sunshine found. With this I'm going to simulate sunrise and sunset and try to prevent stress by easing the light in and out, like in nature.
We are in flowering now, very excited to see what she will do here. What can she perform? Will she cover the net? Will she deliver gorgeous buds, like she is known to do? On these cliffhangers I hope you will tune in next week for more gorilla-related plantporn... go on... you know you want it.
Hug Bud!!