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Not much to say, probably i overfeed gorilla a little,, for the week 7 to the end i ll dim my lamp to 75% of power (150W) and the reason is bill cost:D
👉DIA 10/1/2022👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 vamos con su 2º semana de crecimiento, estan hermosisimas y un color , altura y anchura impresionantes!! 👉instrucciones:👈 - vamos a colocar los tutores porque todavia no tienen demasiadas raices. y he preferido de colocarlo ahora que luego en floracion para no hacerles daño. - preparamos el agua opmotizada 30L. - realizamos el aporte de abonos de nuestra tabla.
She had a hell of journey - strong bones just watch the nuets if hydro
👉DIA : 13/12/21👈 Metodo de germinacion: 👉<< VASO DE AGUA >>👈 seleccionamos las cantidades deseadas de semillas y en un pequeño vaso con agua opmotizada insertamos las semillas para nutrirlas durante 12H, situada en un lugar sin luz, apropiadamente tapada con un trapo.😉 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA : 14/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 una vez pasada las 12 H de germinacion en vaso de agua , depositamos las semillas bien colocadas en un recipiente con papel de cocina humedecido con agua y 1ML de estimulador de raices (TOPCROP). Esperamos de 1 a 2 días a que salga la raiz de la semilla y ser transportada a los Jiffy😉 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 17/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Pues pasados los 3 dias de germinacion en el metodo de papel, vemos que ya salieron a luz las raices y con sorpresa😱 NUNCA habia visto una cosa asin!! An salido GEMELAS, sii sii !!😵 de una misma semilla an salido dos raices una cosa impresinante! y damos paso a colocarlas en los Jiffy. 👉Instrucciones:👈 - Colocación de los jiffy en un recipiente con 2L de agua y 2ML de enraizantes de top Crop. - Dejamos actuar durantes varios minutos hasta que el jiffy se extienda. - Abrimos un pequeño orificio en los Jiffy para introducir la semilla con el cáliz dejandolo hacia afuera. - Colocamos en un pequeño invernadero para que tengan la suficiente humedad. - Ayudandonos de unos foco de pocos waltios, le damos a luz necesaria para esta face de germinacion dejandolas 24 horas de luz. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIA 22/12/2021 Colocacion de Jiffy en Maceta de 3,25L 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👉Instrucciones👈 -Pasados varios dias vemos que el periantio(semilla) ya se rompió y empezo a salir los cotiledones con una hermosa raiz blanca por debajo del jiffy. -rellenamos macetas de 3,25L con sustrato de top crop(anterior cultivo). -introducimos los jiffy en las macetas dejando la plantula bien colocada. -regamos con 3L agua opmotizada y 1ML/L enraizante Voodoo ADVANCED NUTRIENTS - Permanecemos con las 24 horas de luz con foco led. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 25/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 pasados 3 dias desde que se plantó en maceta. A dado unas respuestas increibles !!👍 las volvemos a regar y a cambiar las horas de luz que se pasarian a 18H
Lámpara: Bestva Quantum Board LED LM301B Sustrato: 2 Jiffy fino : 1 Floragard Especies: Charlotte Dream CBD - Auto Dark Purple - Purple Kush - Triping 25 - Gelato Ice Acontecimientos 1. Hoy 11/01/2022 se completarán las 10 macetas con tres plantas que ya germinaron y están listas para poner bajo la lámpara. Van a tener 1 semana de diferencia respecto a las otras 7. 2. Agua reposada, viento y Luz 20 h/día. Buenos humos
Lámpara: Bestva Quantum Board LED LM301B Sustrato: 2 Jiffy fino : 1 Floragard Especies: Charlotte Dream CBD - Auto Dark Purple - Purple Kush - Triping 25 - Gelato Ice Acontecimientos 1. Hoy 11/01/2022 se completarán las 10 macetas con tres plantas que ya germinaron y están listas para poner bajo la lámpara. Van a tener 1 semana de diferencia respecto a las otras 7. 2. Agua reposada, viento y Luz 20 h/día. Buenos humos
They look very healthy and the trichomes are looking to become great! Hope some good big buds time will tell. Its my first grow, any tip or advice is welcome!
👉DIA : 13/12/21👈 Metodo de germinacion: 👉<< VASO DE AGUA >>👈 seleccionamos las cantidades deseadas de semillas y en un pequeño vaso con agua opmotizada insertamos las semillas para nutrirlas durante 12H, situada en un lugar sin luz, apropiadamente tapada con un trapo.😉 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA : 14/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 una vez pasada las 12 H de germinacion en vaso de agua , depositamos las semillas bien colocadas en un recipiente con papel de cocina humedecido con agua y 1ML de estimulador de raices (TOPCROP). Esperamos de 1 a 2 días a que salga la raiz de la semilla y ser transportada a los Jiffy😉 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 17/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Pues pasados los 3 dias de germinacion en el metodo de papel, vemos que ya salieron a luz las raices y con sorpresa😱 NUNCA habia visto una cosa asin!! An salido GEMELAS, sii sii !!😵 de una misma semilla an salido dos raices una cosa impresinante! y damos paso a colocarlas en los Jiffy. 👉Instrucciones:👈 - Colocación de los jiffy en un recipiente con 2L de agua y 2ML de enraizantes de top Crop. - Dejamos actuar durantes varios minutos hasta que el jiffy se extienda. - Abrimos un pequeño orificio en los Jiffy para introducir la semilla con el cáliz dejandolo hacia afuera. - Colocamos en un pequeño invernadero para que tengan la suficiente humedad. - Ayudandonos de unos foco de pocos waltios, le damos a luz necesaria para esta face de germinacion dejandolas 24 horas de luz. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIA 22/12/2021 Colocacion de Jiffy en Maceta de 3,25L 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👉Instrucciones👈 -Pasados varios dias vemos que el periantio(semilla) ya se rompió y empezo a salir los cotiledones con una hermosa raiz blanca por debajo del jiffy. -rellenamos macetas de 3,25L con sustrato de top crop(anterior cultivo). -introducimos los jiffy en las macetas dejando la plantula bien colocada. -regamos con 3L agua opmotizada y 1ML/L enraizante Voodoo ADVANCED NUTRIENTS - Permanecemos con las 24 horas de luz con foco led. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 25/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 pasados 3 dias desde que se plantó en maceta. A dado unas respuestas increibles !!👍 las volvemos a regar y a cambiar las horas de luz que se pasarian a 18H
This strain grew easily. Good quality weed. Strong smell and sugar buds.
This strain grew easily. Good quality weed. Strong smell and sugar buds.
👉DIA : 13/12/21👈 Metodo de germinacion: 👉<< VASO DE AGUA >>👈 seleccionamos las cantidades deseadas de semillas y en un pequeño vaso con agua opmotizada insertamos las semillas para nutrirlas durante 12H, situada en un lugar sin luz, apropiadamente tapada con un trapo.😉 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA : 14/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 una vez pasada las 12 H de germinacion en vaso de agua , depositamos las semillas bien colocadas en un recipiente con papel de cocina humedecido con agua y 1ML de estimulador de raices (TOPCROP). Esperamos de 1 a 2 días a que salga la raiz de la semilla y ser transportada a los Jiffy😉 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 17/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Pues pasados los 3 dias de germinacion en el metodo de papel, vemos que ya salieron a luz las raices y con sorpresa😱 NUNCA habia visto una cosa asin!! An salido GEMELAS, sii sii !!😵 de una misma semilla an salido dos raices una cosa impresinante! y damos paso a colocarlas en los Jiffy. 👉Instrucciones:👈 - Colocación de los jiffy en un recipiente con 2L de agua y 2ML de enraizantes de top Crop. - Dejamos actuar durantes varios minutos hasta que el jiffy se extienda. - Abrimos un pequeño orificio en los Jiffy para introducir la semilla con el cáliz dejandolo hacia afuera. - Colocamos en un pequeño invernadero para que tengan la suficiente humedad. - Ayudandonos de unos foco de pocos waltios, le damos a luz necesaria para esta face de germinacion dejandolas 24 horas de luz. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIA 22/12/2021 Colocacion de Jiffy en Maceta de 3,25L 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👉Instrucciones👈 -Pasados varios dias vemos que el periantio(semilla) ya se rompió y empezo a salir los cotiledones con una hermosa raiz blanca por debajo del jiffy. -rellenamos macetas de 3,25L con sustrato de top crop(anterior cultivo). -introducimos los jiffy en las macetas dejando la plantula bien colocada. -regamos con 3L agua opmotizada y 1ML/L enraizante Voodoo ADVANCED NUTRIENTS - Permanecemos con las 24 horas de luz con foco led. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👉DIA 25/12/2021👈 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 pasados 3 dias desde que se plantó en maceta. A dado unas respuestas increibles !!👍 las volvemos a regar y a cambiar las horas de luz que se pasarian a 18H
They look very healthy and the trichomes are looking to become great! Hope some good big buds time will tell. Its my first grow, any tip or advice is welcome!
Hello my beautiful friends 😇 😇 😇 After 3 weeks on grow period flowering stage is here 💪 💪 💪 Day- 22 The girls started to be very bushy, as they start showing first sign of flowering I go into the action and I proceed a small defoliation 🙌 Nothing big just to maintain a healthy growth and airflow 😇 😇 😇 Day- 23 Around two or three days ago I make a new tank of 10l... Nearly entire solution goes 😇 I have got heavy drinkers here 😂 😂 😂 All the best, You Lovely Girls Growers 💪💪💪
Hey so the girls finished the end of week 6 looking super happy again 😊 this hasn't been easy this run watering I've had quite a few mistakes on my part overwatering though giving the girls an extra day between watering seriously helped under LEDs . The girls are growing amazing and some girls are in the ending stages of there flowering cycle putting on weight and growing dense buds , at the moment the girls scout cookie's is gonna be finished for week 8 dead on and is ultra dense , something I've noticed with these girls , thicker stems , more support , denser flowers and overall general health seems really improved moving away from the HPS , going to start some on Terra aquatica RIPEN for thoes colours coming to the end of flower 🌼 This week I'm able to describe weather they taken there indica hybird or sativa genetics also weather growth is going well or bad depending on specific strains . All girls are now in flower so there colours are starting to show in one of the dosidos having nice purple buds 💜 Girl scout cookie's Amazing growth from the smallest plant is nearly at harvest with massive dense nugs its truly a little freak of a plant displaying the purple leaves underneath The other girl scout cookie's is doing amazing and was left to grow normally the other in LST went hermi on me 2 weeks previously which was a sure disappointment being my biggest plant at that time but growth seems great on this strain for harvest times although plants are smaller than I normally get the yeild might surprise us at the end 😀 Gorilla glue Sporting a solid structure and vigour like I've only ever seen on anything containing gorilla glue genetics and going into late flower now , one plant is seriously feeding a high level of nutes , greedy beware and make sure to keep plenty of everything at hand for max growth . Some leaves are starting to show slight defenices alothough im not worried as towards end of flower this plant is ģonna look seriously cool Runtz 🚫 Girls are gonna be the biggest yeilders thanks to thoes skittles and hybird gentics coming from this strain donating its sativa high yeilds to this plant , two are late flower one is still stretching and is the biggest girl in the room by number of leaves and size , these strains end LST to provide enough space and light for these girl to promote there best traits . Feeding these girls are modest and not overall big feeders so it's not bad growing for beginners these girls will need to get a good few of there fan leaves removed to promote airflow and heat exchange Dosidos Girls are starting to pick up now , one has even rewarded us with out of this world purple buds 💜 I love my purple 💜 Growing well under LST although they has a slow start they seem to be picking up so heigh and I do reckon I'll get at least 28 grams a plant Lemon haze I've always misjudge the sativa strains as uncontrollable for a small room but I've been mistaken as these are looking to be good yeilder Blueberry Very tempermental, this is such a hard strain to keep happy in general it's been a pain in the arse , Headlight kush auto These are the same very tempermental and a decent strain but doesn't have great vigour like the ZAMNESIA seeds seem to be looking great and growing amazing these girls would need another run but at the moment I'm not happy about overall growth
Hey so the girls finished the end of week 6 looking super happy again 😊 this hasn't been easy this run watering I've had quite a few mistakes on my part overwatering though giving the girls an extra day between watering seriously helped under LEDs . The girls are growing amazing and some girls are in the ending stages of there flowering cycle putting on weight and growing dense buds , at the moment the girls scout cookie's is gonna be finished for week 8 dead on and is ultra dense , something I've noticed with these girls , thicker stems , more support , denser flowers and overall general health seems really improved moving away from the HPS , going to start some on Terra aquatica RIPEN for thoes colours coming to the end of flower 🌼 This week I'm able to describe weather they taken there indica hybird or sativa genetics also weather growth is going well or bad depending on specific strains . All girls are now in flower so there colours are starting to show in one of the dosidos having nice purple buds 💜 Girl scout cookie's Amazing growth from the smallest plant is nearly at harvest with massive dense nugs its truly a little freak of a plant displaying the purple leaves underneath The other girl scout cookie's is doing amazing and was left to grow normally the other in LST went hermi on me 2 weeks previously which was a sure disappointment being my biggest plant at that time but growth seems great on this strain for harvest times although plants are smaller than I normally get the yeild might surprise us at the end 😀 Gorilla glue Sporting a solid structure and vigour like I've only ever seen on anything containing gorilla glue genetics and going into late flower now , one plant is seriously feeding a high level of nutes , greedy beware and make sure to keep plenty of everything at hand for max growth . Some leaves are starting to show slight defenices alothough im not worried as towards end of flower this plant is ģonna look seriously cool Runtz 🚫 Girls are gonna be the biggest yeilders thanks to thoes skittles and hybird gentics coming from this strain donating its sativa high yeilds to this plant , two are late flower one is still stretching and is the biggest girl in the room by number of leaves and size , these strains end LST to provide enough space and light for these girl to promote there best traits . Feeding these girls are modest and not overall big feeders so it's not bad growing for beginners these girls will need to get a good few of there fan leaves removed to promote airflow and heat exchange Dosidos Girls are starting to pick up now , one has even rewarded us with out of this world purple buds 💜 I love my purple 💜 Growing well under LST although they has a slow start they seem to be picking up so heigh and I do reckon I'll get at least 28 grams a plant Lemon haze I've always misjudge the sativa strains as uncontrollable for a small room but I've been mistaken as these are looking to be good yeilder cant wait to see if the buds stack up Blueberry Very tempermental, this is such a hard strain to keep happy in general it's been a pain in the arse , I've really nothing against the seedbank and I do think some of the problems related to me but the other strains seemed to be okay and respond quicker to mistakes with watering Headlight kush auto These are the same very tempermental and a decent strain but doesn't have great vigour like the ZAMNESIA seeds seem to be looking great and growing amazing these girls would need another run but at the moment I'm not happy about overall growth