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Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 31 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to get thicker and it smells better and better :-). I added another 1 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. That should be enough for the remaining weeks. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain and Nutrients at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Green House Seeds Company Cup Clone 🏆 Type: Wonder Pie ☝️🏼 Genetics: Wedding Cake x OG Kush 👍😍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Flower Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205 W 💡💡☝️🏼 Earth: Canna Coco ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Bio Grow Feeding ( GHSC ) , Enhancer ( GHSC ) , Bio Bloom ( GHSC) ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8
Update 12/8/2021 Keep on Rocking!😎 having a hard time getting the climate at a constant lvl. doing the best I can with the equipment I have🙌 Update 15/8/2021 from day 43 on i've started to add Calmag to each watering. but after a couple of day's it seems new leaves are still getting brown spots. not really sure what to do.. The nutrient schedule I'm using 1/4 of what is recommended by the Bio-bizz schedule. all plants are given the same amount.. 3 of them are showing some deficiency's and 1 plant is looking really healthy. Update 18/8/2021 Hello Folks.. pffff deep breath My plants are really suffering.. only 1 is doing a really good job. the others really look sick. leaves starting to yellow cetting curly and crunchy.. I did pluck away most of the dead leaves but at this rate there is going to be nothing left 1 one week. I have no real clue what's going on as it's looks it could be several things. it really feels i'm constantly running behind the facts. I know this is my first grow and all and every decision I make will teach me a great deal for the future. Today I ordered a digital PH/EC/PPM meter so I can actually see what exactly is going on and make decisions from there. I am afraid the PH of 7 really blocked out the Nudes that have been given but I am not really sure so let's wait like 2 more days so i can start measuring stuff. the past 2 days it only flushed the plants with water at an estimated guess of 6PH. but the crappy analogue PH meter that i put in the soil still tells me the the soil has a PH of nearly 7. What I really don't understand is how 1 plant really doesn't show any symptoms while i gave every plant the exact same water/nutrients etc. Well fingers crossed. what a hobby🙌💪
Voilà de retour après une longue absence, du à des problèmes perso.. J'ai malheureusement du jeter une plante, car devenue herma 😣😭.. J'ai pu l'enlever juste à temps de l'espace de culture, à fin de sauver l'autre. Heureusement la deuxième se porte très bien, je vous laisse donc quelques photos ansi qu'une video.. Merci à tous 😊
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 31 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to get thicker and it smells better and better :-). I added another 1 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. That should be enough for the remaining weeks. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain at : Type: Kosher Tangie Kush ☝️🏼 Genetics: Kosher Kush X Tangie 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8 .
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 31 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to get thicker and it smells better and better :-). I added another 1 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. That should be enough for the remaining weeks. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain at Type: Blue Cheese ☝️🏼 Genetics: Blueberry X Original Cheese 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8
Again a easy week...just refilled NS every 2 days (about 20L each time) PH was constant @5.9-6.0 and EC was 1.3-1.2 all week It's very humid inside the tent and i was afraid of mold so i decided to defoil alot to reduce transpiration...and actually found mold on one of the buds...i removed all mold 10g of bud... I removed like 25% of leaves...almost all big leaves are gone now Set up another ventilator from now 4 vents inside Replaced 80L NS (half of the rez) at the end of the week 2 weeks till harvest
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 31 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to get thicker and it smells better and better :-). I added another 1 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. That should be enough for the remaining weeks. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain at Type: Super Silver Haze ☝️🏼 Genetics: Haze x Skunk #1 x Northern Lights Type: 70% Sativa – 30% Indica 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 11 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to grow . I added 2 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy This Strain at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Strain Gelato clone from mother (Zamnesia ) ☝️ Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato x Gelato 33 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8 .
Overall the grow with this girl could of been better but only because I screwed up early on with the LST and snapped two main branches completely off so I’m sure that slowed her down a bit but absolutely amazed how it almost didn’t even bother her. Looking forward to growing this one again soon.
Me encantó la cepa y su facilidad de cultivo ! Aun que tuve muchos problemas ambientales y climáticos . Me atrasé unas 3 a 5 semanas con estas nenas , pero nos recuperamos bien ! Usamos malla scrog chilena #kanovicultivo , lo mejor que he usado en malla scrog , no se le comparan , su espacio preciso! . Las 4 comenzaron en pequeños vasos , luego de 1 a 2 semanas , trasplanté a macetero de 5.8lts , finalizaron 3 en maceteros textil 19lts y 1 en macetero de 20lts AirPot ! Comencé a brindarle 20hrs de luz / 4 hrs oscuridad , a la 3era semana 19hrs de luz y a la 5ta semana bajé hasta el 18 / 6 . Usé un panel QB de 480w regulables , chips marca Samsung de 3500k , chips epistar UV 660nm iR , el mix completo gracias a mi bro MKleds chile ! Se pasó ! De todas maneras recomiendo una potencia mínima de 600w ( QB LED ) para espacio de 120x .. Usé un bio estimulante chileno , que a mi parecer fue uno de los mejores que he visto y usado ! El grande #trichomemania , te cuento que este producto activa un mecanismo de defensa en la planta (SAR) , haciendo que reaccione y se trate de defender con mayor producción de resina , terpenos y tricomas ! Es increíble ! A los 24hrs tienes resultados , un saludo grande a los hermanos ! El mejor producto 10000000%.... Grande eva seed , buenisima esta cepa , me dí cuenta que si se deja madurar un poco más , su sabor es más frutal candy , exquisita cepa !.... Estamos probando con un papel de blunt organico 100% libre de tabaco marca *jamaican buzz* fumarla su efecto es notorio , enseguida viene el efecto psicoactivo y cerebral , se viene a la vista un tanto distorsionado el entorno vision un poco más brillante , y a la vez relajado .. Hoy 18 de agosto estamos probando con un papel de celulosa organico marca lion rolling circus ( foto al final del album ) , quema bastante bien , al parecer ya está casi en su totalidad secado , combustión lenta , buen sabor afrutado citrico con toques candy diesel ...uuff efecto despues de 3 quemadas ya por los cielos , totalmente cerebral y estimulante , un gusto charlar con amigos ! Al manipular su fruto , la planta expele un olor afrutado con limon maduro y skunk , con finales de candy terra , una delicia , muy buena cepa , ahora mientras escribo me siento un tanto "mareado" con esa mitad de blunt ! Buenisinaaa!... ____ La verdad cuando comencé a cortar cada planta era como llenar "infinitamente" el armario donde dejaría secandola , se llenó casi la mitad y un poco más sólo con 1 planta cortada ! Increíble producción , yo estimo unos 90g por planta aprox , ya he consumido un buen peso además ...veremos en estos días que esté por completo su secado ! Esta riquísima , sus efectos fuertísimos ...100% ... ___ Una cosecha buenísima, muy parecido como obtengo resultados en comparación con el sodio , todo bien me gustó la experiencia !.... Además tuve la oportunidad de hacer extracción en seco de su materia vegetal . Obtuvimos entre un 18 a 20% de retorno ! Para mi primera vez , geniaaaal ! Su utilizó prensa de 12 toneladas , de apretó a 80°C por 4 minutos . . . Usen lemon king ! Una delicia .
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 11 since time change to 12/12 h. Hi everyone . The lady is developing beautifully :-). The buds start to grow . I added 2 g GHSC Bio Bloom per l coco. Otherwise everything was checked and cleaned as usual. Have fun with the update and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain at : Type: Runtz ☝️🏼 Genetics: Zkittlez x Gelato 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205 W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Bio Bizz Coco ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green House Seeds Company Powder Feeding Bio ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8