The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Day 15: Stretching way faster than anticipated.. Gonna have to tweak the hangers soon because I'm almost at their limit to raise the lamps anymore. Should have lollipopped/defoliated more in the last training session, hope I'll have the courage to go a bit further the next one in about 3-5days which is going to be the last before harvesting. Buds are finally starting to form and dang it looks like a decent haul IF all goes well. No closeup shots will be presented before the frost starts to kick in. I'm cutting down the Bio-Grow gradually and raising the Bio-Bloom at the same time. Thinking about dropping the Bio-Grow entirely at around week 4 of flowering and starting to blast the girls with some decent amount of PK instead. Day 16: Watered each plant with 2l of nutrient solution and upped the dosage of Bio-Bloom to 3ml/l because of 2 strains were showing some P deficiency on the lower leaves (PC/SS) Day 18: Did the biggest and most gruesome lollipopping/defoliation session I've ever dared to. Promised myself this would be the last but it does seem like I still have to grow some balls to trim them bitches once more in a week or so IF they respond well to this torture. Slight P deficiency still on the Peyote Criticals and Sunset Sherbets so I'm going to full send it the next time watering and go straight for the 4ml/l on Bio-Bloom. Next week of flowering I'm going to bring the big guns in and start giving them some Atami Bloombastic to make them buds really swell up.. or die trying! Day 20: Watered each plant with 2l of nutrient solution and this time I went for the full 4ml/l of Bio-Bloom. Only one of the Peyote Criticals was still showing an ever so slight lack of phosphorous so we'll see how they like the full dosage. The bigger GSC had two pretty pale green older fan leaves (not yellowing but still..) so she received 3ml/l of Bio-Grow instead of 2ml/l to keep her going for about 2 more weeks before I can tolerate a little lack of N and let the leaves fall out on their own. Usually I stop giving grow nutes at around halfway of blooming. Don't know if it's just psychosomatic but I do feel abundant nitrogen in late bloom will make the buds taste a bit harsher and give a little headache no matter how good you flush if you keep going on the "full schedule" till the end. All the buds have a nice little sugar coating forming up and the smell in the tent is becoming nice and fruity. Not sure yet which one of them will be the cream of the crop but everyone looks very promising. OG Kush went through a thorough macro close up session and no visible male flowers are forming anywhere so I might just be able to keep her in the cabin but I'm still prepared to chop her off IF she goes full on Bangkok ladyboy on me. If all goes well this might very well turn out to be my best harvest with this setup so far so I do hope I won't fuck up anything now.
Really enjoyed this grow, improved a lot compared to my previous grow. Love all the colors on these buds. Will update when dried and weighed Final outcome was just a little over 100grams, very happy with the outcome and a pleasant smoke! Will update further when cured
Dia 8: Hoy he encontrado una pequeña seta!!!!! Lo malo es que he encontrado tambien que han salido por los lados. Lo he tapado mejor con papel de albal para que crezcan para arriba. Recemos. Dia 9: Ha aparecido otra!!! y la que ya estaba ha doblado en tamaño, ya veo las cabecitas de un par que suben desde los lados. Dia 10: Han aparecido otras cuantas. He empujado sin querer la seta mas grande y se ha tumbado un poco, espero que no le afecte a su crecimiento. He tenido que cosecharla por la noche porque se le estaba rompiendo el velo, supongo que por el accidente. La he intentado extraer las esporas pero me ha salido mal porque le he echado 1 gota de agua pero le tendría que haber mojado el sombrero un poquito solo porque se ha empapado. Dia 11: He contado 19 setas por toda la superficie!! Dia 12: Esto se me está yendo de las manos Dia 13: He cosechado un total de 18.96g + 0.7g de la primera seta. Le he puesto a sacar esporas a 3. Como estaban creciendo mucho por los lados he decidido sacar el pan y meterlo en un tupper grande, pero se me ha roto por la mitad, espero que no pase nada. Dia 14: He cosechado 2 setas 6.16g totales. tambien las he puesto a sacar esporas.
Day 82. Its 81 day from seed touched soil ! If leaves would be healthier, i would run them at least one more week, but it is, what it is. They spent 24 hours in darkness and now its Trim Jail !!! ;))) Harvest Day ! Day 88. Tried bud from each, clearest weed straight from drying rack ! Only 3 feeds makes huge difference to harshness at the beggining. Still Queen is pure Tangie, can it be seed mistake ? ;))) Day 89. Boy i am f@ckingly surprised !!! Heather - I love You, Your team, Your strains !!!! I still don't get how, but numbers are amazing, Thank You very much !!!! Will update this diary as cure goes, but i feel so many nice words were unspoken, felt that FB will change my view about Autos - and they DID !!! Amazing house ! Happy Growing !
Plants look great, was hoping for more of a stretch last week but still fairly happy with the plants. Day 36 - I’ll be adding a seed sprout tea this week(awaiting germination) with malted barley and corn. I’m chasing after the amino acids that will increase nutrient uptake as well make my plants more tolerant to environmental stress as I cannot fully control my heat and humidity. As per my humidity pic on 36 - there was a massive mountain fire in my city that raged out of control and burned a few establishments, houses and part of a University. My humidity remained 30-37 all. I wonder if that was the effect of the fire. Day 37 - Fire has been successfully put out by this morning and humidity is back to where it needs to be. The plants look great today although of heat and low humidity of yesterday. Seems like the very resilient now and will be pushing the plants here on out Gave the plants a light water (500ml with full kelphos dose(2.5ml per 500ml) today as with the heat and how thirsty they are, I’m sure they will be ready for another water tomorrow. hoping the barley seeds sprout overnight for a lovely 420 treat for the girls tomorrow. Really excited by about LP#1 which has about 7-8 tops - my money is on this plant to be the top yielded of my tent🎰 Day 38 - humidity and temp is perfect 29* high and an average humidity of 48-50. Fed my plants a Seed Sprout Tea with recipe below. 1. Rinse and washed seeds (barely and corn) 2. Place in a paper towel after 24 hour soak in dechlorinated water. 3. Store in a warm dark area for germination. 4. Once germinated, blended up and diluted in water for final product. I added 1 part SST, 9 parts water Day 39 - plants have responded well to SST, and humidity climbing to high 50s, tough to regulate humidity without any AC and humidifier but hopefully with the amino acids I have just fed the girls, the nutrient uptake will remain optimal. White residue- it was only found in areas where water could be stored on leaves eg. Where stem meets leaf, in the center of the leaves and came off very easy with a light dry rub even. I removed the leaves anyway in case of a fungi problem such as Powdery Mildew Day 40 - plants responded well to SST and continuing to stretch. The buds look amazing and only in 2 week flower. These fastbuds continues to amaze me Happy Earth Day to all organic growers out there🌍 Day 41 - adjusted the plants to make more room for them to grow. The strawberry pie in the top right was late to surface to about 2-3 days but starting to fill out now
All I can say is god damn she's beautiful, pistils coming out from everywhere. This week I'm focusing on keep her low and dropping the veg nutes a bit and pumping with the bloom nutes.
2nd week and I can tell one thing for sure. I'm really bad gardener 😬 Had to leave for 5 days and that was let's say suboptimal. Another proof that this strain is able to live with little to none attention. Changed the light hours to 20/4 to let them rest for at least a little time. Last big change was me finally finishing my controll system so even without me being present conditions were almost constant to preseted values (temp +/-0.2°C and humidity +/- 6%) Really happy with their grow so i hope it all be OK.
This lady has recovered nicely from my 3rd and final hack attack on her. Leaves were so huge, still cannot get over it. Added an Exhale Homegrown Co2 bag to the tent right behind and above her this week as well. I have never used one of these before, but I figured I would give it a shot. More, any, will be good for the plant. Judging by the way she is growing, I imagine she will be hitting her prime height by the end of week 9. Fingers crossed, we will then be going to flower :) Time-lapse lost a days worth of photos. Some user error of some type. Lets just not question it shall we.
Day 82. Its 81 day from seed touched soil ! If leaves would be healthier, i would run them at least one more week, but it is, what it is. They spent 24 hours in darkness and now its Trim Jail !!! ;))) Harvest Day ! Day 88. Tried bud from each, clearest weed straight from drying rack ! Only 3 feeds makes huge difference to harshness at the beggining. Still Queen is pure Tangie, can it be seed mistake ? ;))) Day 89. Boy i am f@ckingly surprised !!! Heather - I love You, Your team, Your strains !!!! I still don't get how, but numbers are amazing, Thank You very much !!!! Will update this diary as cure goes, but i feel so many nice words were unspoken, felt that FB will change my view about Autos - and they DID !!! Amazing house ! Happy Growing !