Well I'm 7 weeks behind, been busy with work, family, maintenance on house and been busy with plants. But anways, I had to harvest a plant 6 days ago as there were to many nanners that showed up over night. Had some nanners on a couple other plants that I was able to keep up on plucking. The temperature is a lot cooler than I would like but that's because I'm maxed out on my breaker and I've been trying to keep my garage at a constant 60 degrees with a wood stove to help heat the grow room. Other than that, the buds smell super dank, they look bomb as shit and harvest is right around the corner! I did mess up on mixing nutrients this whole entire grow as I might have ended up with some sort of nutrient lock-out. I never got the nets put up and so far I only had to stake 1 plant. Harvest is looking like it might be this weekend!
Any suggestions or thoughts for the next grow as I did start 10 more seeds 12/08/23...?
As Always, Happy Growing!