11 Sep 2021
Today starts week 2 of the flowering stage and week 10 of life for my lovely Ladies. I did some massive defoliation and pruning the other day and all three of my babies are looking amazing afterwards!! Absolutely beautiful! I have a short video log (I’m not cool enough to call it a vlog), and a few pictures to upload to start this week.
I must admit that I really thought I may have overdone the defoliation and pruning, but so far it’s turning out exactly as I had hoped. There are budlets forming at every node, and all three plants are looking healthy and strong.
I decided to look at my feed chart and to count backwards from the date that they should be ready for harvest and to arrange their feeding schedule. I made a plan where I can provide a good steady level of nutrients in the proper stage of growth, and schedule time for the flush to be done by the time harvest time arrives.
So today I started the Mid-Bloom stage 4 of my Flora-Trio 6 part feeding chart. I’m still giving half the nutrient level until I know there are no issues, then I will adjust to full strength if necessary. At 50% strength each plant was given: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml mixed into a gallon of water. The initial pH for all three gallons was 6.3. I wanted to adjust them up, so I added 1.2ml of pH UP to each gallon which adjusted them as follows: C1 - 6.7, and C2/C3 were both adjusted to 6.6.
I still don’t have a replacement TDS meter, so only pH was measured in the runoff. Runoff pH was as follows: C1 - 5.9, C2 - 6.1, and C3 - 5.8. The runoff levels of C1 and C3 are still lower than id like, but still manageable.
As I mentioned several times above; my plants are looking great, and I plan to keep growing them as they are until this method needs to be adjusted or changed. I’m just letting them grow wild. Granted, I’m trying my best for them to grow the way I want, but I’m not using a support net at all (yet). I say (yet), because once the buds start to bulk up, they may need support to stand upright. If that day comes, I’ll use the net. Time will tell.
The temperature in the tent was 82F, and the humidity was 45%. So far my trio is growing beautifully! Enjoy everyone! I am!!
14 Sep 2021
I ended up using only about half of each gallon the other day, so today I gave the rest of each gallon to the perspective plant it belonged to. None of the plants had any real runoff from the amount given today, so I’ll probably start feeding every two days instead of every 3-4. It happens with each grow. The trick is to identify how much they need, and how often. It seems to change with every plant.
So as I stated above; each plant received about 1/2 gallon of water and nutrients that was prepared a few days ago. Each plant received CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml.
The pH going in was: C1 - 6.7, C2/C3 - 6.6. As I said above, there wasn’t enough runoff to measure, so I don’t have runoff data today.
The temperature in the tent was 84F, and humidity was 57%. I measured each plant and adjusted the lights according to their growth. C1 is now 23 inches tall, C2/C3 are both 23.5 inches tall. I adjusted the lights to all be 15 inches over each plant. Light spill off is still awesome for all three plants, and each one of my lovely ladies is looking absolutely amazing!
15 Sep 2021
My plants are doing AWESOME!! I looked in on them a little earlier today and just sat in my floor and looked at them. They are doing amazing! Absolutely beautiful!!
I have used a support (scrog) net for each of my grows so far; till this one. At least so far that is. I may end up putting it in to support the branches once they are loaded with bud, but for right now I have just let them grow as they naturally want too.
Of course there are some exceptions to that last statement. At the end of my first week of flower I decided to defoliate and prune them down. I did so much defoliation and pruning that I thought I may have hurt my girls, but nope! They have responded even better than I had hoped.
I trimmed off all of the lowest branches that weren’t already long enough to get full light exposure, as well as most of the small intermediate branches growing off of more established branches. The result… every node growing on every branch is developing buds! All of them are getting full light exposure, and ventilation from the fans inside the grow room.
These three are looking better than any of my previous plants thus far. I am very pleased with how they’re doing!
I’m feeding again today because what I gave them yesterday just didn’t seem sufficient. None of them had any runoff to measure; so I’m going to make sure that they do as well as possible!
I’m sticking with the mid-bloom stage 4 of my Flora-Trio 6 part feeding chart at 50% of recommended levels. My plants are doing great at 50% strength so far, so if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! No deficiencies have been seen, so I’ll keep on keeping on that.
Each plant received a mixture of a gallon of water with the following nutrients: CALiMAGic 2ml, FloraMicro 2.4ml, FloraGro 2ml, FloraBloom 4.2ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Liquid KoolBloom 1ml.
C1 and C2 didn’t take the whole gallon, but about 3/4 of it. C3 took the whole gallon, but that may be because it is in a bigger pot.
The initial pH of each was: C1 - 6.4, C2 - 6.5, and C3 - 6.3. I added pH UP to each as follows: C1 - 2ml, which adjusted to a final pH of 6.7. C2 - 1ml, which adjusted to 6.9, and C3 - 1.5ml, which adjusted to 6.6.
I still haven’t gotten another TDS meter, so no TDS data to report. Runoff for all three plants was lower than I expected. C1 was 5.8, and C2/C3 were 5.7. I really expected them to be near 6.2 or thereabouts, but nope. I’m going to have to keep an eye on that.
The humidity today was 65%, which is pretty good. The temperature in the tent was 84F. It was over 90F outside today, so hot outside = hot in the tent. 🤷♂️
They’re still looking great! Happy growing everyone!