So the end of 3 and entering week 4 these girls are a little sad today as been working on finishing their little grow space which hopefully they'll settle into over the next few days. I have tried too upload images but no luck keeps saying resizing no matter where I upload from 🙄 The girls are taking off and I can see the difference in growth allthough they've been unsettled past few days 🌱 Still loving the aptus range and so am I its keeping these girls healthy even the topped girl hasnt really reacted too being topped 🌱👌 I will be doing some hst/lst with the other 2 this week as neglected them slightly as having the fastbuds testers all potted up into new shoes. I will try update more images tomorow... Stay blessed 💚
So this is how things are looking for the ladies at the end of Week 1 of Flower, I have uploaded a video for you guys with all the information you need, any questions just ask away 👍🏾😎
Blue Dream is now in it's forever home, but I will keep them in veg for a few days. Maybe a week
9/6 - Looks like 6 of 6 germinated. They are now in the nursery. Going in the Organic direction with this grow. First time trying it but i like the fact that you can have a "living soil", reuse the soil, and a big thing thing for me is that you don't have to flush like you probably should if you use salt based synthetic nutrients. My 2 cents. 9/14 - progressing nicely. Installed a better light source for them.
Die Woche ist ansich gut verlaufen, 2 Pflanzen haben irgendetwas aber ich weiß nicht woran es liegt. Morgen/heute werden alle plants ausgedünnt, und ich werde die beiden Kastenventilatoren rechts und links an den Zelt Wänden gegen oszilierende monky Fans an den Mittel Stangen anbringen, ich spare Platz in der Mittel Reihe den ich brauche. Ich bin sehr zufrieden bisher mal sehen ob ich raus finde was die 2 Pflanzen haben...ansonsten wünsche ich euch eine schöne woche und stay high 😬😁👌 Ach so an Dünge tagen gieße ich immer easy 2L pro Topf. Und dazu von Madame Grow alle 4 bis 7 Tage Flower Karma rauf sprühen das Zeug ist top!👌 The week itself went well, 2 plants have something but I don't know what the reason is. Tomorrow all the plants will be thinned out, and I will put the two box fans on the right and left of the tent walls against oscillating monky fans on the middle poles, I save space in the middle row that I need. I'm very satisfied so far, let's see if I can find out what the 2 plants have... otherwise I wish you a nice week and stay high 😬😁👌 Oh, on fertilizer days I always pour easy 2L per pot. And spray Madame Grow with Flower Karma every 4 to 7 days, the stuff is great!👌😬
Die Woche ist ansich gut verlaufen, 2 Pflanzen haben irgendetwas aber ich weiß nicht woran es liegt. Morgen/heute werden alle plants ausgedünnt, und ich werde die beiden Kastenventilatoren rechts und links an den Zelt Wänden gegen oszilierende monky Fans an den Mittel Stangen anbringen, ich spare Platz in der Mittel Reihe den ich brauche. Ich bin sehr zufrieden bisher mal sehen ob ich raus finde was die 2 Pflanzen haben...ansonsten wünsche ich euch eine schöne woche und stay high 😬😁👌 Ach so an Dünge tagen gieße ich immer easy 2L pro Topf. Und dazu von Madame Grow alle 4 bis 7 Tage Flower Karma rauf sprühen das Zeug ist top!👌 The week itself went well, 2 plants have something but I don't know what the reason is. Tomorrow all the plants will be thinned out, and I will put the two box fans on the right and left of the tent walls against oscillating monky fans on the middle poles, I save space in the middle row that I need. I'm very satisfied so far, let's see if I can find out what the 2 plants have... otherwise I wish you a nice week and stay high 😬😁👌 Oh, on fertilizer days I always pour easy 2L per pot. And spray Madame Grow with Flower Karma every 4 to 7 days, the stuff is great!👌😬
Die Woche ist ansich gut verlaufen, 2 Pflanzen haben irgendetwas aber ich weiß nicht woran es liegt. Morgen/heute werden alle plants ausgedünnt, und ich werde die beiden Kastenventilatoren rechts und links an den Zelt Wänden gegen oszilierende monky Fans an den Mittel Stangen anbringen, ich spare Platz in der Mittel Reihe den ich brauche. Ich bin sehr zufrieden bisher mal sehen ob ich raus finde was die 2 Pflanzen haben...ansonsten wünsche ich euch eine schöne woche und stay high 😬😁👌 Ach so an Dünge tagen gieße ich immer easy 2L pro Topf. Und dazu von Madame Grow alle 4 bis 7 Tage Flower Karma rauf sprühen das Zeug ist top!👌 The week itself went well, 2 plants have something but I don't know what the reason is. Tomorrow all the plants will be thinned out, and I will put the two box fans on the right and left of the tent walls against oscillating monky fans on the middle poles, I save space in the middle row that I need. I'm very satisfied so far, let's see if I can find out what the 2 plants have... otherwise I wish you a nice week and stay high 😬😁👌 Oh, on fertilizer days I always pour easy 2L per pot. And spray Madame Grow with Flower Karma every 4 to 7 days, the stuff is great!👌😬
Very happy with the growth after transplanting last week thankfully the transplant hasn’t caused any shock. I plan to start some low stress training with them over the next week now that they have settled into their larger pots and are looking healthy and happy. 🤞🏻😬✌️
My final week is here. She’s fading out, id like to have seen her hold her colour a little longer although the leaves around the bud sites are still a nice green colour. buds are tight and dense. More to follow as the week goes on. Update…. I’m 7 days into drying, she’s starting to dry at the heads and gets more sticky the further down the branch. Next grow I’ll definitely lollipop to the top 2 nodes as I’ve found she’s a little “airy down below”. I’ll strip the branches in another 5-7 days.
Hermoso el proceso, la verdad cada vez me gusta más todo lo que involucra al mismo! atencion, detalles, etc. Las chemical bride como verán salieron 2 fenotipos diferentes, uno con hojas más finas (tirando a sativa) y la otra hojas mas gruesas y las flores aparentan ser más "comprimidas". El olor que siento cuando toco las hojas con Resina es muy muy sabroso, realmente parece un caramelo de ananá (muy dulce, hasta empalagoso diría). En estos días voy a intentar subir un poco más el panel porque está muy cerca. Muy contento realmente con los resultados que vengo observando!
Hermoso el proceso, la verdad cada vez me gusta más todo lo que involucra al mismo! atencion, detalles, etc. Las chemical bride como verán salieron 2 fenotipos diferentes, uno con hojas más finas (tirando a sativa) y la otra hojas mas gruesas y las flores aparentan ser más "comprimidas". El olor que siento cuando toco las hojas con Resina es muy muy sabroso, realmente parece un caramelo de ananá (muy dulce, hasta empalagoso diría). En estos días voy a intentar subir un poco más el panel porque está muy cerca. Muy contento realmente con los resultados que vengo observando!
It's starting to get better without stopping. After changing the soil in the middle of the pot to peach moss.
It's starting to get better without stopping. After changing the soil in the middle of the pot to peach moss.
Week 1 of veg was a tough one. In the middle of updating my grow tent gear, i stumbled upon hardship with the young ladies. The first days was with my old LED light, and when i switched to the new light, they suffered from light burn and high temps adjusting it. They are looking crusty, but we will get through it. 👉29/8 With Viparspectra V300 Lights 👉30/8 Viparspectra V300 👉31/8 Switch from Viparspectra V300 to Lumatek 300W Pro 👉1/9 Adjusting temps, hanging height and applying new gadgets. 👉2/9 First signs of too high temps/light burn. Closely monitering and adjusting to keep temps down. 👉3/9 Solution day, maybe too late. Temps are manageable and lights on low setting for low stress. 👉4/9 Recovery. Temps: Day 27 - 30 ambient / 21-23 night (Still adjusting climate to the new light) RH%: 65.5-68.5 night / 68.5 - 71.5 day PH: 6.3