On day 56 my setup got another light. I took the Lumatek out and changed it for a second Mars Hydro TSL 2000. Now i can use more space in the tent and the light is spreaded way more even than before. I now got about 1000 PPFD at the canopy top and around 800-900 PPFD square. They are running at about 80 % atm. Each side is seperately dimmable and i can set the ankle relatively individually for each plant so i can better react to the different grow heights, which comes automatically with 4 different strains. She got a defoliation and another place to ripen up the lower part of the plant, just to see if it works. She has done her job as a crash test dummy extremly well, what a pleasure 😍
W12.D1(81) 🌞🌱✂️🔍💡Good day! 🌞 Opening the 12th week of grow (and the 4th week of flowering), I continue to meticulously and gradually remove the fan leaves 🌱 that block the light from penetrating deeply ✂️. I do this gradually 🔍, aiming to minimize the reduction of photosynthesis and stress for the girl 💡. She seems to be feeling quite well, in my opinion 💡. W12.D2(82) 🌱🍂🌞🌿💦 Good day! Today, I continue my struggle 🍂 with the deep shadows 🌞 caused by the oldest fan leaves. 🍂🌿💧 Additionally, I've discovered that one of the fertilizer components forms "foam flakes" 💦 which settle at the bottom and float on the surface. 🌊 Suspicion falls on Big Bud Coco. 💭🌿
fin de la semaine 5 , semaine de lutte contre les araignées rouge bcp de feuille ont sucubbée
This girl has been one of my favorites. Pineapple express is true to it name looking like a pineapple once it fades the yellow, and the green are very beautiful together smells gassy with pineapple busting out of every tone
I guess, it's the waiting game. Just watering 1,5 liters ph'ed water daily and checking the trichomes. I'm really happy with the results so far. 😁😁😁
###Deutscher Text unten The week started well until I noticed the yellow tips on day 24. I had actually ruled out overfertilization as I hadn't fertilized at all. Apparently, however, the nitrogen is released/absorbed irregularly in pre-fertilized soil. The Floragard Grow Mix is apparently very strong and more suitable for photoperiodic plants. I skipped the planned fertilization with Terra Vega accordingly. However, my girls survived the whole thing well and have now entered the flowering phase. On day 29, I gave them their first fertilization with Terra Flores. I'm currently watering one liter every 2 days. I had problems getting the humidity down. It was actually always over 60% in the grow tent. I had to open the tent and set up a dehumidifier in the room, so I get 40-50 LF, but the room also gets quite warm from the dehumidifier and half the house “smells” of the three ladies. Not ideal, the next grow will go outside in June. I have the feeling that I should defoliate the plants to give the buds more light. But I don't want to stress the plant, especially as it's an automatic. .... So far I've only tried to pinch off the large leaves. Maybe you have some advice for me! ###Deutsch: Die Woche begann gut, bis ich die gelben Spitzen am Tag 24 bemerkte. Eine Überdüngung hatte ich eigentlich ausgeschlossen da ich noch gar nicht gedüngt hatte. Anscheinend wird der Stickstoff in vorgedüngter Erde aber unregelmäßig abgegeben/aufgenommen. Der Floragard Grow Mix ist anscheinend doch sehr scharf und eher was für photperiodische Pflanzen. Die geplante Düngung mit Terra Vega habe ich entsprechend ausgelassen. Meine Mädels haben das ganze aber gut überstanden und sind jetzt in die Blütephase übergegangen. Am Tag 29 gab es dann doch eine erste Düngung mit Terra Flores. Ich gieße im Moment einen Liter alle 2 Tage. Hatte Probleme die Luftfeuchtigkeit runterzubekommen. Im Growzelt waren es eigentlich imm über 60%. Musste das Zelt öffnen und im Raum einen Entfeuchter aufstellen, so komme ich auf 40-50 LF, aber der Raum wird auch ziemlich warm durch den Entfeuchter und das halbe Haus "duftet" nach den drei Damen. Nicht optimal, der nächste Grow geht im Juni nach draußen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich die Pflanzen entlauben sollte um den Buds mehr Licht zu geben. Ich will aber die Pflanze nicht stressen, vor allem weil es eine Automatic ist....Habe bis jetzt nur versucht die großen Blätte runterzudrücken. Vielleicht habt ihr ja einen Rat für mich!
All is peeeerfect; no pests whatsoever; seeing the new growth; stem got very fat to oppose the wind shakery; i am excited to see it developing further
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D15/V11 - 30/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D16/V12 - 01/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D17/V13 - 02/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.6 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 20 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D18/V14 - 03/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.6 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D19/V15 - 04/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.5 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
the girl went out into nature, although the weather is not very suitable for them yet, but I think she will manage perfectly :) I will visit them once a week :).
the girl went out into nature, although the weather is not very suitable for them yet, but I think she will manage perfectly :) I will visit them once a week :).
27 days since my little girl sprouted from seeds🌱 Week five of growing my Auto Orange Bud 🍊🍊🍊 Nutrients: I use Advanced Hydroponics Of Holland nutrients - three basic components, always according to the table for vegetative growth 💓 - - Dutch Formula 1 Grow - supplies the plant with substances necessary for the perfect development of roots, stem and leaves; intended for the growth phase 🌾 - Dutch Formula 2 Bloom - contains a large amount of nutrients needed for rapid growth and development of fruits, provides energy to the plant; intended for the flower phase 🌸🌿 - Dutch Formula 3 Micro - increases oxygen intake, improves plant immunity, ensures better absorption of nutrients; intended for the growth and flowering phase 🌴 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Plagron Power Roots - Root stimulator Plagron Roots is a biological root stimulator that supports the formation of the root system. I use until the fifth week of growth 🍃🍃 - the last feeding is the fifth week of plant growth. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Calmag - The special Calmag supplement was designed for professional and hobby growers who need to supply calcium and magnesium in organic quality to plants for a long time or immediately. 100% organic 💩💩 and certified BioBizz Calmag product is made from calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate supplemented with humic acid. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Bio pH- is an organic pH regulator. Aqueous solution of citric acid, which occurs naturally in citrus fruits 🍋🍋 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- During the flowering period, I add Advanced Nutrients stimulators: - Bud Ignitor (first two weeks of flowering) - flower stimulator 🌸🏵️ - Bud Candy - carbs for my girls 🍭🍭🍭 - JUNGLE - ENVIRON X is a highly effective complex product stimulate the formation of flowers. Contains no synthetic growth regulators (PGRs). • multiplies yield and increases product quality In general: Auto Orange Bud 🍊🍊🍊 - starts to be rather lower, but a very robust plant with large buds. The leaves are still healthy, the nutrients are apparently in a balanced ratio, which makes me happy🍃💚 Training: During this period, I usually do another defoliation and LST 💚🌞🌞 Light: Mars Hydro TS1000 The plants react effectively and the light is technically very well managed - I try to have 50cm between the light and the plants, so I move it up regularly, although because of one overgrown sister, I have to improvise more 💡💡💡 See you soon 😍💚
The smell is ABSOLUTELY divine 🤩 The trim was super easy,the buds are super dense & sticky👌
27 days since my little girl sprouted from seeds🌱 Fifth week of growing my GRAPE APE F1 AUTOMATIC 🍇🍇🍇 Nutrients: I use Advanced Hydroponics Of Holland nutrients - three basic components, always according to the table for vegetative growth 💓 - - Dutch Formula 1 Grow - supplies the plant with substances necessary for the perfect development of roots, stem and leaves; intended for the growth phase 🌾 - Dutch Formula 2 Bloom - contains a large amount of nutrients needed for rapid growth and development of fruits, provides energy to the plant; intended for the flower phase 🌸🌿 - Dutch Formula 3 Micro - increases oxygen intake, improves plant immunity, ensures better absorption of nutrients; intended for the growth and flowering phase 🌴 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Plagron Power Roots - Root stimulator Plagron Roots is a biological root stimulator that supports the formation of the root system. I use until the fifth week of growth 🍃🍃 - the last feeding is the fifth week of plant growth. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Calmag - The special Calmag supplement was designed for professional and hobby growers who need to supply calcium and magnesium in organic quality to plants for a long time or immediately. 100% organic 💩💩 and certified BioBizz Calmag product is made from calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate supplemented with humic acid. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Bio pH- is an organic pH regulator. Aqueous solution of citric acid, which occurs naturally in citrus fruits 🍋🍋 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- During the flowering period, I add Advanced Nutrients stimulators: - Bud Ignitor (first two weeks of flowering) - flower stimulator 🌸🏵️ - Bud Candy - carbs for my girls 🍭🍭🍭 - JUNGLE - ENVIRON X is a highly effective complex product stimulate the formation of flowers. Contains no synthetic growth regulators (PGRs). • multiplies yield and increases product quality In general: GRAPE APE F1 AUTOMATIC 🍇🍇🍇 - starts to be rather lower, but on the other hand a very robust plant with large buds - very similar to its sister Auto Orange Bud. Only the pistils are so far the ripest of the entire tent. The leaves are still healthy, the nutrients are apparently in a balanced ratio, which makes me happy🍃💚 Training: During this period, I usually do another defoliation and LST 💚🌞🌞 Light: Mars Hydro TS1000 The plants react effectively and the light is technically very well managed - I try to have 50cm between the light and the plants, so I move it up regularly, although because of one overgrown sister, I have to improvise more 💡💡💡 See you soon 😍💚
the girl went out into nature, although the weather is not very suitable for them yet, but I think she will manage perfectly :) I will visit them once a week :).
Die kleine Amnesia Zkitttlez startet mit ungefähr 3cm in die zweite Vegetationswoche. Sie wächst langsamer, als ihre Genetik hergibt, wahrscheinlich wegen der kalten Nächte. Die Blattlaus habe ich gekillt, da fehlt mir das Mitgefühl, wie bei den Spatzen-Kindern. Die vergreifen sich ja auch nicht an meinen Pflanzen. Danach habe ich sie mit CANNA Cure eingesprüht - ein kleiner Wellness-Regen, der mir hoffentlich diese kleinen Saftsauger fernhält. Von der Spinne habe ich nichts mehr gesehen. Da kommt aber sicherlich wieder eine, ich habe öfter Spinnen in meinen Pflanzen sitzen. Day15 abendliches Update: Hab auch auf anderen Pflanzen vereinzelt Blattläuse entdeckt und allesamt mit abgestandener Cola besprüht. Day 17: Es ist richtig kalt in der Nacht, um die 12 °C, und tagsüber brät die Sonne. Normalerweise nehme ich meine Temperaturangaben aus dem wöchentlichen Wetterbericht. Der rechnet jedoch mit milderen Nächten. Die kleine Amnesia Zkittlez muss mit starken Temperaturunterschieden von mehr als 20 °C zwischen Tag und Nacht kämpfen. Das wird nicht einfach, sie wächst langsam.