Topped and continued LST. Only topped the main shoot. In a week or two I will top all side branches that ware reaching the top, and the main shoot one more time. I will then wait for growth another 3 weeks to a month, with LST and defoliation. Then flip. The transplant stressed plant (plant 2) was showing more signs of bad health than the other. Plant 1 only had slight nutrient burn, so this week when I watered I upped the amount of water and lowered the overall nutrients. This should had diluted it enough and lowered ppm. I currently do not have a tds meter as the last one I had was cheap. This run all I have is a apera instruments PH meter, I decided to invest in high quality instruments, so will get a new tds meter down the line. Also I waited one week to water, as I wanted to see how long it took for my plants to get thirsty. I have 2 other plants in this tent, the Jelly donutz seem to have last the longest without wilting. Going that full week. From now on I will be watering every 4-5 days until my girls need more.
Compared to the other 2 plants in my tent. This jelly dontz are growing at a slower rate.