Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. Decided to finally finish this diary, I took my time with his one ;) Now we cut the second POGP auto plant, the first cut you can find in week 17. The plant from week 17 weighted 660g. wet, this one finished at 1,85kg. wet. The girls where autoflower but thanks to me starting this grow in cold day temps (14 degree Celsius) the started flower really late, maybe that's also the reason for all my problems with this strain during the grow?! The two plants where different phenotypes, the smaller one (from Week 17)though small had nice hard flowers, the bigger one as the only plant from four I grew during the growop started foxtailing. Both of them branched nicely the smell was quite strong and awoul xD like gasoline and something rotten, it smelled so bad i checked a couple times under microscope for any signs of mold in the flower and to my suprise I found nothing. Thank God later during drying the smell would subdue to a more generic "hazediesel" smell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE7000 done it's magic with this grow as with all my other grow ops. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture ($ to gram) here's the link: https://spider-farmer.com/products/spider-farmer-upgraded-se7000-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/ A shout out to SSSC for the gift of genetics: supersativaseedclub.com/ Thank you all for your companionship on this voyage, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I did. Also thank you for this awesome year together here.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. Decided to finally finish this diary, I took my time with his one ;) Now we cut the second POGP auto plant, the first cut you can find in week 17. The plant from week 17 weighted 660g. wet, this one finished at 1,85kg. wet. The girls where autoflower but thanks to me starting this grow in cold day temps (14 degree Celsius) the started flower really late, maybe that's also the reason for all my problems with this strain during the grow?! The two plants where different phenotypes, the smaller one (from Week 17)though small had nice hard flowers, the bigger one as the only plant from four I grew during the growop started foxtailing. Both of them branched nicely the smell was quite strong and awoul xD like gasoline and something rotten, it smelled so bad i checked a couple times under microscope for any signs of mold in the flower and to my suprise I found nothing. Thank God later during drying the smell would subdue to a more generic "hazediesel" smell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE7000 done it's magic with this grow as with all my other grow ops. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture ($ to gram) here's the link: https://spider-farmer.com/products/spider-farmer-upgraded-se7000-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/ A shout out to SSSC for the gift of genetics: supersativaseedclub.com/ Thank you all for your companionship on this voyage, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I did. Also thank you for this awesome year together here.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. Decided to finally finish this diary, I took my time with his one ;) Now we cut the second POGP auto plant, the first cut you can find in week 17. The plant from week 17 weighted 660g. wet, this one finished at 1,85kg. wet. The girls where autoflower but thanks to me starting this grow in cold day temps (14 degree Celsius) the started flower really late, maybe that's also the reason for all my problems with this strain during the grow?! The two plants where different phenotypes, the smaller one (from Week 17)though small had nice hard flowers, the bigger one as the only plant from four I grew during the growop started foxtailing. Both of them branched nicely the smell was quite strong and awoul xD like gasoline and something rotten, it smelled so bad i checked a couple times under microscope for any signs of mold in the flower and to my suprise I found nothing. Thank God later during drying the smell would subdue to a more generic "hazediesel" smell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE7000 done it's magic with this grow as with all my other grow ops. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture ($ to gram) here's the link: https://spider-farmer.com/products/spider-farmer-upgraded-se7000-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/ A shout out to SSSC for the gift of genetics: supersativaseedclub.com/ Thank you all for your companionship on this voyage, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I did. Also thank you for this awesome year together here.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. Decided to finally finish this diary, I took my time with his one ;) Now we cut the second POGP auto plant, the first cut you can find in week 17. The plant from week 17 weighted 660g. wet, this one finished at 1,85kg. wet. The girls where autoflower but thanks to me starting this grow in cold day temps (14 degree Celsius) the started flower really late, maybe that's also the reason for all my problems with this strain during the grow?! The two plants where different phenotypes, the smaller one (from Week 17)though small had nice hard flowers, the bigger one as the only plant from four I grew during the growop started foxtailing. Both of them branched nicely the smell was quite strong and awoul xD like gasoline and something rotten, it smelled so bad i checked a couple times under microscope for any signs of mold in the flower and to my suprise I found nothing. Thank God later during drying the smell would subdue to a more generic "hazediesel" smell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE7000 done it's magic with this grow as with all my other grow ops. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture ($ to gram) here's the link: https://spider-farmer.com/products/spider-farmer-upgraded-se7000-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/ A shout out to SSSC for the gift of genetics: supersativaseedclub.com/ Thank you all for your companionship on this voyage, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I did. Also thank you for this awesome year together here.
Die Pflanzen sind stark und sehnen sich nach Licht. Das Wetter ist sehr trüb. Viele Regenschauer. Die geringe Luftfeuchtigkeit versuche ich mit einem elektronischen Luftbefeuchter zu erhöhen (siehe 1 Video).
Die Pflanzen sind stark und sehnen sich nach Licht. Das Wetter ist sehr trüb. Viele Regenschauer. Die geringe Luftfeuchtigkeit versuche ich mit einem elektronischen Luftbefeuchter zu erhöhen (siehe 1 Video).
Excited to try a couple more of these seeds. Might just do all different strains since they didn't finish at the same time and I've got a ton of auto seeds right now anyways. First auto grow, pretty nice not having to worry about light leaks in my cheap tent. Gonna keep on the autos until I can upgrade my grow space. I'll give a smoke report in a few weeks. Smells amazing already!
Es hat sich viel getan. Das Wetter war gut. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit und die Temperaturen sind teilweise extrem (40 Grad / 25 %Luftfeuchtigkeit). Die Pflanzen stört es soweit nicht. Die Auto Orange hat den Anfang gemacht. Mittlerweile (Tag 36) zeigen alle ihre Vorblüte. Die Auto Orange sind beide um die 60 cm. Die Lemon Kix sind alle sehr groß geworden. Da kratzen 2 an die 90 cm. Sie fangen auch an zu riechen. Der Wasserbedarf steigt auch. Giessen muss ich alle zwei Tage. Batboost bekommen sie bei jedem mal. Bloom wird bei jedem 2 Mal gegeben. Ein gewisses LST habe ich durchgeführt. Die Pflanzenbieger kann ich höchstens 2 Tage dran lassen. Sind sie länger dran brechen mir die Triebe am Bieger. Wahrscheinlich wäre das runter binden und am Topf befestigen die beste Option.
Es hat sich viel getan. Das Wetter war gut. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit und die Temperaturen sind teilweise extrem (40 Grad / 25 %Luftfeuchtigkeit). Die Pflanzen stört es soweit nicht. Die Auto Orange hat den Anfang gemacht. Mittlerweile (Tag 36) zeigen alle ihre Vorblüte. Die Auto Orange sind beide um die 60 cm. Die Lemon Kix sind alle sehr groß geworden. Da kratzen 2 an die 90 cm. Sie fangen auch an zu riechen. Der Wasserbedarf steigt auch. Giessen muss ich alle zwei Tage. Batboost bekommen sie bei jedem mal. Bloom wird bei jedem 2 Mal gegeben. Ein gewisses LST habe ich durchgeführt. Die Pflanzenbieger kann ich höchstens 2 Tage dran lassen. Sind sie länger dran brechen mir die Triebe am Bieger. Wahrscheinlich wäre das runter binden und am Topf befestigen die beste Option.
Week 8 has gone well and she is chugging along. She is still putting out new pistils with some turning orange. Calyx's are growing longer and buds are still soft. I'm thinking a min of 10 weeks flowering for her. I removed some leaves on inner canopy to bring some air and light deeper. She is so bushy its hard to even defoliate maybe next time i will remove some more lateral branches... afterremoving the leaves I must have come incontact with a pollen sack as where I defoliated all seemed to be polinated over night and are making seeds :( I will cut my losses and harvest while seeds are still small.
09.06 I finally see some progress again, leaves are loosing their colours and the trichomes start to get more milky beside that I see the first amber ones on the sugar leaves. I think it's the lasst week before the harvest. It's not top quality in fact of all my testings I did to her but am happy about the grow and also really happy that it comes to an end slowly. I learned a lot with this grow again and really feel like I made the next step for myself in growning my own stuff when I took the learnings from here and see how my other grows just participate from this one.
I started the GSC seeds from HSC by soaking in a glass of water overnight then planted in coco coir under a humidity dome in my veg tent. I will plant them in flower box in a couple weeks when they can handle the feed that my BB clone is on right now. On day 5 my 2 other Gsc seeds rotted perhaps too wet but I have one good remaining for this run. I started White widow seeds and will run 2 phenos. Gsc is looking good so far.
Diese Woche hat sie einen richtigen Schub gehabt. Weiterhin Greenhouse BioGrow 1g über die erde und 1ml flüssig Wurzel/Pflanzen Booster