About this diary>
So I've made it to the end! This baby didnt die on me! This diary was half a record for myself, to keep improving and contrasting against my future grows in and out of this wonderful platform (growdiaries), and half a tutorial for other noobs like me. That's why I wrote somewhat long explanations about some of the things I myself found confusing during this and last grow. I also repeated myself, but again mostly because I was trying to learn while doing. I got some help from other growers in the community, which was very nice, and different from trying to figuring out everything by oneself. This girl stretched a lot! from about 30 cm at the end of flower to about 90 cm before harvest, it survived nutrient burn, an accident were I dropped something heavy on her on flower, accidentally chopping a branch during LST and spider mites. However, still yielded nicely. I cant imagine what these genetics could become in the hands of a master grower!!
About the growing conditions>
The idea of the grow was, not only to learn how to grow a somewhat long flowering strain (6 week veg, 10 weeks flower) but also doing it very cheaply. I think the most expensive thing I bought was the seed from RQS. I built my own light fixture (from 4x 4.00CAD COBs from aliexpress), some cardboard, wire, sticks, tape and aluminum foil. I also used dollar store nutrients (like 15% of a 15-15-15 veg mix, and a 15-30-15 flowering mix). I timed this strain to finish a few weeks before the temperature really starts dropping outside, and was always able to keep it around 20-29C without any air conditioner/heater.
About growing amnesia haze>
I harvested this plant on the early side, but I found it a challenge not to harvest earlier! Since many weeks ago the delicious smell has been filling the room and some parts of the house... Plus, its a long wait... However, I think it was very well rewarded :)
As I said, the high is creative, giggly, energetic and uplifting, at least from the premature samples we got. I will update this once the real deal is dry and cured :)
About the harvest>
Well in terms of numbers, I will update this when the weed is done drying, but I can do an estimate right now... each sample I took weighted about 1.45g wet, and dried to a 25% of that (0.35 g each)... It means that what I weighted from the harvest (412.86g + a bunch of trim) would probably weight about 100g when dry... Let's see how it goes in a week or two :)