So I had absolutely no ill effect on the plants at at all moving from the green buzz veg feed too the house & garden soil a&b feeds,
I did not even given them a water only inbetween the two,
I also went straight in with 50% the recommended dose stated on the house & Gardens bottles this switched happened the day before week 5 none showed any signed of defects or deficiency intact they exploded into life over night and then every day after that, I have been using the green buzz fast buds as a folar spry appied too the leaves of the early flower formation after lights out,
They seemed too love that too and I also kept the note roots going in,
I also started too apply C-RESULT at the fullbl dose stated on the bottle,
The plants live this stuff if you have not tried it do it,
I am not sponcered by c-result I was given this by my local grow store,
It brings all the nutrients straight too the roots it states,
All I know is this stuff triggers the plants too suck the pots dry in 24 hours,
So make sure you have your feed bucket fully in order before adding this stuff as a mistake here could cost you,
But get it right and in 24 hours these little autos doubled in size,
It states too used week one of flower only and smells like a sewer lol
I have today day one of week 6
Started too add house & garden
Bud XL at half strength too increase next week and also I added there top shooter at 1ml per liter of water as 7 as I plan too removed all chemicals exactly as of day 1 of week 7 leaving me week 9 clean, I am training all the shooting tips too my scrog netting the best I can due too very limited space in the grow space,
And am praying for some of the promised purple leaves on the fast buds Web site, I did not too these this time,
I has on lemon pie this round that is 2 weeks behind the rest due too non germination but I am wondering if a staggered planting each plant exactly one week behind each other would give me a little more canapé space and the treat of harvesting a plant every week,
Using the skyline 1000 only
I did not too any of these autos
2 x strawberry cheese cake
2 x lemon pie
4 x fyah
Sounds like a plan too me,
Thanks for reading