Día 90 (15/04) Purple Lemonade FF empieza a teñir de morado las puntas de sus hojas, a la vez que tiene una senescencia preciosa donde sus hojas se tiñen de amarillo limón... Día 91 (16/04) Riego 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 92 (17/04) Estas plantas están muy sedientas en la fase final! Riego 1 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 93 (18/04) El olor empieza a es tan intenso que sale a través del armario a pesar de tener un potente filtro de carbono 😍😍😍 Día 94 (19/04) Mañana la cosecha! Último riego con 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 95 (20/04) Fiesta de la cosecha! 💪 🚀 🎉 😍💥💨😁 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - ----------------------------------------------- Cosecha Reporte de Peso húmedo & Peso Seco de Purple Lemonade FF by FastBuds ⚖️ Total peso húmedo 353 g ⚖️ Total peso seco TBD 💦Pérdida de H2O durante el proceso de secado TBD 🎨Colores Los colores han sido preciosos, verde brillante durante toda su vida y al final ha empezado a teñir de morado las puntas de sus hojas, a la vez que tiene una senescencia preciosa donde sus hojas se tiñen de amarillo limón… 😍 👃Olores 💐Floración Fuerte aroma a limón (en momentos a “friega suelos” de limón), tierra, skunk… 🏜️ Secado TBD 🍗 Curado TBD 🍽️Sabor A definir cuando esté bien curada en el reporte de humo Variedad 💪Resistencia Una planta resistente que ha soportado el peso final de los cogollos. Solo una de sus ramas que tenía un cogollo muy gordo ha necesitado soporte con cañas de bambú o similar 🏋️‍♂️Entrenamiento: Se ha adaptado bien al LST realizado. 🌱Vegetativo: Un vegetativo muy parejo, como si hubiese tenido Topping, pero no! 💐 Floración: Un paso a floración rápido (5 días desde 12/12), un stretch del 300% pero con todas ramas a la misma altura prácticamente! ¡Impresionante! Genética: El resumen sería un perfil terpénico impresionante por la mezcla definida antes y unos cogollos muy gordos y densos con colores preciosos y aroma delicioso 👨‍⚖️Conclusión: Una cepa muy muy recomendable! ¡A ver cuando se seque y se cure con qué sabores nos sorprende!
In general i am very satisfied considering the biggest problem i had which was the heat during all the growing period. I also had a power cut which stressed the plant very much to the point it stopped growing for a few days ( the most critical days 😡 😤 ) and developed 3 finger leaves. Despite the heat the buds are very frosty, they have a very strong smell like fruits and diesel and the density is decent. The buds dried for 9 days at 22 °C and 60% RH and now are placed at PP tapers with boveda envelops to cure. Smoke report at 2-3 weeks.
Very easy strain to grow that’s has little to no stretch from transition from veg to flower. Fairly quick flowering time. Super fat, dense buds. Real unique tasting strain as I can’t pin point an exact flavour. Good all round strain. If you grow her you’ll need to veg her to the final size you want her at. Loads of purple in my pheno, which is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
I am very satisfied with the result. despite the difficulties she has grown very nicely. i have learned a lot and am already looking forward to my next grow. thank you for your support and advice.
I was very surprised with the outcome i didnt expect much from an auto much less a first grow but my has she really impressed id suggest for a first time growing but im going to start searching for higher potency strain with better germ rates this was the only 1 of 5 who pulled threw. im working on my next run and will be catching it up later today0
After one month late, two girls gave me nicebuds smelling diesel and strawberries.. Two other are still in flowering for 3weeks i think.. Colas are good size, the head buzz will blow you
Went away for a week but no massive problems and she's oretty resilient so happy days! Few more weeks hoping for a bit more bulk in the buds.!
it's been a pleasure growing this plant outdoors as usual.. great results every year same clone off mother produces heavier than usual buds.. with minimal fertilizers.. 25% the amount of indoors chemicals
Not a personal favourite of mine but thats not to say others won't love it. Overall good strain, nice buds too. Thanks to RQS for the opportunity to grow her. 0
This was my first grow and I did a bunch of research but I mostly figured it out as I went and I really enjoyed this strain. It was very resistant and took about 90-92 days from germination to harvest. The strain seemed to bounce back extremely well even after a heavy trimming. Did not really run into any health issues with the strain other than what I diagnosed as Leaf Septoria which is caused from to much humidity and not enough circulation. But overall will grow again and was very accurately advertised by Canuk Seeds. Ended up with 256grams from this grow which I was pleasantly surprised with. Saved all the shake and made Cannabutter and Bubble Hash. Both turned out okay but with room for improvement in the future.
In general i am very satisfied considering the biggest problem i had which was the heat during all the growing period. I also had a power cut which stressed the plant very much to the point it stopped growing for a few days ( the most critical days 😡 😤 ) and developed 3 finger leaves. Despite the heat the buds are very frosty, they have a very strong smell like brown sugar and cookies and the density is decent. The buds dried for 9 days at 22 °C and 60% RH and now are placed at PP tapers with boveda envelops to cure. Smoke report at 2-3 weeks.