Toda esta fantasía se hace realidad gracias a Royal Queen Seeds y @James por confiar en mí. 🚀💥 Fiel a su linaje genético, la Hyperion F1 ofrece un aroma intenso que está dominado por notas frescas de pino y hierba, junto con un trasfondo terroso y un delicioso toque especiado. Aunque todos nuestros híbridos F1 producen excelentes concentraciones de cannabinoides y terpenos, no hay duda de que la Hyperion destaca entre el resto. Sus cogollos alargados y escarchados producen una resina rica y cargada de cannabinoides (sobre todo THC), y terpenos como mirceno, ocimeno, farneseno, terpinoleno, cariofileno y humuleno. Esto no solo da lugar a un aroma muy fuerte, sino también a un efecto bien equilibrado que combina una relajación física (en gran parte gracias al mirceno y al farneseno) con la euforia, risa y efecto motivador de otros terpenos. Al igual que el dios de la luz del mismo nombre, la Hyperion F1 causa un subidón esclarecedor que se puede disfrutar a cualquier hora del día. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://www.royalqueenseeds.es/semillas-de-marihuana-hibridas-f1/622-hyperion-f1.html 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 9: Gran semana, la planta parece que ha terminado de crecer y centra toda su energía en desarrollar los futuros cogollos, los erizos 🦔 son apreciables. @xpertnutrients está haciendo un buen trabajo, ella consume algo de sus recursos lentamente como a mi me gusta . Vienen lluvias 😡
Rather big and greedy plant, doesn't demand a lot of attention. Has shown good reaction to scrog and lst. I've already grown it once, and I'm sure I'll do it again. Довольно большое и прожорливое растение, не требует повышенного внимания, хорошо реагирует на scrog и lst. Поднимаю уже не в первый и точно не в последний раз:)
3oz dry weight from 1 plant! The maximum I've managed before was 18g and 20g per plant so a huge improvement from my first grow. Only issue is the buds came out airy, the tent was a bit hot throughout so think I need to up the airflow to remove excess heat in future grows. :) I've sealed the bud into mason jars now for curing, hopefully should be smokable in the early new year!
She was quick and pretty good 👰 I was out of meds and just went as quick as possible 🐇 barely any veg time Another reason that I was quick with her was I wanted to squish her. I bought myself a press for my birthday 🎁 ( Dulytek 1005). I put BOOST packages in the 🏺 hoping she’d get wet and good for squishing. Only smoked 💨💨💨so far. Got my submission for the “ White Ash” competition 💨 Funny thing is I tried several times. Couple times forgot, 1 time issues with 🎥 camera- aww shucks- guess I get to roll another 😀🆒✊🏼
This was a very ups and downs type grow . I feel very blessed to get buds from this crop . It was a big one . Now I got the confidence back and will be full steam ahead . "NO QUIT"
12/23 - Harvest! I spent just shy of 5 hours trimming this lady. She is classed as an "XXL" variety and it would certainly seem so! I'm hoping to set yet a new personal record with this harvest, but I won't know till she has fully dried. She ended up as 628g wet and 178g of frosty trim for hash later. To be clear, because the harvest page doesn't reflect it properly, she was ScrOGed into an 18"x18" footprint (1/4 of a 3'x3' tent). Also, the whole tent is lit with 2x Mars Hydro SP150. Each one is 140w at the wall and has a flowering footprint of 18"x36". Since I used two of these lights for two flowering plants, regardless of footprint, I will be giving my GPW figure here in the comments based on usage of 140w. (2 plants/2 lights = 1 light/plant) I will update further as drying progresses. 12/26 - Plants dried somewhat quicker than desired due to lower RH (45%). All told, 126g dry weight not counting any trim. 126g/140w = 0.9GPW. One thing that is very noticeable as it dries is the emergence of a specific citrus/pine scent that is closest to Mango as I can describe. The Herbal and Peppery aspects seem to die down as the Mango gets much stronger with dry, and I'm hoping even more so with a good, proper cure. Smoke report to come within the next 2 weeks.
A nice Harvest From a nice plant , she had some nutrients problems but she din't care . Gave me a nice 40 Grams yield I'm just realy satisfied nice's looking and smelling plant i ever had!
Growing this purple was easy Going most of the way, Only drawback was she grew so big it was hard anchoring her down in the basket from the tilts, but once she was down she put on a show. Her heavy Buds were thick, hard oozing resin was potent and sticky I quickly scooped up some falling Trichomes from beneath my tray Loaded my chamber 220c and 8hrs later I finished my day.Probably could have taken half that time had i not loaded that first bowl then the next....... 😎 Just a tad over 12 Oz on my quest to hit 1 pound per plant. Some exciting Donated Seeds Coming My way. Stay Tuned Find out who they are and What I'm growing next, Going to be some exciting shit. Thanks for following😍
Okay I like this strain if I get an indica pheno buds are solid and frosty dank sticky smell like chocolate earthy pungent very colourful buds buds swell alot on the indica pheno and Day 77 from seed plant 3 harvest she cant support herself this pheno reminds me of blue cheese very pungent when handled small but rock hard buds keep you updated on smoke report after cure plus the other 2 plants 👍 Plant 1 harvested on 11th December 81 day from seed will update with pictures
harvest was 4 days ago. she ended in 107 days of life of that 57 days in flowering. This girl grew some big and beautiful buds, the biggest buds of the tent. She grew stocky and short and smelling on forest fruit and of course that dank cannabis smell. buds will be in a dry box for 5-7 days. and then I will know the result of wight and taste. other info will update in a few days whit dry buds
so my first clones are ready to go into flowering period. all clones done from me . some left over seeds are also in that tent but most ist wedding gelato green punch and afghan og.. lets c how they react when put small into flower and how they develope for my SOG project.
Hello everyone 🙂 Here we are finally with the Harwest report of this fantastic variety🍪                                  COOKIES KUSH from Barney's Farm..                                                   GIRL SCOUT COOKIES ×ROLLEX OG KUSH..                                                  I love this hybrid , from seed to flower, so I will try to be as partial and honest as possible, although I have very little negative to say, maybe nothing..                               But let's we started..                                 Initially I germinated three seeds, all three born after two days at a constant temperature around 24 °, placed inside two pieces of wet paper, in turn closed between two coffee saucers..                                              I was unable to post the first two weeks because I was on vacation by the sea, finding the best canarian cannabis social club, while they were growing up😎: 1:                            Towards the end of the third week the show started🎬..                                             A massive attack of thrips led me to have to use neem oil to try to counter these little ones. bastards🙄.                                              The oil was sprayed on the leaves using a pump sprayer..                                First though mixed it with about 1/5 of potassium soap, as I have always found written to do..                        As you can see in the first photos📷 the plant (and also her two sister in diari "COOKIES×KUSH") has undergone enormous stress making the leaves as if they had been bitten by some animal..                             But the fault was all of neem oil or the wrong mix🤷‍♂️                 Trying to inform me here and there, I did not find much specific information, but I really believe that the plant has undergone a phytotoxic effect as a reaction following the use of the neem oil..                                                     The despair was great, but I tried to remain calm and understand what had happened in the hope that the effect would not extend going to compromise the health of the plant💆‍♂️🧘‍♂️..                                     After a couple of weeks in the Flowering cycle, this great Cookies pheno recovered great and as if nothing had tripled in size, maintaining a beautiful main top with vigor branches full of dense buds all around..                                               In the first week of flowering I cut the first two branches, focusing the energies on the upper ones.. After a few days I made a super Cropping on the central top, always trying to increase the vigor of the branches below💪🌲..          And the plant has always reacted very well, as if nothing had happened..                                          I also thought of defoliating, but then I left the idea to not stress it further..                                               In carrying out the final transplant I placed mycorrize in the ground, directly in contact with the roots..                                            In the first week of flowering I gave again once a bit of fish mix to facilitate the stretch phase..                                            Later during the flowering I used the slow release organic powder of the Greenhouse, plus twice the Biobloom fertilizer from Biobizz..I increased everything with biomass biomass , once / twice, more enchancers once through irrigation (always greenhouse), more than molasses..                                           I also gave some banana macerate made by me, but honestly I don't know if it influenced or not exactly, but I don't think bad did it..            Flowering was very quiet and without too many complications, if not some insect that I tried to fight using yellow and blue traps..                  After 55 days from the transition to 12/12 I could have safely cut, but I decided to wait a ten more days, up to 65 °..                               Towards the end of flowering, this beautiful girl had fantastic colors..                                              The yellow of most of the leaves, due to the discharge of nutrients, contrasted very well with the purple color that had taken on the other leaves and in small part also the flowers..                             Unfortunately in the photo does not give a good idea of ​​how beautiful it was..                               The plant, as I usually do, was cut entirely and placed upside down in a wooden wardrobe controlled temperature and humidity, without becoming too crazy, always trying to maintain a balance..                                        More or less I always dried around 21/24 ° with a ur around 55/60%..                                        After about 7 days, when the outer leaves were dry enough to the touch, but not to crumble, I cut the branches to one by one keeping the flowers attached..                                            I then performed a manicure in a best  art-way possible..                                         Nice, slow hands trimming..buds to buds..                                                                               Afterwards I put the branches with the flowers on a net for about a day and a half..                                 When I heard that the Popcorn Buds came off without leaving "the thread", I cut all the flowers from the branches and I have them stored inside a brown paper bag..                                                       I left them inside for about two days until the flowers were almost completely dry as I wanted, always being careful not to let them dry out too much.. This phase is very delicate so you need to check the condition of the flowers several times a day.. Once ready I put them inside an airtight jar..                                    For 24 hours I didn't open, letting the humidity present in the flowers come out making them still slightly wet..                           After a day, I found that the flowers had moistened to the touch, but not in an excessive way, just as I wanted..                                           From this moment on, I ap straight up the pot about three / four times a day at a distance of about 6h (always without getting too mad)..                                            For the first week I did so, then going to decrease the openings in the following two weeks..                                  After three weeks the perfume is came to be created in a clear, sweet and pungent way..                                                                               The first few weeks of opening the jar, for those who may not know it, it is normal to feel a fragrance of almost wet hay, which leads you to believe that you have made mistakes going to eliminate those incredible aromatic notes present during flowering..but not it is so..                                                               The cure process, if well carried out, leads to reducing from time to time that unpleasant smell of hay until it transforms into that complex bouquet of terpenes that are cannabis can give..                                                                    It is fantastic to observe the transformation in the terpene profile during this phase♥️🤩..                                    I think it is a highlight, where patience and attention play a fundamental role in being able to obtain a high quality product, from connoisseur..  Just my opinion🤗                             Cannabis, if well tanned, maintains and intensifies its aroma and potency in the coming months📆..                                            The flowers burn slowly and steadily inside lla map releasing intense aromas💐..                            The smoke inhaling it remains soft and velvety without creating throat disorders..                                 I believe this phase is fundamental to be able to enjoy a unique product with organoleptic characteristics which it is difficult not to fall in love with👌..                                            In the case of this variety, specifically of this pheno, the aroma is undoubtedly mint, mint mint with some sweet earthy notes..                                              Very complex..                                 The taste in smoke is more tending to earth, but very sweet and delicate with other notes that I can't to recognize, complex to describe, but mint is not very present as in the perfume (after 40 days of care)..                    Basically you are faced with a kush 2.0 , very very good and powerful..                                           A must have for kush lover's👌🏆..         As you can see in the video, the grass burns very well going to fill the map with oil..                             The joint in question is obviously a pure without tobacco, rolled with organic papers and organic filter. If well cared for it gives off scents that potentially can hear hundreds of meters, so be careful you have neighbors (Ps, mine are the ones that nobody would like)..    I do a smoke test only to evaluate if the treatment process has been successful, otherwise in my days I usually use vaporizers ( mighty / ghostmv1 / dynavap m / vulcano sometimes )..                                  Thanks very much to those who created them🙏🙏🙏🔝🔝..                                         Anyway                                                In the test carried out with mighty (from 177 ° to 195 °) the aroma is pungent, much more than in smoke..                                      Excellent Kush flavor, sweet enough but with earthy and spicy notes..                                       Complex to describe and I would not add anything else to try to be as honest as possible..                             Regarding the effect, I won't go too far..                                              In general it is a herb that acts on the body, leaving the mind calm and able to do anything (at least for me)..                                             As a good Kush that respects itself..                                                   It is not not at all mentally invasive..                                   Wanting to be honest though, most of my friends (all daily smokers, around 30) are overwhelmed by this variety because it relaxes them too much..                                                 I personally find myself to be god and I could use it in every moment of the day, also before intense physical activity.. something that does not always happen with sativa..                       Just for this subject🤯.                                               In this way I cut the plant when the trichomes were roughly 10% amber and the remaining milk color..                                                   It was a great experience to see this girl grow up..                                                      Her strength and endurance were impressive and maybe I was lucky to have the problem of neem oil with her, because she endured great, allowing me to learn without compromising too much the final result..another plant would probably die..                                                      I thank everyone who read the diary over the various weeks..                                               And thanks Grow Diaries for creating this community and connecting with it🙏🙏👌👌..                                                        For more and more precise info I refer you to watch every single week where I tried to post everything as precisely as possible..                                             I hope you had Fun..          Remember to make some ClouDs☁️        And to the next story diary 😉🌱..                     Thanks for the support🙏💚 Bye ✌️ Ps. The final weight of the flowers is calculated with only the main buds, dried, cleaned from each leaflet and finally cured for more than a month. The 205w light must be divided by three (she is the one who has used the least amount seen the position in the grow) Hope you enjoy Happy growing As always, hope English will good