- Ich hab die erste Woche des Biobizz Allmix Düngeschemas gestartet und gebe wie immer erstmal vorsichtige 100%, da meine Erde an sich durch den Kompost recht potent sein sollte. - Außerdem hab ich mit meinem Calmag-Rechner mein Leitungswasser angepasst. Die Werte könnt ihr auf den Bildern sehen. - Den PH-Wert passe ich ebenfalls auf 6,5 an.# - Die Lampe bringt zur Zeit etwa einen PPFD-Wert von 350 - 360 µmol/s/m² bei 18 Stunden Beleuchtungszeit (DLI von 22 - 23 mol/d/m²). Sie wird aber nur eingesetzt bis es warm genug draußen bleibt. Tagsüber stehen sie jetzt schon draußen, sofern es nicht regnet oder stürmt. Die Guava macht sich hervorragend und sie ist sehr uniform mit den anderen Fastbuds Strains bis jetzt. Sieht gut aus finde ich 💪😁👍
Surprised by the size and can’t wait for It wtf they growing big let’s go 💪
Привет 🖖 С новым годом 🎅 2022 самый ужасный год в моей жизни! Он был сложным во всем, экономический кризис, война....... Я добавил видео, это 2 ракеты 31 декабря упали рядом с моим домом, русские нацисты обстреляли жилой район, умерла девушка 22 года ей было..... 4 человека получили ранения..... Так страшно ещё не было! Мы встречали новый год под обстрелы ракет и звук сирен тревоги в полной темноте...... Россия государство террорист убийца 😣 Это мой блог и я хочу здесь делится своими чувствами и эмоциями, что бы больше людей знали что происходит. А теперь дневник. На этой неделе растения стабильно получали 20 часов света, это очень помогло им стать больше и сильнее. Я продолжаю тренировки LST. На этой неделе была обрезка веерных листьев, я часто практикую дефолиацию автоцветов. Надеюсь проблем со светом не будет, растения уже показали "усы" свой пол, значит стадия предцвета будет примерно через неделю, хочу что бы они стали ещё больше и набрали "мяса" массу. Ещё раз поздравляю всех с новым годом. Мира вам и вашим семьям, и мирного неба, что бы в ваш дом не прилетали ракеты. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Привет 🖖 С новым годом 🎅 2022 самый ужасный год в моей жизни! Он был сложным во всем, экономический кризис, война....... Я добавил видео, это 2 ракеты 31 декабря упали рядом с моим домом, русские нацисты обстреляли жилой район, умерла девушка 22 года ей было..... 4 человека получили ранения..... Так страшно ещё не было! Мы встречали новый год под обстрелы ракет и звук сирен тревоги в полной темноте...... Россия государство террорист убийца 😣 Это мой блог и я хочу здесь делится своими чувствами и эмоциями, что бы больше людей знали что происходит. А теперь дневник. На этой неделе растения стабильно получали 20 часов света, это очень помогло им стать больше и сильнее. Я продолжаю тренировки LST. На этой неделе была обрезка веерных листьев, я часто практикую дефолиацию автоцветов. Надеюсь проблем со светом не будет, растения уже показали "усы" свой пол, значит стадия предцвета будет примерно через неделю, хочу что бы они стали ещё больше и набрали "мяса" массу. Ещё раз поздравляю всех с новым годом. Мира вам и вашим семьям, и мирного неба, что бы в ваш дом не прилетали ракеты. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Starting to take on some colors in the pistils on one of the 3 phenos.. this is when things will start happening quickly!
Happy new year! Hope 2023 will bring us peace and prosperity! Week 5 is all about growth. Im amazed by Mimosa’s pace. Every morning I’m opening the tent to a bigger stronger plant. Had issues with much higher PH in runoff compared to input (6.5 vs 5.8) and thanks to Roberts and GrowingGrannie i came to solving the issue by increasing the EC. FYI - in coco coir: higher PH in runoff means girls are hungry and need to be fed. Lower PH - overfeeding. Learning everyday! Today (day 35) started seeing a little bit of yellow tips on top so reduced the ec to 1.75 and gave the 4 liter each with 25% runoff. I’m running out of space for mimosa, i was not expecting her to grow so much. Need to consider a 100*100 tent and a bigger light of course. But prolly will keep the existing setup and just stick to growing 1-2 plants at a time i/o 4 right now. Mimosa is preparing for flowering, started giving her Canna Boost and seeing white hairs all over, she confirmed she is a lady :) Cookies is a little behind in height but i believe she’ll catch up. Mr wolf now has a swing and can chill in the shade. Week 6 will start watering every day. Thanks you, growmies, for being the best community in the world. Love you! Peace. Ps How to get the diary in “recommended” Its seems that my first diary was exposed much more. Just curious how the algorithm works.
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾, Continue to grow well 🌲🌲, very easy strain, Only one issue this week, I've broken 1 stems during the train 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. The stem is broken more than 75%, I don't think will recover. But it's ok I've saved 3 nodes on this plants before topping. I'll could transplanted them next week in 11l and definitive pot, the Fat Banana should harvested ✂️✂️. And we'll have a better idea to prepare the scrog. Because still in 2l start to be very little lol...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😳😳😅😅 💦 I give water each 2 or 3 days 350 and 400ml/plant Water + rhizo + tera vega Water + Rhizo + canazym PH@6 Lamp is 100% Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Happy new year 🎉 🥂 family farmer 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾 See you next week 👊👊 Mars Hydro - TS 1000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ts-1000-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - FC3000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - SP3000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/sp-3000-samsung-lm301b-greenhouse-led-grow-light The High Chameleon - Vannila T https://www.thehighchameleon.com/shop/vanilla-t-5
10.11.2022 130 giorni dal seme al raccolto 70 giorni tondi di fioritura 1590 grammi il peso a umido delle 2 piante, sicuramente un buon risultato in un box con all'interno altre 8 piante. La struttura della pianta si presenta con rami allungati tipicamente sativa, facilmente addestrabili sia con Scrog, sia con LST. Ho dovuto puntellare con aste reggi rami le infiorescenze che nelle ultime settimane piegavano i rami verso il basso. il profumo che emanano questi fiori è qualcosa di straordinario, vanno dal dolce e agrumano, mandarino limone e caramello, si intercettano note floreali di lavanda ed erbe aromatiche. Sicuramente aggiornerò il profumo e sopratutto il sapore ad asciugatura ultimata
Overall I am satisfied with this grow and harvest . The plant was extremely resilient. She was a beast and in a better environment she would have been even more amazing. She smells great . I refuse to smoke her before she’s fully cured . So I’ll be back in a little over a month with the update
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾, Nothing special to say, girls are more and more sweet 😍😍, leaves start turning to purple 💜💜. I continue the training and prepare my scrog, I'll could transplanted them next week in 11l and definitive pot, the Fat Banana should harvested ✂️✂️. And we'll have a better idea to prepare the scrog. Because still in 2l start to be very little lol...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😳😳😅😅 💦 I give water each 2 or 3 days 400 and 450 ml/plant Water + rhizo + terra vega Water + Rhyzo + canazym PH@6 Lamp @100% Happy new year 🎉 🥂 family farmer 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾. Bisous 💋😘, and see you next week. Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - TS 1000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ts-1000-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - FC3000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - SP3000 https://www.mars-hydro.com/sp-3000-samsung-lm301b-greenhouse-led-grow-light The High Chameleon - Bisous Au THC 💋💋🌲🌲😘😘 https://www.thehighchameleon.com/shop/bisous-au-thc-83
Sherb Biker, starting to crystal. The purples and dsrker hues should begin to appear soon and these buds will swell very big over the, next little bit. Nothing much to report. Decided after reading some articles about using chlorine/bleach as a sterilizing agent. Going to test it out and compare the final product to one finished about 2 months earlier.
Hello, Day 40 and day 42, Flower Phase , PGK, After Nute Burn problem, i did a good flush as a solution and its works, Edges burn seems stops. Now after 10 Days I am going to use new correct NPK dose (0.6-3-3), Hope everything is gona ok Thanks Guys Day 40 - 13/12/22 Day 42 - 15/12/22
Week 2 in the books. I trimmed more lowers to help shape the tops the way I like. Swapped ratios from veg to flower to start the flowering process. One more week until autopilot.
Hello, Day 56, Flower Phase , Gelat.OG, Final week of flower phase is started, Day 63 or week 9 I am planing to harvest the plant, Trichomes still cloudy but in some buds I can see slightly amber color on Trichomes, I ll ask a QUS before I do the harvest anyways. PS there is BUD ROT Prob just seen it Yesterday 31-12-22 - Seeking answer for that grow QUS, Guys pls help Thanks. Pls check last Video for BUD Rot Problem. Thanks Day 56 - 29/12/22 Day 58/59 - 31/12/22
Hello, Day 56, Flower Phase , Gelat.OG, Final week of flower phase is started, Day 63 or week 9 I am planing to harvest the plant, Trichomes still cloudy but in some buds I can see slightly amber color on Trichomes, I ll ask a QUS before I do the harvest anyways. PS there is BUD ROT Prob just seen it Yesterday 31-12-22 - Seeking answer for that grow QUS, Guys pls help Thanks. Pls check last Video for BUD Rot Problem. Thanks Day 56 - 29/12/22 Day 58/59 - 31/12/22
Veramente incredibile, la quantità di tricomi è indescrivibile! L'odore e fortissimo le cime sono durissime!!! I tricomi sono tutti bianco latte...finiró la settimana e poi inizierò a fare il risciacquo finale!!! Non vedo l'ora di assaggiare questa prelibatezza di fast buds!!! Come il solito rimango sempre allibito dalla qualità delle genetiche di questi ragazzi secondo me questo è uno dei migliori ceppi che ho coltivato entrerà sicuramente nella mia top teen!!! Grazie per essere passati da qui peace and love!!!
Veramente incredibile, la quantità di tricomi è indescrivibile! L'odore e fortissimo le cime sono durissime!!! I tricomi sono tutti bianco latte...finiró la settimana e poi inizierò a fare il risciacquo finale!!! Non vedo l'ora di assaggiare questa prelibatezza di fast buds!!! Come il solito rimango sempre allibito dalla qualità delle genetiche di questi ragazzi secondo me questo è uno dei migliori ceppi che ho coltivato entrerà sicuramente nella mia top teen!!! Grazie per essere passati da qui peace and love!!!
Veramente incredibile, la quantità di tricomi è indescrivibile! L'odore e fortissimo le cime sono durissime!!! I tricomi sono tutti bianco latte...finiró la settimana e poi inizierò a fare il risciacquo finale!!! Non vedo l'ora di assaggiare questa prelibatezza di fast buds!!! Come il solito rimango sempre allibito dalla qualità delle genetiche di questi ragazzi secondo me questo è uno dei migliori ceppi che ho coltivato entrerà sicuramente nella mia top teen!!! Grazie per essere passati da qui peace and love!!!
Veramente incredibile, la quantità di tricomi è indescrivibile! L'odore e fortissimo le cime sono durissime!!! I tricomi sono tutti bianco latte...finiró la settimana e poi inizierò a fare il risciacquo finale!!! Non vedo l'ora di assaggiare questa prelibatezza di fast buds!!! Come il solito rimango sempre allibito dalla qualità delle genetiche di questi ragazzi secondo me questo è uno dei migliori ceppi che ho coltivato entrerà sicuramente nella mia top teen!!! Grazie per essere passati da qui peace and love!!!