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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!guckt euch letzen Report an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blüte hat begonnen: Edit:11.05 Die Pflanzen sind innerhalb von 2 Tagen explodiert. Ich habe das Licht nun auf 75 Prozent gestellt und noch einmal Cal-Mag nachgegeben, da die letzte Gabe nur eine halbe war. Die beiden Titan sehen fast identisch aus. Die beiden Epsilon sind circa 3 Tage unterschiedlich, eine ist etwa 5 cm kleiner als die andere und hat noch kaum Blüten. Ich denke, in 3 Tagen wird das der Fall sein. Die Cosmos F1 ist im Umfang circa 50-50 cm, kaum Blüten bisher. Ich hoffe, sie wird nicht noch viel größer, da der Platz langsam eng wird. Ich bin von dem Wachstum dieser Pflanze absolut begeistert. Mal gucken, was die Blüte bringt. Edit ende Ich habe alle Blüten entfernt, die nicht im direkten Licht sind, und alle Blätter, die die Blüten bedecken. Die Pflanzen weisen einen Cal-Mag-Mangel auf, was bei der Blüte normal ist, gerade bei diesem Licht. Ich habe dem Gießwasser etwas Cal-Mag hinzugefügt. Die Pflanzen sind drei Tage älter als im letzten Report. letzte Woche : Die Pflanzen sind seit der Keimung auf diesen Fotos genau 30 Tage alt. Ich habe eine Pflanze ausgetauscht, da es sich um eine Epsilon F1 handelte, die vermutlich Mutationen aufwies. Sie hatte verkümmerte Blätter, die nicht wie die ihrer Artgenossen aussahen, und wuchs deutlich langsamer. Daher habe ich sie nach 2,5 Wochen ausgetauscht. Der kleine Mann(die ausgetauschte Pflanze) leidet natürlich jetzt ein bisschen unter Lichtstress, deswegen werde ich wohl nur eine sehr gestauchte Pflanze erhalten. Aber besser, als die Fläche leer zu lassen. So viel zu dem, was nicht funktioniert hat: Die Sanlight stand die ersten 2 Wochen auf 20 Prozent. Dann habe ich sie teilweise mit dem Dimmer höher gestellt: 2 Stunden auf 25 Prozent. Eine Woche später bin ich auf 30 Prozent und 2 Stunden mit 35 Prozent gegangen. Für Woche 4 habe ich 40 Prozent und 2 Stunden auf 45 Prozent gewählt. Ich erhoffe mir, die Pflanzen so schneller an die starken Lampen zu gewöhnen. Im Nächsten grow soll bei jeder Pflanze die TDS per Infrarot gemessen werden. Da werde ich dann ein Experiment zu machen, wie die Lichtsteigerung am besten umzusetzen ist. Zu den Lampen kann ich bis jetzt nur Positives sagen. Im Gegensatz zur dazugehörigen App, diese ist wirklich nicht sehr gut umgesetzt. Das Menü und die Einstellungen sind teilweise irreführend und nicht sehr durchdacht. Ich muss mir immer wieder die Tutorials in der App ansehen, da diese immer wieder angezeigt werden. Noch dazu hätte ich gerne die Möglichkeit, mehr Einstellungen treffen zu können. Das ist aber Meckern auf hohem Niveau, weil auch die App das macht, was sie soll, nur eben meiner Meinung nach nicht sehr gut umgesetzt. Die Pflanzen wurden von mir mit Klipsen aus dem 3D-Drucker gestützt. Diese Klips kann man Stück für Stück im Winkel verstellen, so dass man die Triebe damit neigen kann. Das habe ich von Tag zu Tag im Winkel verstellt, so dass ich am Ende einen 45-Grad-Winkel habe. Das habe ich insgesamt über 6 Tage gemacht. Die Pflanzen haben an sich ein sehr gleichmäßiges Wachstum. Die Cosmos F1 wächst so optimal, dass kein LST mit den Klipsen nötig ist. Ich habe an den Pflanzen keine Mängel entdecken können und auch keine Anzeichen von Mutationen. Die Pflanzen haben im Durchschnitt eine Höhe von 35 cm, wobei eine etwas stärker abweicht mit 22 cm (wieder eine Epsilon F1). Der Umfang mit LST bei der Cosmos F1 liegt ohne LST bei 20 cm im Durchschnitt, wo wir wieder die Epsilon im Negativen haben mit 14 cm. Die Pflanzen wurden alle entlaubt, das eine Woche vor der Blüte. Morgen werden die Pflanzen erneut entlaubt und ge-lollipoppt. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!zusätliche infos werden morgen ergänzt + Fotos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *1. Foto Mutation: Dieses Foto wurde nur 5 Minuten nach dem Umtopfen der Pflanze aufgenommen. Vorher stand sie in einem größeren Topf, in dem sie genauso aussah. Ich habe sie umgetopft, weil ich den Topf brauchte, aber die Pflanze nicht wegwerfen wollte. Der Pflanze geht es gut, aber sie sieht im Moment etwas mitgenommen aus. Bilder folgen
This week #2 has slowed down on the water intake quite a bit, I think its getting close. Took a vid of the trichomes and i can see a couple of amber ones here and there on the calyxs, so hopefully just another week or 2 max. I took the top off it on day 83 as it was getting too hot as it was right nest to the bulb. I will add it into the total harvest weight at the end. Other than that its been very simple, just a little foxtailing as it's a bit warm in there. #1 is now finally budding along! It got way too tall for the tent, and I had to remove the carbon filter in the end and put it on the other end of the ducting to lift the light a few inches. I attempted to supercrop fairly heavily and it definitely helped a lot, even on the branches where it didnt go so smoothly.... AsNoriu was right, it was slowly devouring itself from the bottom up. Got some new nutes and some colour has come back into the leaves. Overall, I have learned not to leave it too late to tie down the plants. Stretch is a real thing haha.
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on the furthest along. She's ready! I'll start flushing her tomorrow or Wednesday.👍 TUESDAY: I observed some white spots(maybe powdery mildew) on a few leaves here and there throughout the garden, so I sprayed them today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think they'll be fine. I'll spray them again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because a couple of these hybrids are already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I flushed one of them and watered the rest today and included a bunch of terpinator, bud candy, bembe, and cha ching. It was possibly their last dose of any nutes...but a couple might get one more dose... THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on the furthest along. She's ready! I'll start flushing her tomorrow or Wednesday.👍 TUESDAY: I observed some white spots(maybe powdery mildew) on a few leaves here and there throughout the garden, so I sprayed them today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think they'll be fine. I'll spray them again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because a couple of these hybrids are already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I flushed one of them and watered the rest today and included a bunch of terpinator, bud candy, bembe, and cha ching. It was possibly their last dose of any nutes...but a couple might get one more dose... THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on her. She's getting close now! Prolly about 80% cloudy and 5% amber! I'll start flushing her tomorrow or the next day if she's not dried out yet. TUESDAY: I observed some white spots on a few leaves here and there, so I sprayed her today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think she'll be fine. I'll spray her again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because she is already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I flushed her today with about 4 gallons of ph'd spring water and bembe. It was her last dose of any nutes...flushing with only spring water from here on out. THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on her. She's getting close now! Prolly about 80% cloudy and 5% amber! I'll start flushing her tomorrow or the next day if she's not dried out yet. TUESDAY: I observed some white spots on a few leaves here and there, so I sprayed her today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think she'll be fine. I'll spray her again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because she is already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I flushed her today with about 4 gallons of ph'd spring water and bembe. It was her last dose of any nutes...flushing with only spring water from here on out. THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on her. She's getting close now! Prolly about 70% cloudy and 5% amber! TUESDAY: I observed some white spots on a few leaves here and there, so I sprayed her today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think she'll be fine. I'll spray her again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because she is already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I watered her today and included a bunch of terpinator, bud candy, bembe, and cha ching. It was her last dose of any nutes...flushing with spring water from here on out. THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
SUNDAY 5/5: Rearranged the gardens..have 17 plants in the 4 x 5 now...yowsa! MONDAY: Plucked some dead leaves and did a trichrome check on her. She's getting close now! Prolly about 70% cloudy and 5% amber! TUESDAY: I observed some white spots on a few leaves here and there, so I sprayed her today with Trifecta Crop Cure, a concoction of a bunch of natural plant oils. I already decreased the humidity in the room to 45% with my new 70L dehumidifier, so I think she'll be fine. I'll spray her again tomorrow and the next day, then I'll have to hope that did the trick, because she is already in the harvest window. WEDNESDAY: I watered her today and included a bunch of terpinator, bud candy, bembe, and cha ching. It was her last dose of any nutes...flushing with spring water from here on out. THURSDAY: Took a couple of photos and tried installing my new Solacure FlowerPower UVB light, but it was dead on arrival.😢..back to the 15.0 reptile UVB lights for now I guess...
Hey Guys! Here we go again.. I have been busy this week so i am letting the pictures and video speak for itself😎. I took PH and PPM and checked the RH so you can check where i am right now (i just did it to check the bigger rig so everything works)👌. I also upped the nuts a bit just to get them to 1000 ppm 😊. What we want is perfect condition and we are getting there slowly but surely...🙏🙌😏 Edit: Lets talk about this GSC, She is catching up even though she took some calcium and magnesium deficiency early but she will still be a thick one. Some nutrient problems but nothing serious so i am not worried about it. I will feed some calmag for the GSC and Diesel this week. She is picky in my opinion. But get it right and she will reward with a quality yield i guess. I have learned a lot this grow so for the next harvest she will have slightly better settings. I am thinking that i might invest in better soil and down the nuts and run calmag from start for all my "kushy" strains. Don't forget to leave a like! Until next time Cheers! 👊
7 eme semaine tout se passe parfaitement bien, très peu de place quatre pieds J'ai comparé par rapport a d'autre 7eme semaine je pense être bon, aussi je vais changer d'engrais après cette cult pour GHE pas la jolie bouteille biobizz qui m'a avait été recommandé par culture indoor 11
Girls going well and fat ;)))) The one with leaves fades away very quick, had to take couple dead fan leaves. Everything else in photos ;) During week will make some night time video. P.s. had to finish my experiment, no space and i wanted some smoke already ;)) Fact : biger plant stayed biger, but leaves covered light and all buds at the bottom are airy and took loads of time to trim, never again i will leave uncleared bottom part of the plant ... Exact weights will post in a week or two ...
So week 9, devils #1 and #2 are scheduled to be harvested on Wednesday 5/9, last flush was 5/4/2019. The purple fade is quite a spectacle, Devil #2 is definitely a green pheno and absolutely refuses to turn purple but smells and looks fantastic. I’m hoping to beat the 44g per average at 400g/m2. Devil #1 looks to be heaviest of all the girls hoping to break 2oz with that one. Still paying close attention to #3 her foxtailing is kinda of a bummer but looking at other diaries it looks to be a trait found in some devils. Devil # 4 is still chugging along throwing tons of new pistils and still a couple of weeks away. She just got her 2nd to last feed (75% nutes) most likely but time will tell. For my trim mostly thinking I’ll do a dry trim to try an protect the buds as much as possible 5-10 days hang dry and into the mason jars for a long slow cure hopefully. I still update with devil #3 and #4 until they get the chop. Photos updated every 2 days or so most likely a video of the girls coming down on 3/9-3/10, stay tuned! Devils #1 and 2 had all their fan leaves removed today may wait a few days to give the lowers time to fatten but both will be harvested by Friday.
NEW BOX: 130x60x120 DIY: storage shelf, solid sheet metal ELECTRO ################################ thermometer top thermometer bottom hydrometer wlan ip cam (+ir filter) ---------------------------------------------------------------- input: x2 USB PC fan exhaust: x2 USB PC fan circulation: x2 USB fan ---------------------------------------------------------------- led panel 1: 300W ASUNDOM LED (Veg/Bloom/Full) led panel 2: 300W XHGrow Reflector-Series LED (Full) ---------------------------------------------------------------- studio light 1 (vegetation): 36W TaoTronics LED Gold studio light 1 (vegetation): 50W Balai LED full studio light 2 (vegetation): 8W VINGO LED blue ligh studio light 2 (vegetation): 50W Balai LED full ---------------------------------------------------------------- studio light 1 (bloom): 36W TaoTronics LED Green studio light 1 (bloom): 36W TaoTronics LED Gold studio light 1 (bloom): 50W JADIDIS LED IR full studio light 2 (bloom): 36W TaoTronics LED Green studio light 2 (bloom): 36W TaoTronics LED Green studio light 2 (bloom): 36W KINGBO LED Deep red 660nm 3x PLANTS ############################### FastBuds Girl Scout Cookies pots: 14L soil: plagron grow mix
All 3 plants are adapting very well to LST, the shape its growing into have been allowing the light to reach further into the lower growth nodes and branches. I like to start bending the branches close to the main stem as early as week 3 of VEG. Now these 3 Northern Lights Auto seeds are from Sun West Genetics, they were all germinated, planted, trained, fed the same way they have been on the same controlled environment since day 1, the 3 are totally different, I know each plant is unique in its own way, but I find strange that 1 plant is taller and stronger than the other 2, the smaller one is growing weak leaves with signs of mutation, all 3 plants show signs of Magnesium deficiency, these 3 plants are sharing a grow tent with a Haze Auto from Seedsman, all 4 plants are under the same diet, the Haze have no signs of deficiencies or mutations, I guess that shows what good genetics look like. For the Magnesium deficiency I have mixed my own Epson salts into water and applied as a foliar spray, internet said the spray should be used every other week, wait 2 weeks to see results. Signs of Nutes burn, I decided to stop feeding for this coming week. The 3 NL leaves are looking unhappy, kind of clawing under, they look lifeless, I have ruled off a few potential problems such as: Wind Burn Under Watering Water PH Light Burn, just moved the QB higher to 17 inches from the highest canopy today. If any of you fellow growers have advice for the leaves, please let me know. Stay Lit folks 👩‍🌾🏻
All 3 plants are adapting very well to LST, the shape its growing into have been allowing the light to reach further into the lower growth nodes and branches. I like to start bending the branches close to the main stem as early as week 3 of VEG. Now these 3 Northern Lights Auto seeds are from Sun West Genetics, they were all germinated, planted, trained, fed the same way they have been on the same controlled environment since day 1, the 3 are totally different, I know each plant is unique in its own way, but I find strange that 1 plant is taller and stronger than the other 2, the smaller one is growing weak leaves with signs of mutation, all 3 plants show signs of Magnesium deficiency, these 3 plants are sharing a grow tent with a Haze Auto from Seedsman, all 4 plants are under the same diet, the Haze have no signs of deficiencies or mutations, I guess that shows what good genetics look like. For the Magnesium deficiency I have mixed my own Epson salts into water and applied as a foliar spray, internet said the spray should be used every other week, wait 2 weeks to see results. Signs of Nutes burn, I decided to stop feeding for this coming week. The 3 NL leaves are looking unhappy, kind of clawing under, they look lifeless, I have ruled off a few potential problems such as: Wind Burn Under Watering Water PH Light Burn, just moved the QB higher to 17 inches from the highest canopy today. If any of you fellow growers have advice for the leaves, please let me know. Stay Lit folks 👩‍🌾🏻
Great strain for beginners, easy to grow don't require too much attention or special techniques . She will grow fast, gorgeous and smell very very strong, I didn't think I was going to be able to harvest more than an ounce (because this is my first time) but hey, I'm very happy with my 41G! The buds were skinny but dense in flavour, I wonder why the buds didn't get fat, its because of my LED panels, or genetics? Overall I recommend this strain for first time growers!
Great strain for beginners, easy to grow don't require too much attention or special techniques . She will grow fast, gorgeous and smell very very strong, I didn't think I was going to be able to harvest more than an ounce (because this is my first time) but hey, I'm very happy with my 41G! The buds were skinny but dense in flavour, I wonder why the buds didn't get fat, its because of my LED panels, or genetics? Overall I recommend this strain for first time growers!
Great strain for beginners, easy to grow don't require too much attention or special techniques . She will grow fast, gorgeous and smell very very strong, I didn't think I was going to be able to harvest more than an ounce (because this is my first time) but hey, I'm very happy with my 41G! The buds were skinny but dense in flavour, I wonder why the buds didn't get fat, its because of my LED panels, or genetics? Overall I recommend this strain for first time growers!
Momma Shark II is healthy and growing slowly by design. I’ve got the 400W ballast dimmed to 250W. Lots of clone sites available when needed next. Bowl design seems to work well in these 2 gal pots in a 2x2 space that should be able to accommodate 4 moms if I stay on top of training! The two trainees - 8BK and XXL and doing well with manifold development. I have 20 branches on each plant now. My plan is to transplant very soon before tying any of these down. Then start training them out to the edge of the 2 gal and then upward to create more bowl designs. They’ll be moving to the Mothership to join Momma Shark soon 😎