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Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Alaskan Do-Si-Dos: Alaskan Do-Si-Dos ha sido desarrollada por expertos como una versión mejorada de la siempre popular variedad Alaskan Purple de Seedsman. La introducción de la genética Do-Si-Dos en la Alaskan Purple ha creado un híbrido índica/sativa que aumenta la potencia y el rendimiento al mismo tiempo que mejora el perfil de sabor y sigue siendo versátil en lo que respecta al cultivo en exterior. La Alaskan Do-Si-Dos está destinada principalmente al cultivo al aire libre y en invernaderos. Las plantas crecen altas y prosperan en climas fríos, templados, cálidos y secos, al mismo tiempo que se desempeñan bien en altitud. Esto no impide que se cultive en interior, pero estas plantas grandes necesitarán mucho espacio. Las plantas muestran una resistencia moderada al moho pero, si se cultivan en interiores, hay que tener en cuenta que son RUIDOSAS, por lo que se beneficiará del uso de filtros de aire de carbón. En exterior, en latitudes septentrionales, la cosecha está prevista para finales de septiembre, mientras que en interior las plantas tardarán entre 8 y 10 semanas en completar la floración. Los rendimientos en exterior son muy altos y pueden superar fácilmente los 750gr/planta, mientras que en interior los rendimientos son elevados, hasta 600gr/m2. Los cogollos maduros tienen una densidad media y mantienen un color verde medio. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Comienzan a formarse los cogollos, las hojas se llenan de resina cada dia y el olor es bastante fuerte. Parece que ha terminado de estirar. Practico una defoliación intensa para airear los futuros cogollos y dejar mas espacio en el cuarto de cultivo. Agrupo de nuevo las macetas en su lugar optimo para asi rellenar por completo la carpa @marshydro. Me quedé algo corto de nutrientes pero estoy muy contento con los resultados, cada vez le voy encontrando mas su punto optimo. Siempre es mejor quedarse corto que pasarse.
🍼Greenhouse Feeding BioGrow & Bio Bloom 🌱GARDEN OF GREEN SEEDS ⛺️MARSHYDRO The ⛺️ has a small door 🚪 on the sides which is useful for mid section groom room work. 🤩 ☀️ by VIPARSPECTRA (models: P2000 & XS 2000)
Not going to lie, with everything going on in the world right now, taking pictures of the plants was not high on my priority list. I basically snapped a couple of pics and took a couple of videos today and decided that will be it. This is not the place to get political, but I truly hope that against all odds by the time of my next post peace will have returned to Ukraine. In terms of the grow, plants seem to be doing great. Over the past couple of days, the buds have started to fatten up to the point where I think my yield will at least be on par with the last run. I'm still giving her another 3-4 weeks before I think they'll be finished up, but it honestly could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks, just have to wait and see. On a side note the plants are becoming more and more different, to the point where they don't even look like the same pheno. One plant has airy, larfy buds but has made some progress over past 24 hours towards tightening up a bit. The other plant has these fat, dense, stocky nugs that look very much like an indica strain, we will see how this affects the harvest. Thanks as always for taking the time to read my update, hoping for a more cheery update next week.
🍼Greenhouse Feeding BioGrow ⛺️MARSHYDRO The ⛺️ has a small door 🚪 on the sides which is useful for mid section groom room work. 🤩 ☀️ by VIPARSPECTRA (models: P2000 & XS 2000)
Not going to lie, with everything going on in the world right now, taking pictures of the plants was not high on my priority list. I basically snapped a couple of pics and took a couple of videos today and decided that will be it. This is not the place to get political, but I truly hope that against all odds by the time of my next post peace will have returned to Ukraine. In terms of the grow, plants seem to be doing great. Over the past couple of days, the buds have started to fatten up to the point where I think my yield will at least be on par with the last run. I'm still giving her another 3-4 weeks before I think they'll be finished up, but it honestly could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks, just have to wait and see. On a side note the plants are becoming more and more different, to the point where they don't even look like the same pheno. One plant has airy, larfy buds but has made some progress over past 24 hours towards tightening up a bit. The other plant has these fat, dense, stocky nugs that look very much like an indica strain, we will see how this affects the harvest. Thanks as always for taking the time to read my update, hoping for a more cheery update next week.
I grew in cold , the max temperature was 20 celcius day and 14 at night.
My girl is almost ready for flushing, darknees period and harvest. The flowers look fantastic, frusty and full of tricoms. After the flushing I'm gonna put her in an 2 day of darknes and then harvest. In the final 2 week's I turned on my uva light at 20% power and total of 6 wats. For the first two days, the light work for between 1-3 hours and after that for 6 hours a day.
Day 65: Watered the plants 0.5L with nuts 722 ppm, 1534 us/cm, PH 6.4 Day 67: Did some defoliation Day 68: Watered the plants 0.5L with nuts 802 ppm, 1676 us/cm, PH 6.4 One plant showing signs of P and K deficiency (Gorilla Cookies)
Using some Neem oil and hydrogen peroxide ONLY ON MEDIUM (since I'm in flower), to get rid of these dumb fungus gnats I think they are the reason for the brown spots forming on the leaves. Installed a trellis this week to help spread out the canopy and improve airflow, however when I did this my dumbass accidentally snapped one of the colas, luckily I think it'll be ok because it seems to have only snapped the outer skin layer on only one side of that stem (I wrapped a piece of duct tape around the little snap to help secure it). This week went well I think I've got the fungus gnats under control, the stem I partially snapped still looks to be completely healthy and growing well so no complaints here successful 2nd week of flower👍🏾
Diese Woche habe ich mir etwas einfallen lassen damit ich nicht nur Photos hinterlasse sondern auch etwas über mein System erklären kann. Letzte Woche Sonntag habe ich einige Plants getoppt und sie schauen soweit ganz gut aus. Ich hatte leider letzte Woche he ein Problem mit dem Root Juice von Advanced Nutrients die Nährlösung in den Tanks ist gekippt. Ich habe es erst am zweiten Tag gesehen und habe sofort alles geputzt und Wasser gewächselt. Danach wieder alles eingestellt und läuft. Ph: 5.7 Ec : 0.9 Ich habe auch jeweils 20g Mineral Magic in die Nährlösung hinzugefügt und 1 Teelöffel davon um den Stil der Plants gemacht. In meinen 2 Videos findet ihr mehr dazu. Happy Growing :)
Decided NOT to water one more time. Put into the dark around 1:20 P.M . Usually do 48 hours, might just do 24 this time. Leaves are still a great color and very healthy. Took the light out of this tent. Going to attempt to rearrange things AGAIN! Spider Farmer 2x2 was just at 90 rh! Thinking of moving that light ( Alphapar) back into the Alphapar tent. Can't remember why I moved it in the first place, think it was for drying another.
Diese Woche habe ich mir etwas einfallen lassen damit ich nicht nur Photos hinterlasse sondern auch etwas über mein System erklären kann. Letzte Woche Sonntag habe ich einige Plants getoppt und sie schauen soweit ganz gut aus. Ich hatte leider letzte Woche he ein Problem mit dem Root Juice von Advanced Nutrients die Nährlösung in den Tanks ist gekippt. Ich habe es erst am zweiten Tag gesehen und habe sofort alles geputzt und Wasser gewächselt. Danach wieder alles eingestellt und läuft. Ph: 5.7 Ec : 0.9 Ich habe auch jeweils 20g Mineral Magic in die Nährlösung hinzugefügt und 1 Teelöffel davon um den Stil der Plants gemacht. In meinen 2 Videos findet ihr mehr dazu. Happy Growing :)
Everything running smooth no issues and some big changes from last week these are looking good ✌️🏻
This is just a normal week, they grow as fast as mushrooms, I gave them blooming nutes for the first time, they will start producing buds from now. :)
Hi Growers. Everything is going well. Earlier this week I did another super light feeding, the same as last week. I raised the light to 50” and increased the light to 80% and will adjust accordingly per plant and environmental needs. I did notice a bit of yellowing on the PE and yesterday decided to do a stronger feed and go from there. I don’t want them starving and getting stressed into flower. After the first light feeds they popped up nicely so I’m interested to see how they like the higher feed. Environment wise, I turned on the oscillating fan to just help them strengthen their stocks and branches and still have the humidifier on. Temps & RH are good, no hot temp is a bit cool but it’s only 4 hrs. What week do you growers start training autos?? I’m starting node 5. Thanks for stopping, leave a like or comment if you’d like. I appreciate them. Happy Growing 🌱
🌱135 giorni dal seme 🌻56 fioritura 💧 2.2 l / 48h ph 6.3 02.03.2022 Manca 1 settimana al raccolto, devo anticipare il raccolto per colpa dei parassiti, non riesco più a tenerli sotto controllo solo defogliando. Vedo comunque i tricomi lattiginosi quindi il momemto ideale della raccolta nin sarebbe troppo lontano. Finirò questa settimana annaffiando solo con acqua, e il prossimo fine settimana lascierò 30 ore di buio prima del raccolto. Aggiornamenti con il raccolto ragazzi👌🏻🙏💚