Der Grow ist nun durch , bin mit dem gesamten Verlauf sehr zufrieden. Es gab nie Probleme, alles lief nach Plan. Es wurde kein großes Entlauben, noch Topping oder sonstiges gemacht, lediglich die großen Blätter wurden entfernt. Gesamtgenommen , würde ich es wieder so machen, es war einfach ein ruhiger entspannter Grow. Die Lampe von Greenception, der Dünger von Biotabs, und auch der Blumat, funktionierten super in einer Symbiose zusammen. Auch wenn das Ergebnis nicht riesig ist, ist es wie in der Vorwoche bereits erwähnt für mich absolut in Ordnung. Da ich nicht viel benötige und es mehr ein Hobby ist . Die gesamte Lichtleistung habe ich durch 3 geteilt, es sind schließlich 3 Pflanzen im Zelt, damit man ein korrektes Ergebnis erhält. Ich danke für die Free Seeds @SuperSativaSeedsClub, und kann Sie bedenkenlos weiterempfehlen. Rauch und Endergebnis werde ich selbstverständlich nachliefern. Das Nassgewicht beträgt 145gramm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grow is now finished, and I am very satisfied with the entire process. There were never any problems; everything went according to plan. No major defoliation, topping, or other interventions were done; only the large leaves were removed. Overall, I would do it the same way again, as it was simply a calm and relaxed grow. The lamp from Greenception, the fertilizer from Biotabs, and the Blumat system worked perfectly together in symbiosis. Even though the result isn't huge, as I mentioned last week, it's absolutely fine for me. I don't need much, and it's more of a hobby. I divided the total light output by 3, as there are 3 plants in the tent, to get an accurate result. I thank SuperSativaSeedsClub for the free seeds and can recommend them without hesitation. I will, of course, provide updates on the smoke and final results. The wet weight is 145 grams. Die letzte Woche lief ebenfalls alles glatt. Habe das Wasser runter gedreht, und die Pflanze von ihren Resten zehren lassen . Bin sehr zufrieden, und bedanke mich bei SSSC für die gesponserten Samen.
Day 89 - Harvest day has finally came for this lady & I beyond impressed, to only be in a 2 gallon pot she has put off some massive rock solid buds that smell amazing! Very strong stable genetics that’s can handle really anything you throw at it, would highly recommend especially to first time growers because this strain is so forgiving! Stay tuned for the harvest update & another run from spliff seeds because I will definitely be getting some of their strains🔥💪🏻 Thanks for following & happy growing friends!✌️🏼🙏🏼🌱
Day 50 of flower 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 She's getting bigger , suppose to finish between day 56 and 63 by the breeder recommendation I'll start to give her only water this week .. Almost ready 🤤🍓🍓🍓 See y'all next week
Nice smoke good for day and nighttime use. Have not been able to weigh yet because I haven’t got any scales, but will try get some. I will update it after a bit of a cure. All in all a really good strain and I’m glad I’ve grown it. Very beginner friendly. Update: taste has improved a lot, tastes more tropical and fruity with hints of chocolate mixed in, very nice strain. Found one seed in there too but think that was my fault due to a lot of stress through the whole grow, still glad to have grown it
Day 126. She is down. That girl lived 90 days from seed touching soil. Its part of my Control Garden for proving/finding RQS strain issue. For 3 weeks veged bag seed plant who spent 75% of his life not under direct light, sometimes even in shade and under most intense air fan , she is GOLD ! Cure day. She could go two weeks longer, but ... 96 g ;))) again, i can only look and admire. Crazy strain. Update on night shift ;)
I have cut the food from the larger one, just another week or so i reckon. I could pull it now, trichs look good but aiming for a liiitle more amber. Very few clear if any. The small one is about 3 weeks behind im thinking, but my god does it stink. Most stinky plant ive had yet i think, despite its size haha.
Week 4 11 Slurricane 1 Euphoria These girls are getting bigger, will be topping next week. We let these girls veg for a few more weeks to fill out the canopy before flipping.
This week I Supercrop all the plants and spred them out over both lights. One more week of Veg and they are ready to explode Check me out on Instagram @growmorestressless
I loved growing this plant. I have learnt so many new things. This is the first time I topped, defoliated, attempted to mainline, and everything seems to have worked out pretty well. I have made some mistakes here and there, but that's part of the learning process and lead to a pretty interesting grow :).
Very intense high, hits very fast and long. Im not stoned but still sleep like a rock after a few hits
Hey folks 2 Nov New week. Last week flew right?. Anyhow weve hada mix of weather this past week. Some really hot 31C temps to milder very rain and cloudy days. The plants are loving it however. Iv decided for the time being to stop using chemical nutes and keep the grow organic, which is why I switched to a handful of bonemeal on the surface of each plant. Will see how they respond. Plant 1 doing really great! Really impressed by this plant. Its also very pretty with pink purple buds and has not once showed any signs of sickness. It just keeps low and bushy and keeps shooting up those buds. They top buds are gradually fattening up nicely as the leaves of the plant become dark green. Plant 2 confuses me a bit. Its in flower alright but the rate of bud produ tion is super slow, and pistil count at 1 time is also low??? Reveging maybe?? Looks very healyhy however Plant 3 almost ready for harvest. Been flushing for a week now, waiting of the final pistils stzge and ambering of trichs before chopping Iv also included some pictures of my growth patch with smaller plants surrounding. An Outdoor SOG??? Till next time growmies Sho/ciao
Nun endlich ist das Kopfzerbrechen vorbei und als Fazit können wir entnehmen ich werde nurnoch mit Easyplugs Samen aufziehen. Mitte kommender Woche werden die Ladys getoppt :slight_smile: wenn sie sich weiter so gut entwickeln können wir bald in die Blüte eingehen