Well, well, well... the long awaited process has begun. Cheers to never paying for good gas again.
Day 1: Dropped 12 seeds (6 strains * 2 seeds each) into 6 glasses of water and labelled them appropriately.
Day 2: Noticed 60% of seeds dropped within 12 hrs 100% within 24 hrs.. transferred to paper towel in plastic bag.. Some tap roots already emerged
Day 3: Placed seeds onto paper towels in six separate plastic bags labelled appropriately around 8p.. 12 hours later tap roots had emerged on 80% of seeds.
Day 4: Seeds went in the soil around 2p and by 9p our two seeds with the strongest tap roots had emerged from the soil 💪🏾. (also added two clones to the mix).. Took the last couple days to test out the AC infinity controller seedling recipe to see if it would keep levels I’d be happy with and after a few modifications I’m happy to say I think it’s working well.
Day 5: VPD/RH/Temp Numbers are all looking good. Had an issue with my controller not turning off the lights, but I changed the automated setting so it should be on 16/8 now (off from noon to 8P) Seeds all seem moist I even saw a water droplet on one of the leaves, so I'm going to hold off on watering until tomorrow... then probably Friday or Saturday after that. 7 of 12 seeds are above soil and showing cotyledons, 4 of 12 have fan leaves already. Growth is quickly happening!
Day 6: 10/12 seeds are above soil. I might’ve messed up the auto flower we planted directly in the five gallon pot, but we will see. 11 days or so until we out grow the seedling tray.
Day 7: 11/12 seeds are above soil. The soil in the 5 gallon pot looked very compacted, so I broke it up a bit and the seed popped within 24 hours. I’d say this was a successful germination week! Changed the light time to off from 10a to 6p for temp purposes. Coasting between 70/75 day/night, right at 70% RH, and .8 VPD.