Hello Growmies, The moment we've been waiting for is finally here—harvest week for our Caramel strains! These plants have completed their journey, and they are ready to be harvested. Caramel #1 is a sight to behold with its thick, densely-packed buds covered in a thick layer of trichomes. The lush green leaves and the stickiness of the buds are perfect indicators of peak resin production. The buds are heavy and fully mature, promising a potent and flavorful yield. Caramel #2, with its bushier structure and numerous dense bud sites, continues to impress. The heavy foliage and resinous buds suggest a high resin output, and the plant is ready for harvest. The unique genetic traits of this phenotype have fully expressed themselves, promising a rich and flavorful yield. Caramel #3, though slightly less dense in its bud formations, has matured beautifully. The elongated buds and lighter foliage are covered in trichomes, suggesting peak potency. The unique phenotypic expressions hint at distinct aroma and flavor profiles that will be revealed upon curing. Based on the attached pictures, the plants look exceptionally healthy and ready. The wet weight of the combined harvest is an impressive 1.3 kilograms, with Caramel #1 and Caramel #2 each contributing 400 grams, and Caramel #3 an outstanding 500 grams. The smell is wonderfully unique, filling the air with a sweet, rich scent that is distinctive to the Caramel strain. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have culminated in this moment. The journey of Caramel #1, Caramel #2, and Caramel #3 has been remarkable, and I'm thrilled to share the final results with you all. The rich, flavorful yield promises to be worth the wait. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, The moment we've been waiting for is finally here—harvest week for our Bruce Banner x White Russian strains! These plants have completed their journey, and they are ready to be harvested. Pheno #2 is a true marvel, with its buds displaying impressive size and density. The heavy trichome production gives the flowers a frosty, almost white appearance, indicative of their potency. The rich, pungent aroma fills the air, suggesting a complex terpene profile that will translate into a flavorful and potent final product. Pheno #1, while not as large in bud size, has developed beautifully. The buds are less dense but are healthy and generously covered in trichomes. This phenotype has shown remarkable resilience and consistent growth, demonstrating the diverse potential within this hybrid cross. The combined wet weight of the harvest is an impressive 1 kilogram, with Pheno #1 contributing 400 grams and Pheno #2 an outstanding 600 grams. The aroma is delightfully complex, with rich, earthy tones and hints of sweetness that promise a rich and flavorful yield. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have culminated in this moment. The journey of Pheno #1 and Pheno #2 has been remarkable, and I'm thrilled to share the final results with you all. The rich, flavorful yield promises to be worth the wait. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, The time has come—harvest week is here for our G.M.O. #1 and G.M.O. #2! These plants have completed their journey, and the Mars Hydro FC-4800 at 55% has been the perfect companion throughout. The consistent flushing with water only has ensured a clean finish, ready for harvest. G.M.O. #1 stands tall with its central cola a dense, resinous marvel. The pungent aroma fills the air, signaling the potency within. The foliage remains a rich green, and the trichomes are a perfect milky white, indicating that these buds are ready for harvest. The bud sites are swollen and heavy, promising a generous yield. G.M.O. #2 continues to impress with its unique structure. The top cola is a tower of resin, surrounded by equally impressive satellite buds. The green hues on the leaves reflect perfect light absorption and nutrient balance. The lateral branches are heavily laden with buds, showing significant weight and density. The slight curvature in the stems adds a final touch of wild elegance. Based on the attached pictures, the plants look exceptionally healthy and ready. The wet weight of the combined harvest is an impressive 800 grams, with G.M.O. #1 contributing 200 grams and G.M.O. #2 a remarkable 600 grams. The smell is absolutely delightful, reminiscent of juicy fruit bubble gum, filling the air with a sweet and enticing aroma. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have culminated in this moment. The journey of G.M.O. #1 and G.M.O. #2 has been remarkable, and I'm thrilled to share the final results with you all. The rich, flavorful yield promises to be worth the wait. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, Week 16 has brought us closer to the peak bloom phase for our Purple Lemonade FF, and the garden is buzzing with excitement. The first Purple Lemonade FF is a sight to behold. Her buds have continued to swell, and the dense clusters are now more pronounced. The trichome coverage is increasing, giving the buds a frosty appearance that hints at their potency. The sweet, citrusy aroma has intensified, filling the air with a delightful zesty scent. The second Purple Lemonade FF is flourishing as well. The budding sites have developed further, and the lime green stars are now denser and more vibrant. The fragrance around her has deepened, with stronger hints of grape and berry intertwining with the lemonade zest. This elegant plant is a perfect example of resilience and vigor, standing tall and proud in the grow space. Both plants are making the most of their light exposure, their canopies fully spread out and capturing every bit of energy available. The distinctive features of each plant are becoming even more defined, and their potential for a bountiful harvest is clear. The excitement continues to build as we move closer to the final stages of flowering. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, stay lifted! Salokin
Hello Growmies, The moment we've been waiting for is finally here—harvest week for our Bruce Banner x White Russian strains! These plants have completed their journey, and they are ready to be harvested. Pheno #2 is a true marvel, with its buds displaying impressive size and density. The heavy trichome production gives the flowers a frosty, almost white appearance, indicative of their potency. The rich, pungent aroma fills the air, suggesting a complex terpene profile that will translate into a flavorful and potent final product. Pheno #1, while not as large in bud size, has developed beautifully. The buds are less dense but are healthy and generously covered in trichomes. This phenotype has shown remarkable resilience and consistent growth, demonstrating the diverse potential within this hybrid cross. The combined wet weight of the harvest is an impressive 1 kilogram, with Pheno #1 contributing 400 grams and Pheno #2 an outstanding 600 grams. The aroma is delightfully complex, with rich, earthy tones and hints of sweetness that promise a rich and flavorful yield. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have culminated in this moment. The journey of Pheno #1 and Pheno #2 has been remarkable, and I'm thrilled to share the final results with you all. The rich, flavorful yield promises to be worth the wait. Stay lifted, Salokin
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D50/B13 - 04/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 24°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D51/B14 - 05/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 60% 🌊 15L 🍗 CalMag, Bloom A-B, Bud Candy, B-52, Big Bud 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D52/B15 - 06/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D53/B16 - 07/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.1 🌡️ T: 25°C H: 80% 🌊 4L 🍗 CalMag, Bloom A-B, Bud Candy, B-52, Big Bud 💧 pH- 💼 Added pH- in order to keep the water on the lower side for a while 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Hello Growmies, The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here—harvest week for our Purple Lemonade FF! These plants have reached the culmination of their journey, and they are ready to be harvested. The first Purple Lemonade FF is an absolute marvel. Her buds are dense and heavily frosted with trichomes, giving them a sparkling appearance. The sweet, citrusy aroma fills the air, a tantalizing preview of the potent and flavorful yield to come. The buds are sticky to the touch, indicating high resin production and potency. The second Purple Lemonade FF is equally remarkable. Her lime green buds are dense and covered in trichomes, emitting a rich fragrance of grape and berry, intertwined with the signature lemonade zest. This plant's elegant structure and abundant budding sites promise a generous and high-quality harvest. The combined wet weight of the harvest is an impressive 900 grams, with each plant contributing significantly to the total yield. The garden is filled with the delightful, zesty aroma of the Purple Lemonade FF, a fitting end to their cultivation journey. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have culminated in this moment. The journey of the Purple Lemonade FF has been remarkable, and I'm thrilled to share the final results with you all. The rich, flavorful yield promises to be worth the wait. Stay lifted, Salokin
She is a Beauty!! Exotic Dream!! Another week or two
Hola amigo! Una semana espectacular ha pasado para esta hermosa planta. Apenas pasaron 25 días de floración hicimos una pequeña defoliación para mejorar la circulación de aire y ella lo agradeció con una cobertura de tricomas extra en los días siguientes. El pH se mantiene en 6.4 y todos los riegos son con nutrientes, ella no desperdicia nada! La cepa es muy resistente y fácil de cultivar. No pasa desapercibida en ningún aspecto ya que tiene un aroma exquisito, tonos ácidos y dulces que recuerdan arándanos y frutos rojos maduros. Una estructura impecable y muy buen engorde de los cogollos principales así como de sus satélites 💚 Muchas gracias a Super Sativa Seed Club por esta increíble genética y a todos ustedes por estar aquí y formar parte de la comunidad de cultivadores más genial que haya conocido. Un abrazo enorme para todos y éxitos para todos sus proyectos! 🌞🌞🌞
This week went without any problems. They're on scedule and next week I'll repot them. I'm gonna keep 4 out of 5 because I have only room for 4 plants in 15 liter airpots. On day 12 I removed the seedling that was making the least progress. It gave me the opportunity to check the roots and they looked fine. I'll guess it will be the same with the other seedlings. I've already filled the airpots and placed them in the tent so they can heat up a bit. There's a large heating mat (RootIt 40 x 120 cm/ 15.7 x 47.2 inch) underneath the pots to keep the substrate at 21 – 22 °C (69.8 – 71.6 °F) I've given them 70 ml ph-adjusted tapwater + Plagron nutrients( amounts see above) each once this week. Once a day I spray them with a solution of CannaCure and tapwater (15ml + 150ml tapwater, ph level = 6.1) The cobs are at 68 watt with a distance of 49cm (19.2 inches) from the Pineapple Chunks giving a DLI of 19. Temperatures fluctuated between 21.7 – 24.2 °C (71 – 75.5 °F) and humidity between 51 – 94 % I've turned on the Airfan and the fan-controller is set at 30-35%. Up to next week! 🤘 Do you want to grow this strain? 👉 👈
Hello Growmies, We’ve reached week 10 with our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel, and the plants are approaching full maturity. The development over the past week has been phenomenal, with the buds continuing to swell and increase in density. The flowers are now heavy and covered in a thick layer of trichomes, giving them a frosty, almost sparkling appearance. Plants #1 and #3 remain the standout performers, with their impressive size and robust bud formations. The adjustment to the light spectrum continues to pay off, ensuring that the plants receive optimal light for flowering. The lamp remains at its maximum height, maintaining a safe distance from the plants to prevent any heat stress. The foliage is still vibrant and lush, a testament to the overall health of the plants. The support grid is doing an excellent job of managing the plant structure, ensuring that the branches can support the heavy buds. The root systems are strong, providing a solid foundation for the plants as they continue to mature. As we near the final weeks before harvest, the excitement is palpable. The buds are almost ready, and the promise of a rich, potent yield is within reach. The meticulous care and attention over the past weeks have brought us to this point, and I’m confident that we’re on track for a rewarding harvest. Stay tuned for the final updates, and as always, stay lifted! Salokin
Ab geht es in die nächste Woche! Auf Empfehlung habe ich BioBizz Alga Mic Und Acti Vera zu meinen Plan hinzugefügt um die Ladys etwas zu retten. Zusätzlich habe ich der Lady etwas unter die Arme gegriffen indem ich alle vertrockneten Blätter entfernt habe. Ich lasse mich mal überraschen wie sie sich auf den letzten Metern machen.
English The first video was taken 2 days after the lollipopping/defoliation day, the rest on the last day of week 6. Towards the end of week 6, the ladies showed a few symptoms of light stress, which is why I increased the distance to the lamp to 45 cm and since then things have been running optimally again. However, I think I will continue to veg for another 1-2 weeks and only then switch to 12/12. Deutsch Das erste Video, wurde 2 Tage nach dem Lollipopping/Defoliation Tag aufgenommen, der Rest am letzten Tag von Woche 6. Gegen Ende der Woche 6 hatten die Ladys ein paar Symptome von Lichtstress gezeigt, weswegen ich den Abstand zur Lampe nun auf 45 cm erhöht habe und seitdem läufts auch wieder optimal. Ich denke, ich werde jedoch noch 1–2 Wochen weiter Vegen und erst dann auf 12/12 wechseln.