All good at the end i topped them and made cuttlings from it that do well now the canopy is nice and even Most hickups with the FG system are gone and next week we go to 12:12😁
6/19 Knowing it was going to be over 100° for the majority of the day I WATERED the garden with 3 1/2 gallons. I went to check around 4 and everything looked amazing. We got some hard rain from a thunderstorm at 4pm but it seems like these girls like it rough and did fine. The take a beating and come back stronger. Knock on wood but I haven't seen any problems on the plant I snapped amd dict taped.. Everything seems to have toughened up and the leaves are an awesome healthy color. They grow observable every day now. Tomorrow is supposed to reach 100 again for most of the day before weather goes back to semi normal. I took a video but it will take way to long to upload. Tons of other pics didn't upload either. 6/20 Another day that's going to be over 100°. Plants seem to love it lol. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Bags still had some heft so I didn't water this morning. I figure I'll check them around noon and then plan on watering tonight if they need it. Hopfully they'll get some rain from thunderstorms. This crop has been through a lot. I think that has helped them significant deal with this unpredictable weather. 6/21 We had a MAJOR thunderstorm with sheet rain yesterday. I missed it but it was intense. I saw some videos. First time dad seemed concerned. Fortunately there was no damage. I was going to water today but I decided to hold off due to the look of the plants and the "praying leaves" at 4pm and feeling some moisture in the soil. Bags seemed to still have some heft. I'll probably water tomorrow. Need to transplant the 1 gals and need to figure out what I want to do for nutes this year. So far I've put in much less effort and I'm still doing great. I just don't have as many plants as usual. 6/22 Rained last night. Not much but the bags were heavy still so I held off watering. Plants looked happy and I can fix under watering much easier. It will rain tomorrow. I'll check throughout the day and update but things are going good. I should transplant those 3 seedlings in 1 gals. 6/23 It Rained last night and is suppised to rain today. It was raining when i went over. Just the kind if rain the plants love. I'll check again before church but I'm eventually going to have to water them. Those thunder storms helped a lot. 6/24 Rained about an inch yesterday. Plants loved it. Bigger everytime I see them. One seedling showed a pistol and I'll transplant it with the rest. It was the only one I was worried about. I've seen a FEW leaf hopper punctures and some other bites that could be anything. Time to get the ipm 6/25 Looks like its gonna be a nice sunny day. 75° at 10am. Plants are doing amazing and growing at a rapid pace. Haven't done anything ipm as of yet but any damage I've seen is localized to "A" leaf on "A" plant. I'll be paying attention and watching for signs of deficiencies. As of now though they LOOK great. I'll try to transplant the 3 seedlings today.
Day 15 of flowering Purple Push Pops (grew 2023 outside) Day 7 of flowering Black Cherry Gelato (love to smoke it, first time growing) Clones- from my clone guy- 4 Purple Push Pops and 2 Black Cherry Gelato - May 8 pick up, June 5 flip PPP, June 13 flip BCG 1000w LED, 4G Autopots,, coco/perlite 65/35, GH 3-part+ flourolicious, calimagic, SI, chelated iron, and humic acid , RO water, AC pro Controller and T8, 5x5 GG Tent with extension Garage grow SoCal This week I kept up the tucking and defoliating with the objective of stretching out the scrog and having at least one bud site per grid. I also upgraded to an oscillating fan which I hung to free up grow space. We’re running just under 1000ppm with no issues. I bumped my VPD up to account for leaf temp. The autopots are working. They just increased their (self feeding) appetite - up from .3 gallon a day to .8 gallons a day. This weeks accomplishments: Dehumidifier venting tuning Filled each scrog grid with at least one cola Stabilize temp, humidity and VPD. Stretched trellis with pvc frame Better oscillating fans for top and bottom airflow This week to-do By Monday evening, I have to install two more autopots - I’m still hand feeding the gelatos. I’m going on vaca, so we’ll see how this turns out. Long term issues Cooling and VPD targets during heat waves Preventing pest and mold issues My fiancé is getting jealous of all the attention to my grow! I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. Best of luck gromies.
June 16, 2024 Day 57 This week nothing changes with the nutrient schedule. I cleaned out the reservoirs and gave fresh nutes. I also made sure to double check the height of all the plants and we have a final height for each of them. Sour Diesel A is looking pretty good. Her final height is 23". Her bud production is looking pretty good as well. Trichomes are coming through quite nicely. Sour Diesel B is looking really good with her frosty fat nugs. Her final height is 21". I haven't touched her so I don't know how sticky she is nothing. But I see good things coming to this lady. Huge buds and lots of frost. Sour Diesel C is frosty, covered in nugs and has a final height of 30.5" tall. She looks fantastic and I wonder what her final yield will be. Her bud production is coming along nicely with buds starting to swell. Sour Diesel D is shaping out to be my lowest yielder. She has very little bud on her and what she does have is a bit slow to develop. I have a feeling this will be my extraction plant. Edibles and concentrate. The lighting is looking great at 45 mol/m²/d. Nothing to change. The plants are very happy. The environment is almost back to normal. The humidity is below 60% for the most part. Yesterday it was all the way down to 52%. Today just under 60% for the morning anyway. The Central Air should be kicking on in an hour or two. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.6° RH: 55.3% VPD: 1.27 kPa June 17, 2024 Nothing going on today. No watering, no training, no pics. Just a smooth day in the tent. Sour Diesel A looks good. Lots more frost. Buds are swelling. Everything looks great. Sour Diesel B had a couple leaves popped off, ones that were overlapping Sour Diesel C. Her buds are huge and I'm already starting to see orange pistils. She smells awesome too. Definitely Sour Diesel smell. Sour and gas. And a bit of sweetness as well. Very nice aroma. Sour Diesel C is looking fantastic. Her buds are also swelling and her trichome production is amazing. So frosty and smelly. As long as the buds continue to swell at this rate, this lady will be a pretty good yielder. Sour Diesel D is small as ever. Her buds are swelling quite nicely. They are bigger than A and C for now, but not as frosty. I'm honestly not sure if I did something wrong or if this is how she grew naturally. I didn't screw up the nutrients, nor did I add any stress except for the small defoliation. But that was right when she stopped stretching. I guess I'll find out at the end of the run. I also pulled a couple outer leaves off to keep them from overlapping other plants. Lighting is of course the same as yesterday, and won't be changing until the last 2 weeks of flower. I might drop the intensity down a bit for the last leg of the run. I'm going to research this though. As these are autoflowers they're fine with constant light, but at the end are they looking for less light? I think so. Naturally in the world, the end of a growing season is when it starts to drop on temp and light. So it would make sense to drop the light intensity the last week to help induce maturity and more trichomes. That's what it's supposed to do. I'm not sure if that's the case with autos. Will research and report back. The environment was great yesterday. Today it's a bit humid in my room but it's also kinda humid outside and 83°. It's supposed to climb up to 88° today, so I'm hoping the central AC will kick on early. The room temp is well controlled around 70°. Once the AC kicks on the humidity should drop down to around 52%. Not ideal, but actually within range. If I can somehow get it below 50% I'll be happy. 52% is merely satisfactory but not perfect. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.7° RH: 56.1% VPD: 1.30 kPa June 18, 2024 It's Picture Day! Did some stuff today. No watering or anything like that. Sour Diesel A is doing quite well. Her buds are swelling more and more. She's even frostier. I cannot wait to see how frosty she gets by the end. I also checked her roots. I figured out why the container is light. The roots are taking in all the water they can directly before it gets to the container. I'll have to top feed in a day or 2 if she gets lighter. However, she hasn't lost anymore weight in days, but I really need her to moisten the soil in the container. Sour Diesel B is now producing orange pistils. And kinda rapidly. I knew she would be done first, maybe a couple weeks left for her. I think next week, if she is as far along as I think she will be, I'll switch out Big Bud for Overdrive for the rest of the grow. But we shall see. Sour Diesel C is looking really good. Her buds are swelling more and she's even more frosty. As we all know, this one is about a week behind the others, so I expect more swelling and some fat buds. Sour Diesel D needed some leaves trimmed today. They were super overcrowded in one particular spot. So I took 3 of those and then a couple outer leaves that grew out since my last defoliation. Her main cola is getting fat. Just not fat enough. I have a feeling I'm getting no more than 2 oz. I'm guessing just over an oz. We shall see. She's definitely not big enough and doesn't have enough bud to produce a good yield. Oh well. The rest are pretty promising, so I'm not too worried. I added to the lighting today. I have supplemental lighting from AC Infinity. So I installed them today just below the top of the canopy. It should help with the lowers and get more fat buds throughout all 4 plants. I'll keep it at level 7 for today and see how things look tomorrow. The only concern I have is too much light from the main light due to the extra light from the supplemental bars. However, it should do quite well. So we are in a humid heat wave for the rest of the week. The Central Air should be kicking on anytime and will definitely drop the humidity down to about 50%. The temp should stay around 75° to 76°. Currently the humidity is really high at 66%. I'll be keeping the tent door open every hour or so until the A/C turns on. The temp is kind of high as well at 79°. I think I need to try to get the bedroom temp down to 76°. Wish me luck. It's already 82° and climbing. Afternoon update: Damn it's hot. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.7° RH: 55.8% VPD: 1.34 kPa June 19, 2024 Not much going on today. I may need to water, but that's a maybe. Other than that, just the one pic. Sour Diesel A looks great. Surprisingly, she is nearly empty where the other 3 have more water in them. Her bottom is also more moist than normal. She's in the way back and I didn't bother taking the plants out today. I'll take her out tomorrow and inspect her for any issues. Although, I'm pretty sure I'll be refilling her reservoir this evening and might as well refill the rest. Sour Diesel B is getting more orange pistils. I will have to research when I should be adding Overdrive now that I don't think she has more than 3 weeks left. 2 of flower and 1 of flush. Maybe just a week more in flower. I'm not sure. Researching. She's also getting the natural foxtails I read about. Apparently Sour Diesel, in general, foxtails. We shall see how it comes out. There should be no foxtails based on the environment unless the humidity can cause it. I'll have to research that as well. Sour Diesel C actually took the least amount of water for this watering. She's still about half full where the rest are near empty to about a quarter full. I find it interesting that she isn't drinking like a fish. She's in the second half of flower and should be super thirsty. I'll check the moisture content of the soil tomorrow when I refill the reservoir. Sour Diesel D is getting a nice fat main cola. She is the second most empty with less than a quarter gallon left. It's funny. I'm starting to think it's not the plants, but the dehumidifier on that side. I think it's evaporating the water faster than the plants can drink it. I might have to either move it or take it out all together. We shall see. The lights seems to be doing quite well. I don't see any stress from the supplemental light bars. If I start seeing it, I'll drop the power down to 50%, but I doubt it. They are attached to the poles vertically. I would have much rather had them horizontal, but I took my support bars out. I can't reinstall them or I won't be able to take the plants out. So that's out the window. So vertical it is. I may however install the inside bars if I can and then mount the front one to the tent door with a magnet bar. I might try that tomorrow when the plants are out of the tent. The environment is killing me. When the Central Air is off, the humidity spikes like 12%. Now the humidity is ridiculously high yet again at 67%. I really hate not having a wall or window AC. That would solve all of my problems. So I'm screwed until the AC kicks on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.1° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.22 kPa June 20, 2024 It's picture day! We have some happy ladies and there isn't anything to really do today. Sour Diesel A is getting fatter buds. They are kind of small, but it's still only week 4 of flower. She's still a little light. I might top feed a quarter gallon. Maybe with Recharge in it. I'll have to decide what to do. She's definitely not struggling, but she does have upward clawing edges. I'll have to research what that means. She is still the frostiest of the bunch. Sour Diesel B is getting even fatter. Frost is starting to come through pretty quickly now. I can't wait for this one to finish up. Sour Diesel C took quite well to the small bit of top watering I did yesterday. Her buds are still small, but that is to be expected with this one. I can tell they will swell up pretty good and there will be a nice bunch of colas. Sour Diesel D looks great. Her leaves are a lush green still, her buds are getting fat and stacking like mad. The buds are so close together, the plant looks like it has a tiny football on its top. I wonder what she will look like all trimmed up. Probably very small. The lighting seems to be fine now. The praying has lessened, so I know the lighting was an issue. Now that it's fixed, it should be business as usual. The environment is absolutely wrong now. The humidity is in the 70s today. And the temp is in the 80s. Just have to wait for the house AC to kick on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.7° RH: 58.2% VPD: 1.23 kPa June 21, 2024 Nothing going on today. No watering, no light changes and I didn't even pull them out. I can see everything that I need to see. Sour Diesel A is getting orange pistils now and seems to be swelling more. Her buds are a little small, but I expect them to swell up over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Sour Diesel B should be done in a couple weeks. She has orange pistils everywhere. I was thinking she would go the same time as everyone else, but it looks like she will be done a week before the rest. Sour Diesel C is looking great as ever. She is a week behind and has all white pistils. Her buds are also a bit small, but I expect them to fill out over the next 4 weeks. Maybe 3. Sour Diesel D needed a few leaves cut from the main cola. The foliage is just way too thick there. I'm afraid the buds won't swell because there's no space at all. Even cutting the leaves off did next to nothing. The lighting didn't change at all. That's it. No changes. The environment is doing the same thing as the last 3 days. High humidity in the morning and lower humidity in the afternoon. Today the temp is a bit wonky sitting kinda high at 78°. Too high for happy trichomes. I'm working on dropping the temp back down to 75°. 74° would be ideal, but this strain also likes it really warm. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 59.1% VPD: 1.20 kPa June 22, 2024 Last day of week 4 and we got some pictures! And a video. Sour Diesel A is doing quite well. She has some pretty nice stacks going on. But the most trichomes production. I also popped a few leaves off. They were getting crushed. Only a few though. Sour Diesel B may be ready for Overdrive. I'll check tomorrow, but I don't think she'll be growing much more. Her pistils are about 50% orange, but still stark white on the bottoms. So I might wait a week before starting Overdrive. Big Bud is supposed to go to week 6, but this is a 45 day flowering cycle. A total of 6.5 weeks. Based on that info, I think next week will be a good start for Overdrive and then leave it for week 6 and then flush for week 7. And then harvest. I also took 2 leaves off. They were also being crushed. Sour Diesel C is coming along nicely. She has super long stacks covered in frosty bud. Not a single orange pistil. I'd say she has another 3 weeks before flush. Yet another plant that I took some leaves from. Just a few though. Sticking out and overlapping other plants. Sour Diesel D has this hot mess of a main cola. It's ridiculously large, but it's just a whole bunch of super tight nodes. I'm not sure what it's going to do, but trimming it will be a super pain in the bottom parts. No leaf removal today, but I did take 3 yesterday. As for lighting, I think I should have left the support bars in the tent. I'm not really liking the vertical supplemental lighting. I'd much rather them be horizontal along each wall. I feel like that would be the best way for adding the lower light. I may add the bard tomorrow, but just the back and sides. I still need to be able to pull the plants out for watering and to check for any issues. Not that I think there will be any issues, but you never know. The environment is the same as yesterday and the day before. High humidity in the morning and lower humidity in the afternoon. The temp is bouncing around a bit. Up to 80° this morning and now down to 78°. Too high. I need to try to drop the heat down more. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.7° RH: 59.3% VPD: 1.21 kPa
Leider spielt das Wetter nicht so mit daher langsame Fortschritte. Update : 21.06 Das Wetter wird besser und die Ladys geben langsam richtig gas 🥦🔥
Week 2 flowering and tropicana cookies very easy to grow and she loves feeding o feed her with high dose and seem she love it all time I feed her every 2days and I wanna feed less water and do it every day when light goes on
📆 Week 9, 16-22 June 2024 16-18 June - Observed and let the plant grow. 19 June - Defoliated 19-22 June - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 Trichomes and resins have developed rapidly and the smell has become intense. I did a defoliation of all old and damaged leaves this week. All appears well and on schedule for this girl, another 3-4 weeks of flowering and she will be matured. 🍶 20 June nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 20 June feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient solution EC 2.2 at 75 degrees F 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 40 canopy coverage at 18hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Start of week 3 blueberry is flowering and the stretch is almost over. The seedlings are growing nicely.the box got up to 100f this week during mini heat wave had to put ice blocks in rez to lower temp down from 80f. I look forward to the 3 other new strains I’m running. My GSC seedling is looking a little pale I should have waited longer to change rez over to bloom nutes. I have top dressed some organic fertilizer near drip line of nutes 4-6-4 one month release. I applied to all seedlings except blueberry. I reduced blumat on gsc, ww, and ch until surface dried a little bit as my gsc was showing signs of overwatering. Gsc is starting to green back up. My bb had to nanners i plucked them I hope these are all. It could be from the high temps or the one night I had a light leak. BB larger plant receving 1000 ppfd.i turn light back down a notch Gsc leaves started cupping now she’s getting just 550 along with other seedlings.will continue to monitor for improvement and ramp lights up a little later if needed as plants should grow into light.
Week 8 Growing gradually, healthy. All plants are enlarging; forming structures with lot of branches. Just a difference around 5/10 cm height between the 4 strains. The biggest at this point are the Break pad Breath and the Flash Back#2….the GMO x Zombie Kush is beautiful too. ?I’m questioning about a 2nd topping? Daylight 15h43 : 6h13/22h Bad weather conditions during June: rainy, cold, poor luminosity, with just a few sunny days. The greenhouse is a good solution this days: less humidity with ventilation. Plants are daily controlled for Pests or diseases . Sprayed Neem oil 1 time - mix manure: horsetail (prêle), comfrey (consoude), fern (fougère), nettle (or tie) 1 time. I suspect the presence of “leaf miner flies” around. Low feeding: just roots stimulator and enzymes. I sprayed some fish mix 1 time on all plants.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D64/B27 - 18/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.2 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 FLUSH 🍗 💧 💼 FLUSH first day 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D65/B28 - 19/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 7 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 FLUSH 🍗 💧 💼 FLUSH second day 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D66/B29 - 20/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 15 L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - Bud Candy - B52 - Overdrive 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D67/B30 - 21/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D68/B31 - 22/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 15 L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - Bud Candy - B52 - Overdrive 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D69/B32 - 23/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D70/B33 - 24/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
she is doing really well. the buds are getting thicker and the smell is also getting a bit more intense. unfortunately it rained a lot last week and the humidity was very high. i hope that no mould has formed in the budss. the next week will be really sunny and she should still enjoy it. and i think i will harvest her in a week's time.
This week was all about watching Tricombes... Her buds are fattening up nicely, especially since she has received no training really.. She is smelling my balcony up with hints of sexyness everywhere.. She has been an absolute pleasure to grow outdoors.. Only issue this week was humidity..It's really difficult to control outdoors...that has been my only challenge.. I brought her in for a few pics.. And this is what she has turned out to ❤️💚❤️💚
she has developed really well. due to lack of space i have now moved her from the greenhouse to the outside. where she also got a nice rain shower straight away. due to the LST training she has stayed nice and small and has developed some nice little buds. i hope she copes well with the move to the outside.
she tolerated the first topping well. i had initially used LST, but have now decided against it and will try FIMing on her. i'm trying to develop a nice bush.
she tolerated the first topping well. i will continue to use LST on her and also try FIMing on her. the attempt is to generate a nice bushy plant
Day one week 3 - 22 June 2024 So out of our initial grow in the grodan blocks just the Northern Lights and Girlscout Cookies from Zamnesia seem to be doing well and can be Transplanted, Our Power Plant Autos and Sugar Bomb Punch seem to have undergone too much stress to start off well, I am going to transplant these in other fabric pots and continue them outside. Our new pots with our old school style growing method have flourished! Started on the 19th of June and all 5 Sugar Bomb Punch seedlings look healthy and on their way to being strong ladies, so is the Northern Lights ladies and the Girlscout Cookies Lady that's ready to be transplanted. We also have Wet OG here in the Tent and the Two Fuller ladies in the back are our Banana Kosher Kush from Mutant X Genetix. This is all their day 4 and more than likely I will start a brand new diary just for them. As I keep them domed during this initial phase and give them just enough water for our roots to grow healthy let's see how they keep prospering Let's see what the next week brings.