Welcome to my White Runt Diary, sponsored by MSNL & XPERT NUTRIENTS Weeks 5-6 Days 29-42 Plant responded well to hard defoliation. Growth has really builded up around and within her body. She'll make a nice Hard Lollipop candidate. Reported to an 8L, (don't want her too big). I just wanna enough for a taste, and add 30-50g to my Jars. NUTRIENTS Xpert nutrients have really helped me enhance my grow. Taste strength, and smell has all been enhanced massively. Happy as can be with my new nutes. Thankful to say. They opted sponsorship, which is amazing. They've also given me a generous discount for you guys below to find out just how good they are. I upped the grow ppm to 450-500 2x a week. 1x enzyme, silcia and master root are all given on a weekly basis. All feeds are PH'ed to 6.6-6.8, 350-400ml of mixed solutions/water perday DLI 33 550PPF FOR 17HRS, will up to 600ppf soon. And then cut the hours during the flip to 13 with IR 730nm helping the fower process happen quicker. Thanks to my sponsors, MSNL+XPERTNUTRIENTS & of course Spider-Farmer who's lights will be used for this entire grow, SF-1000, (been used for all 40-45 plants this crop for veg till mid/end of pre fower. SE5000 was taken out, and phase 4s got some of it. But this plant along with 10 others will be solely Spider-Farmer lights. SF-1000 & SE5000. DISCOUNT CODE FOR XPERT NUTRIENTS CODE:GGST Also, shout out to you. I thank you for dropping by. I look forward to seen your diaries. Either way thanks for dropping by.
This plant was an absolute dream to. Grow, no issues at all with health of plant, just struggled to tame her as she was a a thick strong climber 💪💪. I'm so impressed with how this turned out, I could have flushed for another 3 days to make it 12days but I needed the space. After The 2 days of dark I was recommended I can definitely say it has vastly boosted her trichomes and the smell when I opened the tent blew my head away 😍😋 Aiming for a 10-14 day hang dry, The 10-12 weeks curing in jars with humidity packs. I will update with a dry bud weight and smoke test 👌 Bud wet weight is just 500g+ Final bud dry weight is 298g. Of juicy resinous purple and orange buds 😍 smells like sherbert and hang dry smoke test revealed a candy sherbert, no banana yet but hoping like the grow it matures with cure process now. Hits eyes straight away, sandy bottom kids, giggles, munchies, fun time with Mrs, bed. Full cycle with this one very happy over here 😉😁💚 FAT BANANA AUTO FROM ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS, big thank you to the team, and the breaders. What a pheno I received. I appreciate you all
I am waiting to start some more seeds I already have them but another tent is needed and a couple of leds, good ones. It will take a few weeks to sort and as usual I have some inspections on the house I need to try and time carefully around 🤔 I did have 2 during this grow the first was in veg luckily they grew in a closet the second was week 3 flower (don't ask) The smell didn't stink out the room like the wedding cake did so I will try and cure this as long as possible to last this as close to next harvest as possible 😅 my cats didn't eat my plants this time so thats another bonus. Need to look into getting a proper air circulation for the new tent I used a fan the whole time my tent was wide open I want to have it sealed next time so I can fully zip it closed ffs lol defo would recommend this strain but I don't think they stock these anymore 😕 I got a coupe seeds from the first plant I was right the pic of the top bud a few weeks ago you can see the seed just about forming after the branch got broken off we will live and learn 😉
It was a 8 day dry and cured for bout a month I was left with 1 oz dry wait. the aroma of the buds were a strong musty jet-fule and fermented fruit 🍉. Braking it down by hand left my fingers sticky and covered in triphones❄️ so I switched to the grinder . When smoking the inhale you get a sweet jet-fule taste with a hit of pineapple on the exhale 😮‍💨 it taste like a dank watermelon pineapple smoothie. I role my self a gram maybe a lil more but the first couple hits really hit the chest and left me with a energetic head high but half way through the joint It was a relaxing full body high that left me feeling like I was floating through time. Is this girl and really want to grow her again.
I am loving this plant!! Her buds are deep deep purple and super dense and covered in trichs!!! The smell is awesome....sweet and fruity with gasseyness, pretty sure that's not a word. This is going to be a great grow!! Thank you @
She's getting sparkly. Time doesn't seem to be effecting us none. We're chilling. Them little first sets of white hairs are starting to curl inwards and changing into little orange hairs. And there's a few new sets of white hairs I do believe that's a good thing. Every now and then I find a dead leaf. It doesn't seem to be an issue. So I just give her what's recommended and I'm bad about being on time with any of most of it. It's good tho. We're all happy here.
Bueno, para no perder a nadie, el sistema que manejo es con dos indoors en paralelo. Uno en flora y otro creciendo la madre. A la madre la hago crecer hasta sacarle esquejes. Luego pasan al otro indoor, la madre y los esquejes, y ahí comienza la floración. Y ahí mismo comienza la nueva madre en el indoor pequeño. La variedad es de un banco argentino que no sé si sigue existiendo. Se llama "kali seeds" y la variedad es superhaze. Que en teoría tiene unas 10 semanas de floración. Día 01. Puse la planta para obligarme a terminar el prototipo. En este caso decidí usar madera de palets y algunas otras cosas que encontré en la calle. Ya casi termino todo, pero me falta armar los cierres. No voy a hacer puertas, dado que no está centrado, así que uso una tela de microfibra que ayuda a opacar mucho y era mas barata que el blackout. Ademas es impermeable y me sirve para un nuevo mecanismo de seguridad para fugas que quiero implementar. Es bastante simple, pero me soluciona mucho. Hoy no hay mucho más que mostrar. Cuando lo haya terminado voy a ir mostrando como va quedando. No me voy a enroscar con los tsp. Voy a poner lo que use aca. Ahora puse un litro de agua con un poco menos de 1g. de Feeding Grow de Greenhouse. Al menos por ahora, ya que tengo que comprar medidores porque los míos ya no dan confianza. Día 4. Ya estoy terminando de acomodar el indoor. Lo forré con refractario e instalé las "puertas" que en realidad son telas tipo blackout, pero mucho más finitas. Me falta terminar de ordenar la electricidad para que cada sector tenga su timer. Van a ser 3 timer diferentes. Por un lado van a ir luces y ventilaciones de flora (12hs). Por otro lado bombas de aire, bomba de agua y probablemente vientos de floración (15 min/hr). Y por último luz y ventilación del modulo de madres (18hs). Hice el cambio del depósito, a uno de 5 litros, ya que los próximos 10 dias pienso intentar mantener la misma solución (mantuve la proporción 1g/L de feeding grow). La planta tuvo un ataque de una plaga que fue a sus primeras hojas. Por suerte en el momento puse tierra de diatomeas y parece haberse detenido. Pero se pueden ver los amarillos en las puntas. No me preocupa, dado que en hidroponia esos problemas se resuelven y la planta se recobra enseguida. Ahora igual habrá que ir monitoreando, dado que me había olvidado de desinfectar el indoor, cosa que hice luego de este ataque. Tengo fé que llegando al mes y medio de crecimiento, ya esté en condiciones de cortar unos esquejes. Día 07. Por el momento el crecimiento viene rápido cómo suele ser en hidroponia. En unos días le voy a estar haciendo el corte apical. La ansiedad me viene ganando, pero sigo con fé. Esta semana tengo que comprar un par de aditivos y medidores que me están faltando. Pero ya está todo encaminado.
Week 10 Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=150w Extractor controller settings High temp=24c Low temp= c Temp step=0c High Rh= 50% Low Rh= % Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=1 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=10.01-21.59 Radiator on= below 22.0c Radiator off= above 23.0c Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=22.00-10.00 Radiator on= below 18c Radiator off= above 19c Fri 23/2/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=bloom nutes. Neutralise=0.1ml/L Silicon=1.0ml/L Calmag=0.5ml/L Terra Bloom=3.0ml/L Sumo Boost=2.0ml/L P/K 9/18=1.0ml/L Easy Ph down=0.1ml/L Ec=1.9 PH=6.8/6.8 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L(L) Total volume left=2.4L Total volume used=10.6L Volume per plant=2 6L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=2.2 PH=6.2/6.3 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #1 (Day 64)(Day 26 flower) 📋 tray is just high enough that they aren't sat in runoff. Sat 24/2/24 #1 (Day 65)(Day 27 flower) 📋 nothing Sun 25/2/24 #1 (Day 66)(Day 28 flower) 📋 Lowered light power from 150w to 140w Mon 26/2/24 #1 (Day 67)(Day 29 flower) 📋 Tue 27/2/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=water Neutralise=0.1ml/L Easy Ph Ec=0.2 PH=6.8/6.8 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L Total volume left=4L Total volume used=9L Volume per plant=2.25L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=1.8 PH=6.5/ Didn't run as should because forgot to plug it in. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #1 (Day 68)(Day 30 flower) 📋 Wed 28/2/24 #1 (Day 69)(Day 31 flower) 📋 Thur 29/2/24 #1 (Day 70)(Day 32 flower)**** 📋 I'm glad I removed a load of colas the other week because if I hadn't of done that I think she would be very overcrowded with no room between the colas. She is that tall that I can't get my camera in the tent to take pictures. At the moment I can just about pull her out the tent but I don't want to do that to much with me being very accident prone. Back soon. Take it easy.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.
Week 9, some of the most exciting times during flower, the final stages, all the hard work is done, now it's just waiting for harvest.
Week 8. I have the mother, I can always grow it again if I like it.
Que hay familia, actualizo la tercera semana de crecimiento de estas Runtz F1 automáticas de Zamnesia. Vemos que las 5 están en perfectas condiciones, tienen un buen color y van creciendo a buen ritmo. Empiezo por supuesto abonando una pequeña cantidad de la gama Agrobeta. La temperatura está 25 grados y la humedad anda entorno al 50%. Riego cada 48 horas y suelo pulverizar con agua para aumentar un poco la humedad ambiental. Hasta aquí es todo estas próximas semanas veremos cómo van avanzando. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.