Día 9 (10/06) N/A Día 10 (11/06) N/A Día 11 (12/06) Llueve mucho. Humedad alta por aquí. Eso les favorece Día 12 (13/06) Se empiezan a desarrollar las hojas verdaderas a una buena velocidad! Todo en marcha! 💨 Día 13 (14/06) Riego ligero 100 ml sólo H20 EC 0,5 en previsión del trasplante en el día 15 de la planta Día 14 (15/06) Se nota que estamos en el día 14 desde germinación y la mayoría de las plántulas van viento en popa! Día 15 (16/06) Hoy procedemos a trasplantar a las chicas a su maceta intermedia de 6,5 litros Se prepara con 5,5 Litros (85%) de sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS+MYCORRHIZAE + 1 Litro de Insect Frass (15%) + 65 gramos de Earth Vibes Super Soil (10 g/L substrato) Se llena la maceta de sustrato con las manos (limpias) y rompiendo los trozos más gruesos, para que el sustrato esté aireado y esponjoso, sin presionar Se coloca una maceta vacía de 1L para que quede la forma perfecta de la maceta donde están las plántulas (ver fotos) Se espolvorea la parte proporcional de la probeta de microorganismos sobre el agujero de trasplante Se saca la plántula de su maceta actual (bonitas raíces 😍) y se coloca en la maceta final Se riega muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H2O EC 0,5 pH 6,5 Se coloca mulch (acolchado) de paja para evitar traspiración excesiva y cuidar a los microorganismos del suelo A ver como reacciona al trasplante! 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
I'm excited for this one, really skunky smell and lovely buds. Hey growth was right on point with a auto and having her under 24 hours if light a day really fattened up her flowers. She grew with zero stretch between nodes and stacked nothing but nice colas. I would definitely recommend this strain for anyone looking for a fast turnaround of fat resinous buds. Cheers.
Realicé la que yo creo será la última poda, quedó un tercio de la parte inferior completamente sin brotes ni hojas. Próximamente aplicaré guano de ave y hummus para luego regar de forma alterna con agua y melaza
Just another week of vegging and feeding, waiting to make sure the last remaining plant I have is female. I think the male parts would have shown already if it was male, but you never really know until flip time. I’m planning on up-planting the remaining plant I have to a 7 gallon fabric pot and flipping it to 12-12 because I don’t have tent space for a massive beast of a photoperiod. Excited to see if this one is female (which I really think it is fingers crossed!).
Very good plant it liked when I topped it not to picky smells like garlic right now I’m happy with it and I’ll update when I finish drying the rating may go up after I smoke it
This girl is about finished here sister came out to about a 1 1/2 ounce hopefully this big girl is more overall good experience I don't have to say I will be doing these again because I already have 2nd and 3rd generation clones who am I tho I. Just a newbie 😌 lol
08 Feb 2022 Update: Little check after I removed plant n.9 (the little 2nd blackberry banana), all 8 plants are beautiful, the colors of the leaves, the grow, the smell, the temperature, the humidity of the soil everything is nice and goes fast and strong 🤜🏼☀️🤛🏾 Light regime ☀️22/2🌑 temp ☀️22.5/28.5 🌑 17.5/21 humidity 59% All plants looks now gorgeous as hell hahahahha color and grow looks going good 10 Feb 2022 Update: After 30 days of life, for the "Wedding Cake" it's already flowering time! 😬