Day 79 Heut wurde gegossen mit Dünger und Neemöl Neemöl wurde auch gespritzt Day 82 Heute wurde gegossen mit Calmag Day 84 Heute habe ich bei allen 3 Ladys unten rum leicht entlaubt und einige Triebe entfernt Anfangs der Woche war es ziemlich kalt und die Ladys haben die Blätter hängen lassen (6grad) Ende der Woche ist es endlich Warm geworden und sie stehen wieder prächtig da, vereinzelt hab ich Löcher von kleinen Heuschrecken aber noch nicht all zuschlimm. Ich habe auch die Calmag Menge erhöht da leichte Mangelerscheinungen zusehen waren. Die Ladys wachsen und gedeihen sehrgut #1 100cm #2 120cm #3 158cm
Overall it was quite an easy grow, but one of the seeds had some kind of genetic disease so it looked very different to the rest and produced the least in the end. Alpha: 16g Bravo: 27g Charlie: 19g Delta: 19g Echo: 33g Total dry: 114g It was very clear from the beginning of how Echo was trained that it will yield the most in the end. I need to try to replicate that during the next grows 😁 But overall this strain was very quick and produced extreeemely dense buds 😍
Cut a few of the colas off to dry,alot of the tops are done and now just focusing on the bottom buds to ripen and turn amber :) Had a smoke today of the tallest cola,smokes great and haven't been this high in a long time so impressed with her !
The bigger plant is doing amazing, I supercropped the top branch and it instantly accepted it and the buds were reaching within the hour! The little guy I’m still not so sure about yet.
Another week in the books, one maybe 2 more to go, if the weather holds and humidity doesn't go crazy. Since grow diaries doesn't support more than 32 weeks, it's a bit of a pain to track the rest of this grow. Still I will post updates.
2021-09-11 This Phenotype was growing very fast and very straight up, In flower she behaved like a Supersativa, she was growing very dense with Open Buds Her smell is Soooooo Lovely. the whose Street smelled like her😱- so beware to have good Neighbours Unfortunately she was growing to close under the Plasticroof for weeks and she catched some mold It was a Comination of avery, very cold and rainy summer, togehter with extremly dense Growth and a to close Roof I scrooged her , but it was to late, she already catched mold from the rooftop ( plastic) She was growing with alot of superdense Colas, As I mentioned i had to go 3 Weeks earlier, but yeah my fault, in letting her to long under the misty, humid Roof I definitely grow her again next Year Sorry for not having good Pictures, it was kind of " Blizzaction" to Harvest her
6e semaine de floraison la variété supporte très bien les 98% d'humidité et 10 degrés la nuit sans moisissure. Les tete sont vraiment vraiment vraiment collante avec une odeur typique sativa/haze c'est principalement tropical et florale ensuite des note citrique/haze pour finir sur un fond crémeux de hash
7e semaine de floraison, Application du propolix contre le début du botrytis qui a commencer semaine dernière, la gorilla a du être infecter depuis que le tronc c'est fendu en deux. J'ai pourtant pris les precaution nécessaires, pour l'instant aucun autre départ de botrytis ca a l'air sous contrôle le produit a l'air efficace, j'ai acheter un ventilateur uniquement pour elle j'espère l'aider et non propager le fleau sur mes autres plant..
This strain is certainly giving me its fair share of problems. First, it was the yellowing of leaves. Now, I'm noticing early signs of bud rot. Just a few colas are affected right now and I'm hoping it doesn't become too widespread. I've cut off affected areas and I'm hoping for the best. On the bright side, one of the plants isn't presenting with any of these problems. In fact, the buds on this plant in particular are looking quite beautiful and have just started showing off its purple tint. Being a first time grower, I expected I may run into problems. That's why I decided to hedge my bet and plant four seeds instead of just one. I suppose that insurance policy is paying off.
It was a roller coaster ride guys but I started with four harvested I earlier got two ounce quick dry wasent flushed properly but these ones hav been there a some nice buds here n a hopefully will get a decent seed harvest stoned @chedderbob112 s2340420 don’t hav dry weight bud av went for fullness plant
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 9/10/21 😿 Not a harvest, just an end to this sorry, sorry dairy lol...the seedlings absolutely will not grow..things we've tried: giving them mild nutrients, mycorrhizal cultures, we've tried LED, HID, some time in the sun and even our old T5s lol...both seedlings are identical, genetic misfits.. we really won't have the space either after our next shipment so we've decided to give 1 seedling away to a (much more patient) friend with the caveat that these may be pollen bombs come flower and I fed the other seedling to my kitty George 😺.. ah well, you can't win them all..thank you so much the support anyway grow family, you're the absolute best!! ❤️💡🌱😽💨 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_