6/19 Knowing it was going to be over 100° for the majority of the day I WATERED the garden with 3 1/2 gallons. I went to check around 4 and everything looked amazing. We got some hard rain from a thunderstorm at 4pm but it seems like these girls like it rough and did fine. The take a beating and come back stronger. Knock on wood but I haven't seen any problems on the plant I snapped amd dict taped.. Everything seems to have toughened up and the leaves are an awesome healthy color. They grow observable every day now. Tomorrow is supposed to reach 100 again for most of the day before weather goes back to semi normal. I took a video but it will take way to long to upload. Tons of other pics didn't upload either. 6/20 Another day that's going to be over 100°. Plants seem to love it lol. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Bags still had some heft so I didn't water this morning. I figure I'll check them around noon and then plan on watering tonight if they need it. Hopfully they'll get some rain from thunderstorms. This crop has been through a lot. I think that has helped them significant deal with this unpredictable weather. 6/21 We had a MAJOR thunderstorm with sheet rain yesterday. I missed it but it was intense. I saw some videos. First time dad seemed concerned. Fortunately there was no damage. I was going to water today but I decided to hold off due to the look of the plants and the "praying leaves" at 4pm and feeling some moisture in the soil. Bags seemed to still have some heft. I'll probably water tomorrow. Need to transplant the 1 gals and need to figure out what I want to do for nutes this year. So far I've put in much less effort and I'm still doing great. I just don't have as many plants as usual. 6/22 Rained last night. Not much but the bags were heavy still so I held off watering. Plants looked happy and I can fix under watering much easier. It will rain tomorrow. I'll check throughout the day and update but things are going good. I should transplant those 3 seedlings in 1 gals. 6/23 It Rained last night and is suppised to rain today. It was raining when i went over. Just the kind if rain the plants love. I'll check again before church but I'm eventually going to have to water them. Those thunder storms helped a lot. 6/24 Rained about an inch yesterday. Plants loved it. Bigger everytime I see them. One seedling showed a pistol and I'll transplant it with the rest. It was the only one I was worried about. I've seen a FEW leaf hopper punctures and some other bites that could be anything. Time to get the ipm 6/25 Looks like its gonna be a nice sunny day. 75° at 10am. Plants are doing amazing and growing at a rapid pace. Haven't done anything ipm as of yet but any damage I've seen is localized to "A" leaf on "A" plant. I'll be paying attention and watching for signs of deficiencies. As of now though they LOOK great. I'll try to transplant the 3 seedlings today.
So in just the last week, the plants already doubled. GSC went from 11 to 22". Widow went from 8 to 14". Gelat.og went from 10 to 18". GSC seems to want to grow up quickly. Huge growth spurt. Flowered after 3 days. Flowers are developing well meanwhile the other two are just showing a few tendrils. Hopefully an uneventful week.
They cut all my plant and take it. Bad friends. The yield and number of plant was higher. Unfortunately. I walk away with 500gr of 16 different strain. No trace of Super Lemon Haze
hello fellas have ya seen my clone that refuses to grow it is still alive making only three finger leaves i should kill it but i cant lol gonna see where that brings us looks like i am gone be in flower for about nine weeks THREE WEEKS TO GO i see the cola formation growing in am thinking if i would feed them this week they now have got three waterings plain water i guess i am gonna do that 600ml every other day biobizz + water
hello fellas have ya seen my clone that refuses to grow it is still alive making only three finger leaves i should kill it but i cant lol gonna see where that brings us looks like i am gone be in flower for about nine weeks THREE WEEKS TO GO i see the cola formation growing in am thinking if i would feed them this week they now have got three waterings plain water i guess i am gonna do that 600ml every other day biobizz + water
Hey folks coming to the end of week 7 and unfortunately what looks like to me is a bit of a P-K deficiency in one of the flowers, did up the ph gradually to 6.3 and it seems to be holding out as there is only maybe 14 or 15 days left on these baby's am not going to worry that much, so we will see how we get on this week and i'l update yea all again next week, 👍
Brewed a Tea for the ladies and there loving it, just transplanted the rest that weren’t into 3gal pots. they’ve all bounced back. Deciding on not using any synthetic nutes an just keep using the tea an maybe some other organic things. But the rest are bag seeds reason i’m not posting them lol but a little bigger then the crown royals tho i did start those about a day or two after
La verdad que no puedo decir Nada en negativo sobre esta chepa para mi Royal Queen Seeds es unos de Los mejores Banco de semilla por un error mio la sourdiesel se quedó pequena, però ha hecho su trabajo muy bien y a sido fuerte a resisti mi error. 💯💯💯💯💯💯Royal Queen Seeds