Week 5 : Auto Colorado in Vertafort
Great week of growth, filling out the canopy nicely by now ! seeing some promising side shoots, not seeing any excess or lack of nutrients - yet ! sprayed with micro and kelp twice a week , keeping VPD in the green zone to great effect. got watered with co2 twice and got watered once with beneficials and micro. I might have messed uo a bit on the pH watering the last time, but only time will tell. Hopefully the soil microbes etc will buffer it out without any significant pH fluctuations. just trying to follow their growth with some LST and raising the light every day or couple of days this week, keeping the distance constant and hopefully keeping the correct distance. I'm not planning a feed for a couple of weeks at least. Let's see how the buds develop first ! Any comments or constructive suggestions, fire away ! 🚀