The first week of the 12/12 cycle went without any problems. The scrog is going fine and I've done some pruning & defoliation underneath the screen making it easier to water them. On day 40 (5th day of this week) I spotted the first pre-flowers. I gave them tapwater with Plagron nutrients once this week. The rest of the week I gave them ph adjusted tapwater every other day (Ec 0.46 - ph 6.1 - 1 liter each/48h) The cobs stayed at the same height and power as last week (43 cm/17 inch and 188 watt ā€“ DLI 28 ā€“ PPFD 648) On the last day it got a bit brighter again with the cobs at 40 cm/15.75 inch and 208 watt. (DLI 30.2 ā€“ PPFD 699) I sprayed them once with a CannaCure solution (50 ml CannaCure + 200 ml tapwater, ph 6.1) Temperatures stayed between 20 ā€“ 25 Ā°C (68 ā€“ 77 Ā°F) and humidity levels between 49 ā€“ 66 % C u next week! āœ‹ Do you want to grow this strain? šŸ‘‰ https://www.barneysfarm.us/pineapple-chunk-weed-strain-15 šŸ‘ˆ
In the beginning i was alittle concerned because of the automaticStrain in a Microgrow. But those Ladies took all like " Bosses". The Rabbit and the lil white Sheep produced lots of Flowers. What a Journey, I enjoyed this "Egghunt " so much Last Decemmber @Silky_smooth, wrote me, if i want to participate into a Challenge called " Egghunt" That means growing a Plant from Seed into 50g Of Soil// Medium That means as much as fit into an Eggshell. So i did not think a lot and said yes. And the " EGGHUNT" begun. I started looking for funny // sweet little Growcontainers, and I found some Fancy ones. Black Sheeps, white Sheeps, ( Eggcups) , and some Tealightholders, one like a Rabbit, and a " Bridge" i filled Soil into the Cups, and Into the Sheepcups were under 10 gram of Soil. The " cups" from the Bridge had 35 g Sooooo... challenge accepted!! In the Beginning it was hard to me not to overwater them.But they Mastered my drownings very well After 14 Days i had to manage the Feeding of the Girls. Until that time they only got Beneficals and the Nutes from the 10g Soil. But i got some help from my Growmies, how to feed them , ( not over and underfeed).....Stoney gave me the Hint for an EC of 1000-1200 And so i did it I mixed bigger amounts of Feedingsolution, and the little Cups were diving into the Feedingsolution daily. I could see they got nice color and look fresh again. The bigger they got, the more they liked to drink Then i switched after 5 Weeks from Vegetation into Floweringmode. So they were diving 2 times in the Day into the Feedingsolution. not every Day, but very often.. From there on, it became much easier to me. Because i could see what they need. And the Fun began. Buds were swelling, and Flowers were smelling. In the last 2 Weeks i topdressed with laygranules, to keep humidity into the Cups Until we reached Today.. So Today i cut them and ooked into the cups, and i got to say,,, i could snot see any sooil, only ROOTS.... Solid , totally woven Roots. Most of the Soil was flushed away from the divings. But Plants looked good until last Day CONCLUSION: I learned so much in this Challenge.I learned so much about Watering/Feeding.. and having Fun on the Little Things I feel like i have Grown, together with my little Plants. I feel very confident to do Soilless/ DWC or any other grow hahaha... I feel like i can grow everything... I hope you had the same Fun like me into that " EGGHUNT" And thank you @Silky_smooth, for asking me to paricipate Legalize that wonderful Plant!!!
Pretty easy grow so far. Yes I water a lot but I'm also in my garden a lot so it keeps me busy. Purple stems only panic I had. I switched to ro water
I was without a phone this time, but I came back with everything. direct from brazil !!! let's go together. I would like to thank those who follow šŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸ”„
I had a problem with the phone, but I voted! this is my lavender best from bulkseedsbank now I'm back šŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸ‡§šŸ‡·
Eine Genetik die mir echt SpaƟ bereitet hat groƟ zu ziehen. Extrem schƶne Headbuds und extrem Starkes Trichomenbild. Die Trichome Ć¼berzeugen nicht nur in der menge sogar noch in der grĆ¶ĆŸe, so riesige teilweise dazwischen was mir einfach ein lƤcheln auf den Mund zaubern. Der geruch als auch der geschmack Ƥhneln sich sehr. Eine Blumige Tropische Note mit einem leichten Herben Kiefer Hintergrund. Cinderella Jack zu rauchen knallt stark und hƤlt lange an. Die Sativa richtung kommt eher raus mit einem schƶnen Kopf high und einem angenehm entspannten Kƶrper.
All plants harvested after 56h of total dark. I love the quantity and even more the quality of buds. Now, time to let them dry. All sugar leaves are in the freezer, ready for cooking oil infusions. I did trim most of them, but some smaller buds will be dry trimmed after drying. I did not measure wet weight, I just dont find it useful at all. I will upload harvest when buds are dry and measure the dry weight. Cheers!
Hope I can hold out for a couple of more weeks, should have had a second trellis to support the gorilla girls as I as I wasn't expecting the lower flowers to get so big. Thing are leaning everywhere. I am grateful that its quite dry where I am and don't have to worry about mold too much. I do have a bit of wind burn as you can see in some of the pics but very hardy plants overall.
160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I donā€™t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dmā€™d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didnā€™t seem to mind much. I also couldā€™ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they mightā€™ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that werenā€™t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!
Iā€™ve been dealing with an undiagnosed issue presenting with discoloured leaves. The buds however do not seem bothered as they develop happily or at least they appear to. On day 77 of WW I noticed cloudy trichomes! This is strange however as they are only in week 6 of flower. Not sure how long the cloudy to amber transition is but crop king notes an 8 week flower while growers report 8-10 weeks.