🏆 Last chance to vote!
Well going to give it one last week to flower. Started giving her just water and backed off flowering neuts completely this is my healthiest girl she also gets the award for the most used and abused. (Heat stressed, gnat attack and snapped her main kola ) smells like blueberries and fuel
One more week and this Girl is just fantastic, i can already see the great genetics on her, and let me tel you, despise the fact that her next door got infected wit freaking thrips and on this side so far i have seen none , that also means she is stronger than the rest on that field, and that she is healthy and it all, non so ever i ordered a bunch of beneficial bugs and some nematodes and i will apply a IPM ( integrated pest management ) just in case, as soon as the mail arrive and i apply them i will take pictures and explain the all process and why is so important to do it , the pros and what may or may not happens wen not applied and growing in organics. Any way she is doing great, she still growing and stretching if you guys prefer the term, and her inter node is just perfect, this one will produce great fruits i can already see them in my mind , lets keep giving her love and see how she keep reacting to it. For this week no changes on her food recipe but if she keeps at this pass i will start adding extra K , but for now i believe she still doesn't need that extra K boost, i want her to finish completely her grown and after i will start working on her fruits <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stoping by, for your time, your love and for it all, i am truly blessed with you all. All info and full product details can be find in can find @ https://dutch-passion.com/

https://aptus-holland.com/ #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #dutchpassion #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove
 With true love comes happiness , Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so More info and full updates @ https://growdiaries.com/grower/dogdoctor Growers love to you all P.S. reminder no emogies other way the text just puff and its gone lol 😆💚
Hola compañeros! Ya estamos por aquí de nuevo. Vamos progresando ese cultivito multicepas. Estamos entre la semana 2 y la 4 de vegetativo en el conjunto de cepas. Tenemos otras creciendo en el mismo armario para ahorrar energía.. pero en breves trasplantamos y quedaremos las 9 cepas definitivas que van a florecer. Aunque aun les daremos algo más de crecimiento al conjunto. En cuanto a la alimentación seguimos con la gama de abonos de @GreenBuzzNutrients, con la cual estamos súper contentos! Estos productos orgánicos de origen vegano son idóneos para cultivar unas plantas eco. Tenemos la luminaria Fc3000 marshydro al 30% a unos 70 cm de distancia de las plantas. De momento lo dejo así, más adelante iremos subiendo un poquito más la potencia. Temperatura max 25°C Temperatura min 21 °C Húmedad(%) 60 Vamos a trabajar el vegetativo una semana más! Un saludo compañeros, hasta pronto
First week of flower👏 They got 2 hours extra darkness before flip. Not because of scientific evidence, but simply practical. Still looking back to the first weeks of veg. WHAT A MESS and WHAT A MIRACLE 🙏 Coming into flower, they had two defoliation and the latest one was 7/10. Last feed 8/10 Introducing Biobizz CalMag(0.5ml/l) + BioBloom(0.25ml/l)+Topmax(0.25ml/l)+Rootjuice(0.25ml/l) Still 2ml/L Fishmix+BioHeaven(Fishmix will be switched out with BioGrow) 👽👉10/10 VPD is 1.2,-1.3. good airflow above and below canopy. 👽👉11/10 Mild signs of light stress. They will get used to the VPD. Can't wait to feed in a couple of days and see the reaction. Im sure they are really hungry! 👽👉12/10 Waterday** Introducing higher doses of bloom nutes. The Run off PH and EC are all within the limits 👽👉13/10 They lit up after some nutes. They look happy! Let the stretch begin 👽👉14/10 Already see fast growth. Just monitering factors, to make sure the climate is optimal and their are no symptoms. 👽👉15/10 Waterday* Thirsty ladies 👽👉16/10 Last day of week 1 of flower. Everything is going fine, Good airflow, None of the small symptoms has gotten worse, so overall happy ladies! How ever one has a little stunned growth or maybe just a bit behind of going into stretch
🌸 Signs of flowering showing now as pistils begin to develop on all four plants after changing the light cycle to 12/12. I decided to add a scrog net this week to help even out the canopy as they begin to stretch over the next couple of weeks. ✌️
Giorno 1 bene le ragazze adesso staranno in vegetativa ancora 1/2 settimane poi andiamo in fiore, annaffiata con 1L di acqua Giorno 6 annaffiata con 2L di acqua Giorno 7 LST molto duro e leggera defogliazione di qualche foglia che infastidiva nel mezzo, infine ho lollipato solo 2 rami perché avevano un nodo di troppo mentre gli altri non sono stati toccati
90x60x140 (Mars Hydro) FC-E4800 (Mars Hydro) Easy2go Aquavalve5 (Autopot) Living Soil (Demetearth) Bruce Banner (PEV Seed) Gorilla GG4 (Ganja Farmer) Cream Caramel (Sweet Seed) Gorilla Gelato (Ganja Farmer) Blueberry (00 Seed) Kalini Asia (Zamnezia) Biscotti Mintz (Barney's Farm) Blackberry Cake (Sensi Seed) Amsterdam Amnesia (Dutch Passion) Gelato Cookie (Ganja Farmer) Purple OG Punch (Ganja Farmer) Sweet ZZ (RQS) Rainbow Road (Paradise Seed) Substrat ~50L: 30L Super Light Mix Biotechnologie 18L coco 2L perlite 1,7kg lombricompost 350g guano de chauve-souris 350g Zéolithe 350g Basalte 170g guano vers de farine 170g biochar 0,7g Endomychorise glomus intraradices 0,7g Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Paillage de luzerne alfalfa Arrosage avec 2ml/L de mélasse de canne 1x par semaine Pulvérisation avec 1% d’huile de neem jusqu'à la 2eme semaine de floraison
Looks healthy to me, idk why my buds grow so slowly
So out of my girls this time this strain is my favourite! Reminds me of runtz muffin as I've discovered it has critical orange punch and the main terp that stood out on the runtz muffin was the orange punch! I'm so excited and happy to have something like this in my grow! Look at her structure she is so vigorous and bonus bonus clones are this strain! So I have 4 plants off this 😁😌 I have zero complaints, everything is next to perfect! Light is at the very top top in my 180cm tent makes me feel this will be my best one yet!