Day 1. She is out !!!! Let's all stupidity start NOW ;)))
Still have no pH up down, just boiled water, 7.4 pH ;)))))
So , because life is so unfair, I decided to cheat from time to time, think all evenings she will spent under 12W table light ...
Simple Lux meter app shows 1000 lux during day ;)))) under table light I get 8000-10000 reading ;))) easy cheat, no regrets !!! ;))))
Evening. Girl is getting green colour, but slowly, still worried about pH... let's see ...
Day 2. Gave 0.5g of BioSys from Ecothrive and 7 ml of 6.3 ph water
Day 3. At 18 pm lost all electrics at home, she spent 22 hours without light, +11 at night, +16 during day ....
Day 4. Mycelium is here !!! She looks nice !
Day 6. 20ml of 6.3 ph . Looks nice, just lanky, bought fan too ;)))
Damn math getting higher... 3 seeds + 11£ for ph+-, 3.50£ for BioSys, now 12 for fan ... Plus couple pennies for nutes.
Electrics at home included into rent, so light and fan run for free, hope she wont stink a lot ;))))
Happy Growing !!!