Semana con nutriente de floración al 100%, se inició control biológico preventivo para la botritis, C4 de Mills y Bio Bud de GH. - Luz: Bestva Pro 1000W / 18 h/d -TerraNova Bloom G.Hydroponics: 0.7ml/l - Bio Bud G. Hydroponics 2.5ml/l - Armour SI G. Hydroponics 0.4ml/l - C4 Mills 1ml/l - Everest: 0.5 ml/l Control biológico: -Solution (bioinsecticida generalista: Beauveria, Metarhizium, Lecanicillium y Cladosporium + esencia de ajo y chile). -Acaridox (bioacaricida: Metarhizium e Hirsutella + esencia de canela) - Scamin (control escama y cochinilla) Cladosporium Herbarum -Bioprotection BD Plus (microorganismos bioestimulantes y bioprotectores: Trichoderma + actinomicetos + Lactobacillus) - Bioprotection TR + BSLIN (biofungicida generalista: Bacillus subtilis + Trichoderma y metabolitos).
One thing is obvious they are all same in structure and bud formation and even maturing and this is very good for who wants to plants in land in quantity. I plant 6 gorilla skittlez from barneys farm and the came out 6 different pheno but this 3 gorgeous persian mood from art genetix are like real sisters. I believe heaven should smells like my balcony:))
I initiated the germination process using coco jiffy pods, which provide an ideal environment for seeds to sprout due to their moisture-retaining properties and good aeration. After three days, when the first signs of germination were visible - likely small roots emerging from the seeds or possibly the first cotyledons - I carefully transplanted the seedlings into larger pots. For this next phase, I used living soil from 'Couple of Plants'. These soil contain nutrient-rich teeming with beneficial microorganisms, creating a natural ecosystem that promotes efficient nutrient uptake and healthier plant growth, setting the stage for robust development in the coming weeks.
Its just a set and forget experiment in amongst my Mixed (photos and autos but on 12/12) tent. Two seeds planted in a 16L fabric. Minimum space and time, zero training, fairly basic organic nutrients, 12/12 and unheated so low energy costs. Even the "companion" sister was the free seed RQS give you, which in this case was Royal Critical Auto.(which actually is performing well given these conditions although isnt a very exciting thc limit at just 14%. Epsilon F1's thc levels arent actually in specified in any of the literature I can find; all the f1s seem to just get rated like "XXL" or "XXXL". Nonetheless, 'one pot two harvests' is alluring enough for me to be glad I'm doing this experiment. Theres a good deal of science (and general hippy feeling too!) that these girls benefit from exchange in the root zone with other plants. Conversely, will epsilon being chopped down and leaving royal crit auto alone with around two weeks left of her lifecycle, cause beneficial stress to R.Crit Auto? Lets hope so.
This beautiful hazey lady looked ready for the take down, and since I had some time on my hands , thats exactly what I did, she was smelling very nice and rich , Ive got her hanging to dry atm, but im looking very forward of giving her a taste once she's dried and cured. I'll be back for a weigh in once her buds are dried and seperated from the stems etc.
Went to town on the not so lower third, did a good lower half on these since they are so tall, I don’t really want any larf and I’ll probably go back in in a couple weeks and do the same thing. These ladies are stretching crazy and also starting to put out some ice. Very excited, these were cloned from a purple pheno, but that purple pheno couldn’t been due to deficiency. Either way I’m so hyped for this grow, the octopots are out performing my expectations and so are the plants. I turned the light up to 75% and they seem to like it so far, I’m afraid to go too high on it since they are essentially touching it right now anyway. Week 3 in the books. It’s time for some bud formation.
Toped 20 gr more at the end of the week to Mimosa Evo considering the planned 10 week flower time. 2nd week of Flower is over without any issue. Rearranged pots. Top Left: Wonder Pie (GHSC) Top Right: Lemon Orange (GHSC) Middle: Mimosa Evo (Barney’s - Clone) Bottom Left: Runtz (Barney’s - Clone) Bottom Right: Exotic Runtz (GHSC)
Barreling into week 7.. getting extremely excited to get to the finish line. Follow us on Facebook if you want to get your hands on these seeds! Link in profile if you don’t see it here. Or just search Trashy Genetics.