Keep on moving. 420 forever and Jah God always with us protecting us. Hug. Tommy
Gorilla Fast · 00seeds
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
TLED 26W Blooming · Secret Jardin
HS80 · Secret Jardin
Deeper Underground · Top Crop
Ugro Rhiza 1200 - Mycorrizae powder solution ·
Ugro Rhiza 1200 ·
Top Veg · Top Crop
Seaweed Solution (Kelp)- Cultivers ·
Green Explosion · Top Crop
Big One · Top Crop
Fulvic_Humic Acids (LEONARDITE)- Cultivers ·
Aminoacids Liquid solution - Cultivers ·
Top Bloom · Top Crop
Aminoacids - Cultivers ·
AgroMolasses - Cultivers- ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Lacalva Stress Treatment · Madame Grow
Aminoacids - Cultivers ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
C4 · Mills Nutrients
Biotonex · Cannaboom
Gold Green - Gold Complet ·
Gold Green - Gold Bloom ·
Micro Vita · Top Crop
Top Mass · Top Crop
Top Candy · Top Crop
CalMag · Top Crop
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Brutalzym · Cannaboom
Floraboom Fullcrem · Cannaboom
Delta 9 · CannaBioGen
Barrier · Top Crop
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Ultra MG · Gold Label
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Top Bud · Top Crop
Gold Green - PK 21-30 Organic ·
PK 13-14 · Top Crop
B'cuzz Hydro Booster Universal · Atami
B'cuzz Blossom Builder Liquid · Atami
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Gold Green - PK 21-30 Organic ·
Esta semana aplique kelper y kal & mag (fertilizantes altos en magnesio y fosforo) de ya que la planta comenzo a mostrar manchas oscuras en las hojas, tambien aplique lst en todas las ramas para darle mas volumen horizontal en la planta, al parecer es la ultima en periodo vegetativo.
Ehi ragazzi come va? Spero a voi tutto bene, io ho avuto problemi con la polizia che devi stare molto più attento da ora in poi.. La pianta sembra che stia bene ma la resina è poca, per di più ho avuto problemi di muffa, che spero di aver risolto, come vedete dalle foto alcune cime sono andate... 😢Ma apparte questo la ragazza è bella grande e le cime continuano a crescere, dovrebbe essere pronta settimana prossima ma le cime continuano a diventare sempre più ciccione! Staremo a vedere! Ora siamo alla 16 settimana in tutto ragazzi una bestia! Grazie a xpert nutrients e alla genetica di anesia seeds davvero questa pianta sta diventando una bellezza nonostante i problemi che ha avuto, sembra essere un fenotipo bello resistente,.. Per il resto vi terrò aggiornati con nuove foto, è tutto quello che posso fare per adesso.. Vi adoro ragazzi! Siete la mia ragione di vita e la forza per andare avanti durante la giornata in un paese in cui la depressione verso questa pianta miracolosa è davvero incessante, ora vogliono rendere illegale il cbd.. Assurdo! Cmq buone fumate a tutti un buon 420 a tutti! 🙏💪😺😸💖🌿🌴🥦🧑‍🌾🇮🇹😽💨🔥
This girl smells amazing...She was also pollinated a couple day ago with the SKUNK #1. I can't wait to grow those seeds. No complaints this week...It's rainy season here so I'm just working around that.
This girl smells amazing...She was also pollinated a couple day ago with the SKUNK #1. I can't wait to grow those seeds. No complaints this week...It's rainy season here so I'm just working around that.
Ringraziando DIVINESEEDS per i suoi super semi divini
I think we are doing good.. getting bushier, a little more lst in 2 out of 4 plants. #2 got a bit of yellow leaf tip but i think its all my fault from lst and and some water.. Added top max to the game and made a break from B52.
June 13th - Day 115 : Hey guys! So today is the final big day! Harvested the second plant for the tent : The sour Strawberry. Baby looks fucking beautiful but think I could've let it run for another week or two. It gave me aproximately 120grams of dried buds. I like it less than the 420fast buds Banana Purple. Less flavor and the high is kind of mellow. I believe it’s because I didn’t flush it at all before harvesting as I needed the tent for the second batch of babies. Also maybe because I tested the greens 3-4 days before the end of dry. Zamnesia was a first but definitely the last time I'm ordering seed through them
The problem encountered during the growth : - Water (at the beginning) too little pumps that didn’t propagate the water equally so I went for a bigger industrial pump that pumps equally in the whole tent. 
 - RC : Some problems with the humidity at the beginning but got sorted out when I got the de humidifier
 - Babies almost died mid-grow, came in with the ultimate save of the day, one day later and it was over. 
 - Had a problem with the container that held the water as water was empty when I’d get back at the end of the week (during flowering mode) so I went with a 120L container which works just fine. 
 - Didn’t flush properly because I was in a rush
6/24/24 the videos of trichomes is from both purple octane and rs 11 Also based on trichomes. I should've counted the last week of veg as a flower week. So she's closer than we 6/25 we have clear cloudy and purple. Leaning towards her going till the end of this week. 6/28 we have about 70-80% cloudy and 20-25% amber. she's ready to go. she will be chopped tomorrow morning. 6/29 unless stated otherwise. happy growing yall, this plant is a fucking badge of honor with how beautiful she 6/28 I lied and chopped her probably 30 mins after I posted that lmao.
6/24/24 the videos of trichomes is from both purple octane and rs 11 Also based on trichomes. I should've counted the last week of veg as a flower week. So she's closer than we 6/25 we have clear cloudy and purple. Leaning towards her going till the end of this week. 6/28 we have about 70-80% cloudy and 20-25% amber. she's ready to go. she will be chopped tomorrow morning. 6/29 unless stated otherwise. happy growing yall, this plant is a fucking badge of honor with how beautiful she 6/28 I lied and chopped her probably 30 mins after I posted that lmao.
6/24/24 the videos of trichomes is from both purple octane and rs 11 Also based on trichomes. I should've counted the last week of veg as a flower week. So she's closer than we 6/25 we have clear cloudy and purple. Leaning towards her going till the end of this week. 6/28 we have about 70-80% cloudy and 20-25% amber. she's ready to go. she will be chopped tomorrow morning. 6/29 unless stated otherwise. happy growing yall, this plant is a fucking badge of honor with how beautiful she 6/28 I lied and chopped her probably 30 mins after I posted that lmao.
Hola 🐴 Skipped one week because nothing happened that much. Soil i replanted it was pretty low on nutes and suffered a bit deficiency. Watered only with water after replanting. Now it had 4l of 1.7ec and it looks great. One or two weeks more before bloom. 4 Sisters still hanging at corners but not for long time. And for Hologram i made video about LST. not about how much at the time. Weekly a bit is good. Thats why easily adjustable ties are godlike thing. And PATIENCY. With High Hopes 🍀
6/19/2024 this plant is short and stinky as fuck even as a cutting. Excited for this next run I'm doing. The last clones from this nursery, were the rs11 and purple octane and those were phenomenal. Let's see where this goes yall 6/25 been staring at her trying to envision how to go about training or topping. She's short and the lower branches are fairly prominent and reaching close to main stem. I will probably Top her after she starts growing regularly and gives me some more to work with.