I did small LST to get more light to the buds. Smells really nice, I look forward growing next plant.
Ahhhh what a smell Bloom has started 💚 Ladys are stretching day by day. Soil still moist. Today i build some DIY Co2 Generators.(Next time in Veg) (Day 30) Today i cleaned the tent, Northern Lights#1 is stretching well. Soil still a little moist. Also prepared 10L ph regulated Water. (Day31) Budside getting chunky and very hairy 😇Smell is very good. In my timelaps you can see insane grow over one day. You cant tell that i readjusted LST yesterday (Day 32) Sticky Beast 2 is stretching now, Northern lights 2 still not so much sign's of flower🤨 (Day 33) Looked at my timelaps and the Nortern Lights almost grew 2 cm 🤩 Today i gave them 1250ml Mineralwater ph 6.3-6.5 . Sticky beast still in preflower (Day 34) Did some LST and pruning to my sticky beast now she looks even bigger👌(Day35)
🌑 Ventilation 💨 : 🌑1 Extractor 24/24h ON🌕 🌑1 Upper oscillating fan 12/24h ON (⏰45 min on and 15 min off. The opposite at night) 🌑2 Lower fan 12/24h ON (⏰45 min on and 15 min off. The opposite at night) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💧Water & Nutrients🍄 : 💧I use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours in a container so that it rises to room temperature 🔥 💧At this water i just add some PHdown to rise 6. And approximately every 14 days I add bioenhancer 🍄BioGrow and BioBloom were added to my soil as an amendment 🍄I added it a first time, after germination. With approximately 70 grams Bio Grow and 28 grams BioBloom 🍄 Then I added a second time while I was transitioning into flowering. With 85grams BioBloom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📜Links : Bubba Kush seeds🌱 : https://shop.greenhouseseeds.nl/feminised-cannabis-seeds/bubba-kush-feminised/ Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 https://www.greenhousefeeding.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! 😀💚💪
🌑 Ventilation 💨 : 🌑1 Extractor 24/24h ON🌕 🌑1 Upper oscillating fan 12/24h ON (⏰ 45min ON 15min OFF, opposite at night) 🌑2 Lower fan 12/24h ON (⏰ 45min ON 15min OFF, opposite at night) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💧Water & Nutrients🍄 : 💧I use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours in a container so that it rises to room temperature and some of the chlorine evaporates 🔥 💧At this water i add a bit of PH- to rise 6. And approximately every 14 days I add bioenhancer 🍄BioGrow and BioBloom were added to my soil as an amendment 🍄I added it a first time, after germination. With approximately 70 grams Bio Grow and 28 grams BioBloom 🍄 I added a second time while I was transitioning into flowering. With 60 grams BioBloom 🍄And a last time on the 2nd week of flowering with 25grams of biobloom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📜Links : 🌱Gh Cheese x Lemon Wookie Glue seeds 🍯 : https://shop.greenhouseseeds.nl/feminised-cannabis-seeds/usa-and-landrace-limited-edition/gh-cheese-x-lemon-wookie-glue/ Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 https://www.greenhousefeeding.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! 😀💚
Outside all the time, minimal care experiment :D Extreme temps
7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/25 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then. 7/26 Plants are looking pretty good. Good weather ahead and the bags are starting to lose weight. Found a pillar wrapped in a dead interior leaf all wrapped up. Found a couple more early this morning amd killed them. I did some slight leafing on some plants. I don't like doing that outdoors but since these are monster cropped they have far to many leaves. Airflow is improved. I'm not seeing any nutrient deficiencies yet. Plants are a vibrant healthy dark green. Soon I'll add a base nute like big bloom or ancient amber (I think that's the one, it's applicable to big bloom). I cam see some plants trying to start flowering and I've got one (in the 50) that has just shown sex. Hopfully this will give me some time between harvests. I'll update as I go along. DAD CALLED IN THE AFTERNOON AND SAID HE THOUGHT A PLANT MIGHT BE STARTING TO DROOP. IT WAS MY GMO CANARY THAT GETS HIT ON ALMOST THREE FULL SIDES BY WIND (ONLY ONE PLANT). I CHECKED THE WEIGHT AND IT WAS LIGHT. IT WAS DROOPING TOO. I WATERED THAT ONE PLANT WITH A GALLON AND WATCHED IT PERK BACK UP. I CHECKED THE WEIGHT ON THE OTHER PLANTS AND LIKE I THOUGHT THEY WERE STILL HEAVY. I PUT MY FINGER IN THE SOIL AND IT CAME AWWY COVERED IN DIRT. MY SEEDLING IN THE 10 WAS KINDA LIGHT SO I GAVE THAT HALF A GALLON. I USED THE OTHER HALF AS "A CUP OF KINDNESS" ON THE PLANTS THAT SEEMED LIGHTEST TO CARRY THEM OVER. I PROBABLY SHOULDVE WAITED BUT I DOUBT IT MATTERS. ILL CHECK IN THE MORNING. I ASSUME ILL HAVE TO WATER THEN OR AT NIGHT. ILL GO BY THE WEIGHT. THE CANARY WILL NEED TO BE ON A SEPERATE SCHEDULE. THATS FOR SURE. Went back over at 6:30 and plants looked better than they have in a long time bags still have some weight. With the sunny weather we are going to have these plants will keep exploding in growth. Found one pillar but I wasn't there long. Seriously considering a spray of BT in the near future. EDIT: UNFORTUNATELY MY SPIDEY SENSE STARTING TINGLING AROUND NOON. MY ANXIETY WONT LET ME IGNORE IT (IM NOW EMBRACING IT) AND I HAD TO CUT OFF A CONVERSATION WITH MY WIFE TO GO TO THE GARDEN. I IMMEDIATELY SAW THAT ONE OF MY GMOS WAS STARTING TO DROOP. NOT LIKE BEFORE BUT IF I HAD BRUSHED IT OFF AND LEFT IT FOR FOUR MORE HOURS IN THE 90° SUN IT WOULD'VE BEEN. I GAVE THE GMO'S (BESIDES THE ONE I GOT YESTERDAY EACH A GALLON. I DIDNT WANT TO WATER DURING THE DAY BUT THIS WAS MY BEST OPTION. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY A GALLON AND THE 2 EVENT HORIZONS EACH GOT HALF A GALLON, AS WELL AS THE SHERB PIE WHICH GOT HALF A GALLON. I DECIDED TO DO THIS BECAUSE SOME PLANTS USE MORE WATER THAN OTHERS. BEFORE ACTUALLY GOING OVER I CONSULTED MY PREVIOS DIARIES. I HAD THIS SANE PROBLEM LAST YEAR ON THE SAME WEEK OF THE MONTH! THATS WHAT MADE ME TRUST MY INTUITION FULLY. I LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKE OF LAST YEAR. THINGS ARE GOING GOOD. IM STARTING NUTES SOON AND I NEED TO SPEAY FOR BT BUT DONT KNOW IF IT WILL BE TONIGHT. 7/27 Apparently my intuition worked out well. Plants looked great this morning. I may feed today. I defoliated a bit and watered the 10g with a half gallon and gave another half gallon to the gmo on the end that dries out fastest and that I didn't water yesterday. I think I've got the watering down. Now I need to start nutes and spray bt. Need to wait for the rain first though. Suppised to get minor showers the next couple days. I'm gonna try to get the trellis up too. WENT BACK A LITTPE AFTER FOUR. HUMODITY WAS 100% AND IT WAS RAINING VERY LIGHTLY. I KEAN AS LITTLE AS IT CAN POSSIBLY RAIN. ALMOST LIKE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WITH THOSE MISTING FANS IF YOU STAND BACK A WAYS. I DIDN'T WATER. PLANTS WERE LOOKING GREAT! I DID SOME DEFOLIATION AND CAN TELL I NEED TO START NUTES. I CAN SEE SOME SLIGHT DEFICIENCIES IN BIG OLDER LEAVES. SOME SMALL INTERIOR LEAVES YELLOWED. NOT MANY. GRANTED THEY ARE STARTING TO FLOWER. I'LL PLAN ON FEEDING TOMORROW. THE NEXT FEW DAYS IS SUPPISED TO BE SHOWERS. I DOUBT IT WILL GIVE MY BIG GIRLS ALL THEY NEED BUT IT WILL BE A GOOD START. I DID A VIDEO BUT ITS RATHER LONG SO I CANT UPLOAD IT HERE. ITS COOL WATCHING HOW DIFFERENT THE DIFFERENT STRAINS GROW. STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF SHIT TO DO. IT WILL GET DONE THIS WEEK.
July 27: staring week 7 and she seems to be preflowering but I’m going to force flower this auto by sticking it in the dark garage with my photoperiod plants. The change to 12 h of darkness for a couple weeks should kick it into flowering mode. I’ve seen a few growers commenting that their Auto Overdose wasn’t auto flowering and I don’t want to wait any longer to find out. It’s the end of July and things need to be flowering by now to finish in time before winter. The stem I broke a few days ago is showing signs of life and looks like it will more or less recover. Update: Changed my mind and removed stem as it was slowing overall growth. Cut the loss and move forward. C’est La vie, etc. July 28: plant has an okay shape considering I broke a stem. Nice lower branches came up after the plant was topped. Looks promising.
July 27: Chemdawg is flowering nicely. Despite the late start for this auto, she’ll definitely be the first one finished this year. I’m looking forward to enjoying some nice Chemdawg weed in September.
Both phenoe are pushing on nicely. Really good growth from both phenos from 1 seed, 1 had more girt. So, there wasn't an exact even growth ratio. But no pheno was hammered in any way that affected its push through pre fower and into mid fattening. I expect another 3-4 weeks and I'll harvest. Atm there's a nice Lemon exotic smell. Really dank. Musky (earthy). And popping off fruits. Really lovely set of plants. Xpert nutrients are bringing out the best in my grows. They smell, taste and pretty much everything in that regard has improved. These are my new nutrients. As hard as I've been strain hunting. I've always used a different line of Nutrients per crop. And I'm glad to say. These are by far THE BEST nutrients I've used to enhance my crop. Feeds Are pretty much a week in week out with change (all explained with my weeks, DLI and other factors) Maintenance This wk, i applied LST bamboo sticks are have done some basic node bending to get the best out of the space in the area above and around its base. Some nodes where tied back to the sticks.. Shout out to my sponsors and all who stop by.
Both phenoe are pushing on nicely. Really good growth from both phenos from 1 seed, 1 had more girt. So, there wasn't an exact even growth ratio. But no pheno was hammered in any way that affected its push through pre fower and into mid fattening. I expect another 3-4 weeks and I'll harvest. Atm there's a nice Lemon exotic smell. Really dank. Musky (earthy). And popping off fruits. Really lovely set of plants. Xpert nutrients are bringing out the best in my grows. They smell, taste and pretty much everything in that regard has improved. These are my new nutrients. As hard as I've been strain hunting. I've always used a different line of Nutrients per crop. And I'm glad to say. These are by far THE BEST nutrients I've used to enhance my crop. Feeds Are pretty much a week in week out with change (all explained with my weeks, DLI and other factors), master root/enzymes have been pult. Master Root no longer needed. Enzymes are all gone. Maintenance This wk, i applied LST bamboo sticks are have done some basic node bending to get the best out of the space in the area above and around its base. Some nodes where tied back to the sticks.. Shout out to my sponsors and all who stop by.
Grüßt euch Freunde! Wir sind nun am Ende der 4. Woche. Einige Blätter verfärben sich Lila. Habe in dieser Woche nicht viel getan, außer Wasser und Dünger zu geben. Die PPOG entwickelt in der 4 Woche wirklich heftig Resin. Sie sieht wirklich frosty aus, gefällt mir !☺️ Mir ist nun aufgefallen, dass die unteren Blätter alle die Spitzen nach unten neigen. Man nennt das auch ‚Adlerkrallen‘ und ist auf einen Stickstoff Überschuss zurückzuführen. Habe durch die Verfärbung der Blätter auf einen Mangel geschlossen, war vielleicht nicht die beste Idee mehr Bio Grow zuzuführen😂 Werde im laufe der 5 Woche keinen Bio Grow mehr verwenden und beobachten wie sich das entwickelt. Euch allen eine gute Woche !💚
Transplanted from the 7 gallon plastic pot to a 25 gallon fabric Major defoliation and skirt day 1 flower expect this plant to get insane and fill the whole tent, it will overgrow the blackcherry sherb clone that's in week 6 currently making a beautiful transition of production space completed keeping the flower tent with no unplanned space. staying 10 steps ahead but understanding the moment|Raven