Welcome to the flowering ! Leave a LIKE man :) I think we deserve it Day 29 I got all sweated up in 33°c heat, doing lst under Spiderfarmer, tough work. I felt like black person in slavery period, working on a sugar cane field. Damn that's rough. I did bunch of work on making and adjusting pink rope lines around tent, so I can later spread her real well, did lots of LST, and we will see in several hours how she will respond to it. She responds quick and well. This and next week, I will continue doing LST to maximize area coverage. Day 30 As I expected, monstrous stretch is coming this and next week. Brace yourselves whoever likes and follows ! Day 33 I see very nice stretch, however we have in places lots of stems, and they are all promising. I don't see how to defoliate it efficiently, so I started removing big leaves 2 days ago, and I am doing it everyday. We still have around 7-10 days of good stretch left so hopefully they will even each other out, before MAJOR defoliation time comes.
Feeding nutrients for flower boost.
Feeding nutrients for flower boost.
17/8/2024 As the weekend starts so does the extra training. It's time to put the net on top and fill in the rest of the colas. The temperature is really high outside and she is on 80w. I hope it will get cooler soon and I'll be able to slowly crank to 100w.
Week 20 8/11-17 For my outside ladies, Opium, Auto Opium, Fractal, and Lemon Cake not much changed. They and with the trichomes just starting to form and 2 more moths to go. They continue lovin life outside. These ladies are maturing as many fans are yellowing and falling off. Temps are comfortable following Storm Debby, in the 80s with low humidity. Buds are fattening up, trichomes are minimal at this time but some fragrance is starting to be noticed. These ladies had a long vegetation phase. They germinated April 1 so I could get them hardened off before I went on vacay. The colas are large, trichomes forming and with 2 more months to go, my expectations for these are heavy yields and sticky dense buds. Thank you @DivineSeeds Thanks for the visits, likes and comments, I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫
Leider war es die ganze Woche durchgehend regnerisch. Mittlerweile haben sich bei allen Pflanzen Schimmel Ansätze gebildet. Ich denke das ich ernten werde, um noch mehr zu vermeiden. Zwei von den drei Phenos sehen auch schon recht lecker aus und große feste Buds haben sie auch gebildet. Schade, ich hätte sie gerne länger stehen gelassen.
Moin moin, Melde mich hier auch mal wieder. Meine Blueberry sieht momentan recht gut aus und neigt sich ihrem Ende. Die Haare sind fast alle braun und langsam werden die Trichome auch langsam bräunlich. Sie fängt schon an die Nährstoffe aus den Blättern zu ziehen, das sieht man jetzt nicht so gut auf den Bildern aber in echt ist das Grün wirklich sehr hell geworden.
Alright, we're on the 4th veg week and so far she still looks small.
I added some hazel nut shells as a mulch and so far I think I'll let her grow as she is without LST. As I noticed - not sure if it's true or not - that outdoor LST stunned 2 of my plants. Whereas a really weak at the beginning plant - without leaves up to 3 nodes - right now outgrew both champs. I transplanted BPP weird enough, so now she leans to the side so much. That's because I am used to LST and like to have some room for a plant to lay on the ground. But this time I holding my hands to not to do any LST and let her grow naturally. Day 26 - I sprayed fungicide on her, because many times ended up with botrytis
15.08 Second week going great. The mimosa pheno I hunted is a true monster. Thick stem already nearly as big as the 1.5 inch rockwool cube. Easily over 1 m high. Stacking beautifully. I have a new setup for the 5x5 tent. Vevor EC fan 150mm. With temp and humidity controller paired with prima clima 900m3h carbocone filter which is huge. Also new Mars hydro fc e 8000 light with Bluetooth controller. So far very cool. We will see how it performs. Since I have co2 boosted we will have it cranking at max when the girls hit the bulk phase.