The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping 😅 Day 10day 58 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short 🤩💚 Day 102 Day 59 Flower 08/07/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap Water 5L pH 6.0 + 3L Water +calmag 5ml to keep her from deficiency during 1st week of flush. Updated a short video 😁 She's getting there. Day 103 Day 60 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday No water, letting her dry off again ABIT, noticing a huge amount of trichome production, updated a short to see 😍. Day 104 Day 61 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Another 10L flush today , de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with flawless finish. 10ml flawless finish to 10L water. Updated pictures and video. Day 105 Day 62 Flower 11/07/24 Thursday Last day of the week, another big flush today! 10L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with 10ml Flawless finish 👌 Trichomes...😍 She maybe a 21 day flush we'll see how she goes next week with ripening. Video updated.
Finally some bud development... The kriticals are not enjoying the high EC level... but that's life...😏 Been difficult to low the Hr level, too much moister in the air by here! Living beside the sea in winter its not easy! Just hope to get things straight...🙏
Since I started her on hygrozyme, hyshield and ph perfect, it's been nothing but smooth sailing! Such a relief because it seemed to stall last week. New white pistils, a noticeable chunk to the buds. I'm a happy camper now! I know I said I'd start this plant on overdrive last week, but we'll start this week instead. I'm blown away by this plant's color and smell. I mean it doesn't smell like the weed I'm used to. It's like fruit salad nested between a bed of flowers. Heavenly! Honestly, I know this plant won't be as much a yielder as I initially hoped. But the quality will surely make up for that. On top of that, we've got FIVE more banana dads to run, so I hope to get better and better with this strain in the months to come. Biggest mistake has to do with how little nutes I fed this plant whole cycle. I went the minimalist route, feeding mostly low-dose compost tea. Learned my lesson - to just use compost tea as a supplement with my grow style. Thanks again @JhindleHydro for pointing me in the right direction, you may have saved my plant, m8! Almost forgot to mention, I've added a 300w LED flower-spectrum board to help out in the flowering tent. It's no Mars Hydro - But it should do just fine as supplemental lighting.
Todo está saliendo mejor de lo que esperaba para mí primer grow hidro seguimos aprendiendo gracias por el apoyo...
Super pumped to try it out, reminds me of when I was a teenager. 🌱😎💨
D25 - Today was the first day in week four of veg. I had planned on starting her training today, but I found thrips in my other tent, so I was busy with that. However, I inspected the girl but couldn't see any thrips and then sprayed her with some chili tincture as a preventative measure. D27 - I still haven't seen any thrips on her, but I resprayed her yesterday anyway, just in case. Today, I started her LST and did some very light defoliation by removing the lowest two nodes. I also noticed that she is now in flower. Unfortunately, she is still too small to hang the mites sachet on, so for now, I hung it on the handle of the pot instead. D31 - She is in flower now at the end of the fourth and last week of veg. She looks healthy and vibrant, but she is also relatively small, so it will be interesting to see how she develops. It's the first time I have ever transplanted, so maybe I accidentally stunted her. But then, I've never grown this strain before, so I don't know what to expect either.
Semana 5 y ya en prefloracion, he usado una enmienda orgánica que contiene muchos minerales y también apliqué lactobacillos, los que ayudan a soludibilizar el fósforo en el sustrato.
Debo aclarar que esta vez he cambiado de modalidad de cultivo y he escogido la del living soil. Hasta el momento no puedo estar más feliz viendo lo sanas y hermosas que van desarrollándose estas plantas. Esperar que todo siga así y seguir alimentando la microvida ya inoculada en el suelo. Buenos Humos!
👉 The plant was a nice dense bush and due to the funky way it leaned over the Queen cola was not the tallest one. It almost filled up the tent (4x4). Such a dense bush that I was afraid I would have a lot of popcorn. I did a fair amount of small branch removal but the plant was prolific and had lots of secondary branches all over. The lean of the plant helped every branch get as much light as it could. I didn't train the plant to be tilted, I couldn't see the trunk because it was a small solid dome of leaves. Everything looked normal at the top. But when it was time to trim the lower leaves that were sitting on the media I saw the main stalk was bent over. I did nothing to straighten it out because the plant was so stout and I could see it wasnt hurting the plant. I dont do any training on my plants. I just let them grow as they please. My goal is just to help the plant to reach its potential. 👉To harvest I did a close wet trim. I started the harvest by clipping the branch closest to the bottom. For each branch I would trim all the fan leaves and worked m way up to the cola at the end of the branch. The larf was trimmed loosely to get rid of the un-frosted leaves, then tossed on the top rack of the dry net. Each branch had a few nice buds on them and those were weighed then put on the second rack of the dry net. I weighed the wet weight of each rack separately. The nice plump cola at the end of each branch was weighed and put on a hanging clip with a letter and the weight cataloged with that number. I repeated this for each branch till I finished with the Queen cola. I hung each cola on a rack. 👉To dry I used an oscillating 42" fan set to lowest speed. After 8 hours I turned the whole rack to help even out the drying process. After another 12 hrs I put each cola on a clip in its own paper bag. I put the buds on the racks in bags as well. I would occasionally weigh each bud and compare it to its starting weigh and my goal was around 25%. I would record each buds weight and then place in a jar would place in a jar with a hygrometer. I would monitor each jar as often as I could and open or close the jar depending on the humidity until it was stable at 62% rh or less. When at the target rh of 62% I would place a 2way moisture control pack in the jar and then placed the jars on the cool, dark closet. 👉The numbers were very surprising to me. The total for the buds on the second rack was 254g. The cola total was 226. Thats 480g of dense frosty goodness. That doesnt include any larf or trim. I didnt weigh the trim but it was a big pile. I made two kief pucks, one pure trichome wafer, and a full puck of scissor hash!
Added Exhale c02 and top dressed in each pot with 1 tablespoon per gallon of growing medium my pots are 3.6. I added 3 tablespoons. It is my hopes that with adding the slow release dry amendments and once the c02 bag sarts growing my plants will finally grow. They are short but have 4 nodes at day 21. What is an exhale c02 bag? “The ExHale bag is a patented strain of mycelium that produces an abundance of CO2 without fruiting. This means that when our bag is activated, the mycelium grows, eating the substrate it comes with, giving off heaps of CO2 straight into your garden, and it does all this for 6 months - guaranteed!” At day 25 I am not impressed with the size of these girls? Hope they hit a growth spurt soon? Their internodes are stacked very nicely. At day 28 growth is very slow. Practically none existent since my top dressing at day 23. 2 plants have received a very minimal nutrient burn. As I do not have a soil ph tester? I will be watering with a ph of 6.0 rather than 6.5, hopefully that helps. ONWARD!
Por el momento ha ido todo bien, he tenido unos problemas con algunas plagas depredadoras qué hay en el jardín, por lo cual he aplicado riegos foliares de aceite de neem + jabón potásico para alejar todas las plagas posibles. En cuanto a los riegos estoy regando con 2L: 1L agua ph 6.5 + 1L agua y nutrientes ph 6.7 día por medio. (No aplico fertilizantes en todos los riegos para no acumular sales, ya que he notado que al regar la tierra aun cuenta con fertilizantes por lo cual con el riego solo de agua, es como si se diluyeran las sales en el sustrato.)
Día 34 y casi final de esta quinta semana de desarrollo. Las plantas se ven bien sanas y fuertes, sobre todo esta Wedding Glue que desarrolló una estructura grande y fuerte. Espero todo siga así de bien y estas bellas damas se expresen a su antojo! Buenos Humos!
Terminando ya esta quinta semana de vida y la planta se ve bastante sana y con un buen color. Ha sido la que ha crecido más lento en comparación a sus compañeras, pero no hay apuro, acá le damos el tiempo que necesite a cada nena para que se desarrolle de la mejor forma 💚 Buenos Humos!
8 semana la mejor parece ser que la cortare en la 9vena como dice el fabricante la planta se ve tapada en escarcha❄️❄️❄️ hay otras 2 que ya entraron a floración(a una le di 0.04 de monster bloom) las lollipop van mejor pero no creo que las deje si corto las otras antes
Buds a still forming and looking good. I've cut the co2 going forward and will go wihout for the rest of the grow so the buds can rippen. Buds have a lot of frost so far so that's a great sign for the THC. Plants in the tents out of nowhere have spider mites but this plant didn't have much compared to others. Hopefully the last 3 weeks go by fast
So Roots have hit water and starting to take off I did a water change of 10 gallons and mixed up Jacks at 3.6 grams per gallon 2.4 grams per gallon 1.1 grams per gallon Tree Trunk silica 1 ml per gallon added first Southern Ag Garden Friendly Biological Fungicide At 2 ml per gallon This brought ppm up to 750 ph6.2 I’m very pleased with the growth rate and the way I’m starting to see new growth I set light at 22 inches
Apparently the plants have stopped growing taller and now the buds are going fat which is a really good new :D:D:D - The buds are developing good amounts of resin too The smell is stronger now , i don't what is the smell like but it is definitely nice . Day 72 and according to seed vendor it will be ready between 70 and 80 days from germinating so this weekend i will move it outside the tent to observe the trichomes Day 73 - I moved the plants outside to see how it goes and i have decided to remove plant 1 from the tent(is wich i did the topping) due to small size which made nearly impossible to develop buds. The others are great and the 2 where i super cropped multiple times are mora than 100 cm each so i think their real height should be 120cm in a bigger tent. Buds are going heavy everywhere
Bueno primera semana y va muy bien vamos a ver como continúa el seguimiento.