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LJ 2Q24 BOLT II - Week 3 Start of Week: - [Sun Jul 7, 2024, LJ 2Q24 8:B:2:1] - Plant Heights: [ 7, in] End of Week: - [Sat Jul 13, 2024 LJ 2Q24 14:B:2:7] - Plant Heights: [ TBD, in] IrrigationRatePerPlantPerDay: [ 500, ml] __ Sun Jul 7, 2024 LJ 2Q24 8:B2:2:1 - [x] LightIntensity: [ 683, µMol/m2/s] - [x] LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] EC: 1.7  __ Mon Jul 8, 2024 LJ 2Q24 9:B2:2:2 Product N P2O5 K2O Ca Mg S Si Carbon PPM w/out Carbon PPM w/ Carbon Product mS Total FULL FW 3 198 153 404 182 37 36 42 877 1053 1930 2.11 mS Total Hydro FW 3 207 113 405 169 38 45 75 339 1052 1391 2.10 mS Hydro Add/Subtract 9 -40 0 -13 1 9 33 -538 -1 -539 0.00 Here we’re comparing the Rooted Leaf ‘Medium Feed Chart’ and “Hydro Feed Charts’ for Week 3 of flower. Key differences of FULL Line, is 40% More Phosphorous, 30% MORE Carbon, 10% more Calcium; with LESS Sulphur & Silica than HYDRO CHART - [x] LightIntensity: [ 693, µMol/m2/s] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] Fertigation: - EC: [ 1.8, mS] - RLA Medium Flower Week 2 __ Tue Jul 9, 2024 LJ 2Q24 10:B2:2:3 - [x] LightIntensity: [ 729, µMol/m2/s] EC: 1.8 Note: Solution w/ ZERO EC Humidifier Water. (More RLA, Less background CaMg) __ Wed Jul 10, 2024 LJ 2Q24 11:B2:2:4

Using the HEAVY Chart (Loads Silica & CaMag) for Nutrient Element Ratio (NER) - [x] LightIntensity: [ 763, µMol/m2/s] # DLI: [ 33, Mol/day] EC: 1.9 __ Thu Jul 11, 2024 LJ 2Q24 12:B2:2:5 - [x] EC: 2.0 (RLA Medium NER) - [x] LightIntensity: [ 738, µMol/m2/s] __ Fri Jul 12, 2024 LJ 2Q24 13:B2:2:6 EC: 2.2 (RLA Heavy NER)  - [x] LightIntensity: [ 780, µMol/m2/s] __ Sat Jul 13, 2024 LJ 2Q24 14:B2:2:7 EC: 2.3 (RLA Heavy NER)  Friday’s Foliar Today - [x] RLA Solar Rain: [ 2.5, ml, pt] - [x] RLA Peak Bloom: [ 0.625, ml, pt]
Transplanted it to another pot as it seemed to slow down the growth of the plants. Input 550 ppm 5.5 ph Output 560 ppm 5.7 Topping! Solutions down 100 ppm Input 400 ppm Output 600 ppm 5.5 ph. after topping, the plants stopped a little, the yield from the substrate also changed
Well there is a reason why there was a lack of updates... Unfortunately it seems like I didn't clean my tent well enough and I also didn't change the carbon filter. I changed both of that (hopefully)... at least the carbon filter is brand new. #2 had to leave and #1 is also gone. After a few days of being down and not caring so much about the plants, I placed the King's Juice Auto #3 outdoors and hope that because of the topping, she is still so early into flower, that she might've not been pollinated from the last run. She will be placed back into the tent tomorrow and let's pray she wasn't pollinated already and let's pray I cleaned the tent carefully enough.
Day 19. Another defoliation. Watered in a gallon from the top. Then topped off sip buckets.
Day 19. Another defoliation. Watered in a gallon from the top. Then topped off sip buckets.
Day 19. Another defoliation. Watered in a gallon from the top. Then topped off sip buckets.
I flushed the 3 girls with approx. 30l each and of course stopped feeding them about 1 week ago. Therefore, as you can see in the pictures, the older leaves turn yellow. Most of trichomes are milky. We'll see when the girls are ready for the harvest. GG#4 No.1: 100 cm GG#4 No.2: 100 cm Runtz F1 Auto: 45 cm
Grown out this week and got them ready for the early flower growth. Trimmed heavy and wired all branches away from each other. LST in full effect. Hoping it’s not too much trauma for them.. they proved me wrong. Bounced back with vigor and bright excitement! Eager to see these buds start forming 👀
Grown out this week and got them ready for the early flower growth. Trimmed heavy and wired all branches away from each other. LST in full effect. Hoping it’s not too much trauma for them.. they proved me wrong. Bounced back with vigor and bright excitement! Eager to see these buds start forming 👀
Grown out this week and got them ready for the early flower growth. Trimmed heavy and wired all branches away from each other. LST in full effect. Hoping it’s not too much trauma for them.. they proved me wrong. Bounced back with vigor and bright excitement! Eager to see these buds start forming 👀
Grown out this week and got them ready for the early flower growth. Trimmed heavy and wired all branches away from each other. LST in full effect. Hoping it’s not too much trauma for them.. they proved me wrong. Bounced back with vigor and bright excitement! Eager to see these buds start forming 👀
Grown out this week and got them ready for the early flower growth. Trimmed heavy and wired all branches away from each other. LST in full effect. Hoping it’s not too much trauma for them.. they proved me wrong. Bounced back with vigor and bright excitement! Eager to see these buds start forming 👀
Welcome to the week 6 Day 37 Did some LST, a bit, and normal level defoliation, tho I removed lots of leaves. I think I will defoliate it once more in a week or so. I will check on her in couple hours and post "after after" photo. Day 41 I can smell her sweet smell already. It's unbelievably sweet. But I really got the issue with carbon filter and smell right now. I need to stock up some more Ona Gel, carbon filter is expired, replacing it now will be very difficult if not impossible without damaging the plant...
Super Woche, warm, sonnig, nur ein kleiner Schauer. Was soll ich sagen..? Es läuft prima. Bei den ersten Damen zeigen sich vorblüten. Habe jetzt alle mindestens 1 mal getoppt. Nur die 2 fat banana noch nicht. Die werden so schön buschig. Wenn die automatics in Kürze fallen, wird erst einmal umgestellt... dann bekommen sie mehr Sonne am Ende der vegetativen Phase. Das ist zumindest der Plan. Es läuft gut.Bis nächste Woche ✌️
Sehr gute Woche. Warmes, trockenes Wetter. Apple fritter Auto 2, sweet zz Auto 2 und 3 sind fertig. Zz hatte ich die vergangenen Jahre. Dieses Jahr ernte ich die beiden kleinen ,wenn trichome milchig sind. Ich will sie auf dem peak. Bei Apple fritter Auto mochte ich das selbe.nummer zwei hat geschwollene , harzige buds und ist ebenso fertig/ wird umgehend geerntet. Die anderen Autos lass ich ausreifen. Bis auf eine Blattläuse Invasionbei fritterfeminized, die ich erfolgreich eingedämmt habe, läuft es prima. Bis nächste Woche ✌️