Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D08/V04 - 23/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 24 °C H: 55% 🌊 6L 🍗 Calmag - Grow A-B - B52 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D09/V05 - 24/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 65% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D10/V06 - 25/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 6.3 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D11/V07 - 26/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6.1 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 55% 🌊 3L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D12/V08 - 27/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D13/V09 - 28/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D14/V10 - 29/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Ich habe die Lampe auf 80% Leistung gestellt und ende Woche zwei gegossen, die Pflanzen haben jetzt einen schönen schub gemacht und sind gut gewachsen. Die Blätter sind nun auch deutlich ausgeprägter. Update Tag 5 (Week 3): Ich habe die drei 10 Liter Stofftöpfe für die Pflanzen vorbereitet, dazu habe ich das Living Soil mit einer 10% Mischung angesetzt. Das Living Soil muss jetzt Dunkel und feucht bis zu 10 Tage stehen um sich um Topf gut zu verteilen. Mischung: 6L BioBizz Light Mix 3L BioBizz CoCo Mix 1L Florganics Paar Haferflocken 1.3 L Wasser Zudem habe ich mir die Pfanzen angeschaut und diese getopped sowie kleine Blätter unten am Stiel entfernt und nur die großen Triebe stehen lassen und gegossen.
April 26th - Day 76 : Oh my god! The smell wow! Everything just came blazing couldn't believe. They look good. I can tell the yield will be small but I don't really care to be honest. I'm so excited to see them babies grow healtly, i'm like a proud dad.
April 26, 2024 Day 71 This week we focus on watering and nutrients. A secondary focus will be on a changing environment and light intensity changes. Both ladies had their reservoirs cleaned out and have fresh nutrients. It's also the start of late flower, so things will be changing with the nutrient dosage. I'll most likely keep the nutrients the same for this week, but I may start to drop the dosage a little for each watering until the flush period starts. So depending on how they look, I may change the dosage for this week's last watering. I'll be bringing it down 25%. So 8 ml goes down to 6 ml and 4 ml goes down to 3 ml. I'll change this for the next 2 weeks until it's just plain water for 2 waterings and then Flawless Finish. It should play out quite well. The lighting will also be changing a bit this week. I'll be dropping the DLI to 43 mol/m²/d mid week and will then lower it to 40 mol/m²/d beginning next week. I'll then drop it to 36 mol/m²/d the week after and finally 32 mol/m²/d for the final week. The environment will also be dropped from 77° to 75° during the day and from 68° to 65° at night. The humidity is solid at 47% and I think that's the best I can do for the rest of the grow. Both plants look great. They have tons of orange pistils and tons of trichomes. I'll be taking trichome pics every few days. One for each plant. I feel like it'll be a better comparison than daily pics. For the trichomes anyway. Anyway, they both still have time to swell their buds more. I'm not expecting big buds from these two. Medium sized maybe, but definitely not big. They just don't look like they will get that big. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 47.7% VPD: 1.49 kPa April 27, 2024 Almost all of the pistils are orange now on both plants, but the buds are still swelling. Interesting. I'll be taking trichome pics today at some point. I was going to yesterday, but got distracted with video games. Whoops. There's tons of trichomes. They are definitely frosty and continuing to get frostier. Nothing much to do today. Each plant got an inspection and passed with flying colors. There were some loose tie downs as well. Mostly from the crowding in the tent. So those got removed. Tropicana Cookies is looking super good now with her buds being everywhere and them swelling up finally. She could stand to get a few leaves taken off, but I'd rather just leave it alone now. No sense in undue stress. Tropicana C also looks great. She has to be the biggest of the two. Not the tallest, but definitely the most girthy. Lots of buds and also starting to finally swell up. I'd also like to mention the colors coming from both plants where the buds are nearly done. Lots of purple hues. You can't really see them from the small sugar leaves and frost covering it. But it's there. The lighting as I said will stay the same for the first half of this week. Then I'll drop it. However, I may leave it to next week. We shall see. The environment is looking pretty good. The temp is a bit high currently at 77.8°. the humidity is still at 47%, but I managed to get it down to 44% for most of yesterday afternoon. The DLI is a bit high today at 1.66 kPa. Nothing a small adjustment won't fix. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.5° RH: 45.7% VPD: 1.55 kPa April 28, 2024 Not a lot going on today. I'll be refilling the reservoirs later this afternoon. That's about it. I have a bit of a concern. Both ladies have really small buds, and I think they may have stopped swelling. I'm wondering if I have nutrient lockout or something. They are showing signs of stress. So I've already started dropping the nutrients down by cutting Overdrive in half as it seemed to have been the original cause of the nutrient burn. And the next watering will have all nutrients cut in half. Next week I'll drop it to 25% and leave it til flush, which may be next week anyway. We shall see. Other than that, both plants are covered in trichomes. They smell wonderful as well. Like orange and some other light citrus and gas. Smells super good as well as sweet. There is also a hint of cookies. The DLI will be dropped to 40 mol/m²/d tomorrow. I'm assuming it will only be a 10% drop on power, so I shouldn't lose much penetration. The environment is off today. It's warm and super humid with bouts of rain. So naturally, the tent environment is all wonky. The temp is at 75.5° with the humidity way up at 60%. I turned the AC on and now it's just a matter of tweaking and waiting. I may have to crank it and sacrifice some temp for lower humidity. It should be fine that way, but the humidity is definitely too high. Update: I ended up adding about a half gallon of plain water to both reservoirs. Just Incase I have nutrient lockout or something. They should go through that by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe late evening. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 52.8% VPD: 1.39 kPa April 29, 2024 No watering today. The plants are both still going through the half gallon of plain water from yesterday. Let's hope it clears up the nutrient burn. They look great with their trichome coverage. The only thing I'm pretty disappointed about is the size of the buds for both plants. I wonder what I did wrong. I'm guessing the introduction to Overdrive was about 2 weeks too early. Removing the Big Bud was also a major mistake I think. It should have stayed in the mix for 2 more weeks. Lesson learned, make adjustments to any feeding schedule to match the plants growth stage. Maybe I'll ask that question. The lighting was changed today. I dropped the power level down to 70% to get a DLI of 40 mol/m²/d. It's not perfect as the plants do not have level canopies, so some of the spots go all the way up to 45 mol/m²/d still. It's not a bad thing I think. The DLI was a bit high for those tops anyway. The environment is still wonky. The temp is fine at 76° to 77°. A bit high from what I want, but not out of range. I'd still like it down to 75° or 74°. The humidity is what's out of whack at 60% and it doesn't seem to want to drop. I have a heater on to clear out the room humidity and a dehumidifier in the tent working it's hardest. Which isn't very hard. I believe the fans are going on it. It may be time for another one. Something the same size but more powerful. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 59.8% VPD: 1.15 kPa April 30, 2024 Watering day. Both ladies got their full gallon of nutrients. I'm going to cut it when it drains down some with plain water. Both plants look good even though they have small buds. They are everywhere and seem pretty dense. So it's just a matter of time. Maybe another 2 weeks. Maybe less. Hopefully less. The nutrient burn was an issue, but now I think it's good. I dropped the Overdrive significantly, but I think I can plainly say, I have ruined my yield for these two plants. Lesson learned. Plain water at the first signs of stress. The scent is super strong now and smells like oranges and candy. Or something like that. All I know is that it smells great. The lighting is pretty good. No reaching yet, so it's definitely not too low. I may just leave it here for the rest of the grow. I read that lights don't need to be dimmed for autoflowers. It could be right. I've never dimmed the lights before. We shall see I guess. The environment is still wonky with the humidity being high still at 57%. I can control the temp pretty easily, but the humidity will not budge. I'll keep trying. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 57.0% VPD: 1.26 kPa May 1, 2024 Nothing to do today with these two. No watering needed, no light changes, nothing. I pulled them out, tooky pictures and checked them over. No issues pest or fungus or anything. The only issue I have is the nutrient burn. Some of the leaves are getting yellow spots on them and frankly I have no idea what to do here. Keep the nutrients the same? Cut the nutrients down some over the next week or 2? Go with plain water? Not too sure. I still see many stresses. And I think that is the cause of my tiny buds. It seems that I did take the Big Bud out too early and added the Overdrive way too soon. Oops. Lesson learned with this run. I don't think it's a matter of an over abundance of nutrients, but the wrong ones at the wrong time when the plants weren't ready for it. I'm guessing that's what has happened here. Both ladies smell fantastic. Super sweet and strong. Crisp, and not pungent. Refreshing even. Tropicana Cookies has some pretty hard buds and lots of them. Of course, larger buds are preferred, but as long as these come out fire, I'll be happy. Her branches also seem to be holding up nicely. Tropicana C on the other hand has weaker branches and the tallest top is starting to lean pretty heavily. A great sign for bud density. Both plants have phenomenal trichome production. It's getting better everyday. Tons of clear with a mix of cloudy and amber, definitely not ready yet, but soon I think. Very soon. Maybe another week and a half? Maybe 2. As I said before, I didn't change the lighting at all. It's current DLI is 40 mol/m²/d through most of the central canopy. The outside of the canopy is roughly 38 mol/m²/d. So it's all good now. The environment is still wonky with the humidity being at 59%. It's maddening. The room is 49% and the temp is fine at 75°. I'll sacrifice up to 77° if I can get the humidity around 50%. Not ideal for this stage in life, but it will have to do of I can even get it there. I do have a large dehumidifier, but it doesn't work right. When the compressor shuts off, it blows are that humid air right back into the room. I need a new one. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 56.1% VPD: 1.27 kPa May 2, 2024 Not a lot going on today. No watering, no trimming, nothing. I did change the light last night to 80% power. Tropicana Cookies looks great! She has purple coming out all over her buds. No fade yet though. I can assume that will be coming through in the next week or so. Her tops buds are getting slightly fatter and heavier than before. I hope it will continue to do so over the next 2 weeks. Tropicana C is slightly behind. She doesn't have nearly as many orange pistils and the purple is just starting to come through. However, she has tons of trichomes covering everything top to bottom. Her buds are about the same size as her sister, so they may end up swelling bigger than Tropicana Cookies when all is said and done. We shall see. As I said earlier in today's post, I changed the light power from 70% back up to 80%. I think I dropped it too early and need to adjust it accordingly. I'll drop it again in a week or so. Maybe less. Now the DLI is at 43 mol/m²/d inside and 40 mol/m²/d on the outside. The environment is still off, but not as much. The humidity continues to be high, but only at 55% verses the 60% it's been stuck at for the last few days. The temp is fine at 74.5°, but I think I can increase that a bit and hopefully drop the humidity down in turn. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa
April 26, 2024 Day 71 This week we focus on watering and nutrients. A secondary focus will be on a changing environment and light intensity changes. Both ladies had their reservoirs cleaned out and have fresh nutrients. It's also the start of late flower, so things will be changing with the nutrient dosage. I'll most likely keep the nutrients the same for this week, but I may start to drop the dosage a little for each watering until the flush period starts. So depending on how they look, I may change the dosage for this week's last watering. I'll be bringing it down 25%. So 8 ml goes down to 6 ml and 4 ml goes down to 3 ml. I'll change this for the next 2 weeks until it's just plain water for 2 waterings and then Flawless Finish. It should play out quite well. The lighting will also be changing a bit this week. I'll be dropping the DLI to 43 mol/m²/d mid week and will then lower it to 40 mol/m²/d beginning next week. I'll then drop it to 36 mol/m²/d the week after and finally 32 mol/m²/d for the final week. The environment will also be dropped from 77° to 75° during the day and from 68° to 65° at night. The humidity is solid at 47% and I think that's the best I can do for the rest of the grow. Both plants look great. They have tons of orange pistils and tons of trichomes. I'll be taking trichome pics every few days. One for each plant. I feel like it'll be a better comparison than daily pics. For the trichomes anyway. Anyway, they both still have time to swell their buds more. I'm not expecting big buds from these two. Medium sized maybe, but definitely not big. They just don't look like they will get that big. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 47.7% VPD: 1.49 kPa April 27, 2024 Almost all of the pistils are orange now on both plants, but the buds are still swelling. Interesting. I'll be taking trichome pics today at some point. I was going to yesterday, but got distracted with video games. Whoops. There's tons of trichomes. They are definitely frosty and continuing to get frostier. Nothing much to do today. Each plant got an inspection and passed with flying colors. There were some loose tie downs as well. Mostly from the crowding in the tent. So those got removed. Tropicana Cookies is looking super good now with her buds being everywhere and them swelling up finally. She could stand to get a few leaves taken off, but I'd rather just leave it alone now. No sense in undue stress. Tropicana C also looks great. She has to be the biggest of the two. Not the tallest, but definitely the most girthy. Lots of buds and also starting to finally swell up. I'd also like to mention the colors coming from both plants where the buds are nearly done. Lots of purple hues. You can't really see them from the small sugar leaves and frost covering it. But it's there. The lighting as I said will stay the same for the first half of this week. Then I'll drop it. However, I may leave it to next week. We shall see. The environment is looking pretty good. The temp is a bit high currently at 77.8°. the humidity is still at 47%, but I managed to get it down to 44% for most of yesterday afternoon. The DLI is a bit high today at 1.66 kPa. Nothing a small adjustment won't fix. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.5° RH: 45.7% VPD: 1.55 kPa April 28, 2024 Not a lot going on today. I'll be refilling the reservoirs later this afternoon. That's about it. I have a bit of a concern. Both ladies have really small buds, and I think they may have stopped swelling. I'm wondering if I have nutrient lockout or something. They are showing signs of stress. So I've already started dropping the nutrients down by cutting Overdrive in half as it seemed to have been the original cause of the nutrient burn. And the next watering will have all nutrients cut in half. Next week I'll drop it to 25% and leave it til flush, which may be next week anyway. We shall see. Other than that, both plants are covered in trichomes. They smell wonderful as well. Like orange and some other light citrus and gas. Smells super good as well as sweet. There is also a hint of cookies. The DLI will be dropped to 40 mol/m²/d tomorrow. I'm assuming it will only be a 10% drop on power, so I shouldn't lose much penetration. The environment is off today. It's warm and super humid with bouts of rain. So naturally, the tent environment is all wonky. The temp is at 75.5° with the humidity way up at 60%. I turned the AC on and now it's just a matter of tweaking and waiting. I may have to crank it and sacrifice some temp for lower humidity. It should be fine that way, but the humidity is definitely too high. Update: I ended up adding about a half gallon of plain water to both reservoirs. Just Incase I have nutrient lockout or something. They should go through that by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe late evening. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 52.8% VPD: 1.39 kPa April 29, 2024 No watering today. The plants are both still going through the half gallon of plain water from yesterday. Let's hope it clears up the nutrient burn. They look great with their trichome coverage. The only thing I'm pretty disappointed about is the size of the buds for both plants. I wonder what I did wrong. I'm guessing the introduction to Overdrive was about 2 weeks too early. Removing the Big Bud was also a major mistake I think. It should have stayed in the mix for 2 more weeks. Lesson learned, make adjustments to any feeding schedule to match the plants growth stage. Maybe I'll ask that question. The lighting was changed today. I dropped the power level down to 70% to get a DLI of 40 mol/m²/d. It's not perfect as the plants do not have level canopies, so some of the spots go all the way up to 45 mol/m²/d still. It's not a bad thing I think. The DLI was a bit high for those tops anyway. The environment is still wonky. The temp is fine at 76° to 77°. A bit high from what I want, but not out of range. I'd still like it down to 75° or 74°. The humidity is what's out of whack at 60% and it doesn't seem to want to drop. I have a heater on to clear out the room humidity and a dehumidifier in the tent working it's hardest. Which isn't very hard. I believe the fans are going on it. It may be time for another one. Something the same size but more powerful. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 59.8% VPD: 1.15 kPa April 30, 2024 Watering day. Both ladies got their full gallon of nutrients. I'm going to cut it when it drains down some with plain water. Both plants look good even though they have small buds. They are everywhere and seem pretty dense. So it's just a matter of time. Maybe another 2 weeks. Maybe less. Hopefully less. The nutrient burn was an issue, but now I think it's good. I dropped the Overdrive significantly, but I think I can plainly say, I have ruined my yield for these two plants. Lesson learned. Plain water at the first signs of stress. The scent is super strong now and smells like oranges and candy. Or something like that. All I know is that it smells great. The lighting is pretty good. No reaching yet, so it's definitely not too low. I may just leave it here for the rest of the grow. I read that lights don't need to be dimmed for autoflowers. It could be right. I've never dimmed the lights before. We shall see I guess. The environment is still wonky with the humidity being high still at 57%. I can control the temp pretty easily, but the humidity will not budge. I'll keep trying. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 57.0% VPD: 1.26 kPa May 1, 2024 Nothing to do today with these two. No watering needed, no light changes, nothing. I pulled them out, tooky pictures and checked them over. No issues pest or fungus or anything. The only issue I have is the nutrient burn. Some of the leaves are getting yellow spots on them and frankly I have no idea what to do here. Keep the nutrients the same? Cut the nutrients down some over the next week or 2? Go with plain water? Not too sure. I still see many stresses. And I think that is the cause of my tiny buds. It seems that I did take the Big Bud out too early and added the Overdrive way too soon. Oops. Lesson learned with this run. I don't think it's a matter of an over abundance of nutrients, but the wrong ones at the wrong time when the plants weren't ready for it. I'm guessing that's what has happened here. Both ladies smell fantastic. Super sweet and strong. Crisp, and not pungent. Refreshing even. Tropicana Cookies has some pretty hard buds and lots of them. Of course, larger buds are preferred, but as long as these come out fire, I'll be happy. Her branches also seem to be holding up nicely. Tropicana C on the other hand has weaker branches and the tallest top is starting to lean pretty heavily. A great sign for bud density. Both plants have phenomenal trichome production. It's getting better everyday. Tons of clear with a mix of cloudy and amber, definitely not ready yet, but soon I think. Very soon. Maybe another week and a half? Maybe 2. As I said before, I didn't change the lighting at all. It's current DLI is 40 mol/m²/d through most of the central canopy. The outside of the canopy is roughly 38 mol/m²/d. So it's all good now. The environment is still wonky with the humidity being at 59%. It's maddening. The room is 49% and the temp is fine at 75°. I'll sacrifice up to 77° if I can get the humidity around 50%. Not ideal for this stage in life, but it will have to do of I can even get it there. I do have a large dehumidifier, but it doesn't work right. When the compressor shuts off, it blows are that humid air right back into the room. I need a new one. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 56.1% VPD: 1.27 kPa May 2, 2024 Not a lot going on today. No watering, no trimming, nothing. I did change the light last night to 80% power. Tropicana Cookies looks great! She has purple coming out all over her buds. No fade yet though. I can assume that will be coming through in the next week or so. Her tops buds are getting slightly fatter and heavier than before. I hope it will continue to do so over the next 2 weeks. Tropicana C is slightly behind. She doesn't have nearly as many orange pistils and the purple is just starting to come through. However, she has tons of trichomes covering everything top to bottom. Her buds are about the same size as her sister, so they may end up swelling bigger than Tropicana Cookies when all is said and done. We shall see. As I said earlier in today's post, I changed the light power from 70% back up to 80%. I think I dropped it too early and need to adjust it accordingly. I'll drop it again in a week or so. Maybe less. Now the DLI is at 43 mol/m²/d inside and 40 mol/m²/d on the outside. The environment is still off, but not as much. The humidity continues to be high, but only at 55% verses the 60% it's been stuck at for the last few days. The temp is fine at 74.5°, but I think I can increase that a bit and hopefully drop the humidity down in turn. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa
Hello Growmies! Entering week 13, our Bruce Banner x White Russian ladies are truly living up to their heroic namesake, showcasing vigorous growth and resilient vitality. The recent environmental tweaks, based on our last check-in, have taken well, as we can see from the lush greenery and budding flowers. This week, our focus has been on creating a precise balance in their ecosystem, fine-tuning temperature and moisture levels to optimize their flowering potential. The delicate trichomes are glistening, a tell-tale sign of the rich terpenes developing within. It's an exciting time as we anticipate the full maturation of their complex aroma profile and potent effects. As we approach the final stretch, each day brings us closer to unveiling the full potential of these beauties. The anticipation is palpable, and our efforts are about to pay off in the form of some premium harvest. Stay vigilant with those environmental controls, and we'll be set for success. Stay lifted, Salokin
April 26, 2024 Day 71 It's a new week and the start of late flower. It was also cleaning day. Both reservoirs have been cleaned out and are freshly loaded with new water. This week we are focusing on watering and nutrients. I may start to drop the dose until flush, over this week and the next. The light power will also be gradually dropped down over the next 2 weeks. Not much this week, I think I'll drop the DLI down to 43 mol/m²/d in the middle of the week. Next week I'll drop it down to 38 mol/m²/d. It all depends on what the plants look like. The plants are getting ready to hunker down and finish up. Both have decent sized buds and just need to finish swelling. I'd say another 2 weeks maybe? Flushing will start at some point over the next 2 weeks as well. Flushing won't be much of a big deal as it's just cleaning the reservoirs and running a week of Flawless Finish. The environment is changing a bit as well. I dropped the day temp down to 75° and the night temps to 65° or lower. Not cold enough to cause stress, but enough to get some purple I hope. The humidity is sitting at 47% and I'll be leaving it there unless somehow I can get it to go lower. For now it's pretty solid at 47% and everything looks great, so no need to worry. I'll be taking trichome pics every few days. One pic for each plant. No point in loading up the whole photo gallery with even more daily pics. Plus, the progression of trichomes isn't fast enough to really notice daily. So every 3 days should be fine. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 47.7% VPD: 1.49 kPa April 27, 2024 Nothing happening today. Both ladies were inspected with no issues. I snipped a single leaf off of Banana Purple Punch B. Just one. Blocking bud sites. Banana Purple Punch A has some massive buds. About the size of golf balls. Maybe a bit smaller. They are still swelling and have a good 2 weeks left. Pistils are still mostly white, so that's a good sign for larger buds and more trichomes. Banana Purple Punch B is looking wonderful as ever. She doesn't seem to be suffering any issues with nutrient burn unlike her sister plant. She's perfectly healthy and has very nice bud production. The buds aren't quite as big as Banana Purple Punch A, but still nice and sizeable. The nutrient burn seems to have stopped for Banana Purple Punch A. So that's good. It should be perfectly fine now. Lighting is staying the same for the next couple of days. Although, I may keep it the same for the rest of the week. The environment is excellent now. It's raining today and the humidity is still at 47%. I did get it down to 44% for most of the afternoon yesterday, so I may be able to keep it down after the rain stops. Or just wait for the afternoon and see what happens. Either way, the humidity is now at 47% and the temp is at 76.8°. The VPD is at 1.57 kPa. A tiny bit high, but still well within range. Last night's temp was a little high at 69°. I'll have to drop the temp lower again to get that 65° sweet spot. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 45.7% VPD: 1.55 kPa April 28, 2024 Not much to do today. I mixed a new batch of nutrients for both plants. The only difference is that I cut the Overdrive in half down to 2 ml/gal. Neither plant needs it, but now it's mixed and ready to go. I may end up filling the reservoirs tonight as it stands. Or later this afternoon. I don't think they will last til tomorrow morning. Both plants are putting off a wonderful aroma. I honestly can't describe it. Like sweet and kind of a hint of banana and a bit heady. Trichome production is picking up quickly. The pistils are starting to turn orange as well. They are definitely in the late flowering stage. I think I'll start dropping the nutrients for the next watering. And I'll drop the DLI down to 40 mol/m²/d tomorrow I think. Not much else to say about nutrients or lighting, so moving on to the environment. It's a warm humid day out and raining off and on. My whole environment is wonky, with humidity being at 57% and the temp at 77°. I turned the AC on about an hour ago and the temp went down to 75°, and humidity up to 60%. I think I'll crank the AC all the way down. And hopefully get rid of the humidity with the temp being a bit lower than perfect. Update: I ended up adding about a half gallon of plain water to both reservoirs. Just Incase I have nutrient lockout or something. They should go through that by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe late evening. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 52.8% VPD: 1.39 kPa April 29, 2024 No watering today. I'm still waiting for the plain water work it's way through. However, I did drop the light power. Both ladies look great. Big buds, great scent and nice color. I'm not seeing any fade yet, but the nutrient burn is still there. I hope it will fix itself with the plain water. And then maybe fading will start. These two need a good 2 weeks or so before harvest. The lighting, as I said, was changed today. I dropped the power down to 70% to get as close as possible to 40 mol/m²/d. I may have to drop it another 10%. I'm not too sure. I'll check the DLI again when I'm more awake. (I'm finally on my second cup of coffee. Lol) Looks good though. Just around where I want it to be. But there are a lot of spots where the DLI is a bit high at 43 mol/m²/d. The tallest tops are also kind of high at 45 mol/m²/d. Again, I'll double check on a couple hours, but it should be fine. The environment is wonky again today. The temp is fine, but the humidity is still high at 60% and I don't see a way to drop it again. Not with the current weather. Hopefully I can get it down with some heat. The AC method did not work. Well, it maybe will work tonight. I'll be dropping that bad boy down to 59° tonight and hopefully it will do what I need it to. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 59.8% VPD: 1.15 kPa April 30, 2024 Watering day. The reservoirs were both nearly empty and there was just enough space for a full gallon in each one. It's the normal nutrient dose with Overdrive being at 2 ml/gal. These two plants are looking mighty fine. Excellent bud swelling and trichome production. I'm definitely going to be wet trimming them instead of my normal dry trim. I may leave the bods on the branches and do a partial wet trim, or I guess mostly wet trim. They smell great! Very strong aroma now. I swear they smell like artificial grape. I can't describe it any other way. Grape and pungent. Awesome. So far the light seems to be fine. No reaching or showing any signs of lack of lighting. They look pretty happy. Although, Banana Purple Punch A is a bit sad from nutrient burn. Banana Purple Punch B however didn't seem to have much of a problem with the burn. The environment is still pretty wonky. High humidity again. I can control the temp pretty easily, but the humidity is another issue. It's currently sitting at 56% and I'm holding the temp at 76°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 57.0% VPD: 1.26 kPa May 1, 2024 Not a whole lot going on today. No water needed, no light changes. I rotated both ladies 180° so now they are getting light on other sides. I'll leave them like this for the rest of the grow I think. Banana Purple Punch A actually fits better in the new position. Less wall touching and about the same neighboring plant touching. I also removed 3 leaves. Ones that were misshapen from being crushed against the tent walls. Banana Purple Punch B seems to fit a little better in the new position, mostly because of her sister plant. More room on the outside and a little less room inside. No leaves were removed today. I'll reserve that for the last 2 days of the grow cycle. Then I'll do a massive defoliation and then a wet trim. It's humid here right now and I need the space. Otherwise I'd stick with dry trimming. But I can't hold up the tent for 3 more weeks. I have other plants getting ready to be planted in their final containers. Like a week for that, I might be able to squeeze a week and a half, but that's it. They will have a space, but the main tent is where they will need to be. Not a 2x2 dry tent. I'll work it how I need to I guess. Anyway, both ladies look great! Trichome production is coming along nicely as well. They are very smelly now and I love it. They are also still packing on weight I think. Not a ton, but the buds are clearly getting denser now that some of the pistils are starting to turn orange. I'd say another 2 weeks on these two. As I said, the lighting hasn't changed at all. Not for another few days to a week. Then it will have another power drop. Until then, we are staying at a DLI of 40 mol/m²/d. It's roughly 38 mol/m²/d on the outer part of the canopy. The environment is STILL wonky. I cannot for the life of me get that damned humidity down at all. Not with a dehumidifier, not with the heat cranked, not with the AC cranked. I'll try my big dehumidifier in my room, but the humidity is like 49% and frankly I'd rather the room humidity stay there. Much easier to breathe. However, the humidity in the tent is suffering at 59% while the temp is hanging out still at 76° Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 56.1% VPD: 1.27 kPa May 2, 2024 Not a lot going on today. No watering needed, no trimming, nothing. I found a broken bud on Banana Purple Punch A. It must have been from when it was against the wall, or too close to the other plants and got stuck on a branch while I was rotating. Oh well. It's a lower bud, so not huge. It's also the last day of the week and that means new videos! For the rest of the grow, I'll be making weekly videos of the individual plants. So that will.be this week and the next 2 weeks or so. Banana Purple Punch A looks great aside from that one broken bud. Her buds are fat and thick. Super dense from what I can see. I would like to note that the fade hasn't started yet, so we still have that 2 weeks left. Unless it starts in the next day or 2, I'll be banking on 2 weeks. Banana Purple Punch B is still compact as ever, but her buds are getting fatter everyday and of all the plants in the tent, she has done the best with the nutrients. Very little burn and didn't seem to be bothered by it. Maybe I did something early on to have such a small plant, but still. I think I can bank on 2 oz from each plant. Maybe 3 oz. It's really nothing compared to previous grows, but as I said before, as long as it's fire, I'm happy. Trichome production on both plants is fantastic. They are loaded from top to bottom. And building more and more everyday. There's still plenty of time left for there 2 as well. Most of the trichomes are clear with about 20% being cloudy and sparsely amber. That's another sign that they need another couple of weeks. Maybe slightly less. I increased the light power yesterday back up to 80%. I think I was a bit early on the intensity drop, so I'll drop it again in a few days I think. Around mid week coming up. Now we are running a DLI of 43 mol/m²/d inside and 40 mol/m²/d on the outside. The environment kinda fixed itself, but not to the ideal climate. It's still at 55% humidity. Better than 60%, but still not good enough. It needs to be below 50%. However, I can still control the temp and I have it at 74.5°. I'll turn it up a bit and see if I can clear out the last 5% of the humidity. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa Update: I added a couple test videos to see if they would upload. Success!
April 26, 2024 Day 71 It's a new week and the start of late flower. It was also cleaning day. Both reservoirs have been cleaned out and are freshly loaded with new water. This week we are focusing on watering and nutrients. I may start to drop the dose until flush, over this week and the next. The light power will also be gradually dropped down over the next 2 weeks. Not much this week, I think I'll drop the DLI down to 43 mol/m²/d in the middle of the week. Next week I'll drop it down to 38 mol/m²/d. It all depends on what the plants look like. The plants are getting ready to hunker down and finish up. Both have decent sized buds and just need to finish swelling. I'd say another 2 weeks maybe? Flushing will start at some point over the next 2 weeks as well. Flushing won't be much of a big deal as it's just cleaning the reservoirs and running a week of Flawless Finish. The environment is changing a bit as well. I dropped the day temp down to 75° and the night temps to 65° or lower. Not cold enough to cause stress, but enough to get some purple I hope. The humidity is sitting at 47% and I'll be leaving it there unless somehow I can get it to go lower. For now it's pretty solid at 47% and everything looks great, so no need to worry. I'll be taking trichome pics every few days. One pic for each plant. No point in loading up the whole photo gallery with even more daily pics. Plus, the progression of trichomes isn't fast enough to really notice daily. So every 3 days should be fine. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 47.7% VPD: 1.49 kPa April 27, 2024 Nothing happening today. Both ladies were inspected with no issues. I snipped a single leaf off of Banana Purple Punch B. Just one. Blocking bud sites. Banana Purple Punch A has some massive buds. About the size of golf balls. Maybe a bit smaller. They are still swelling and have a good 2 weeks left. Pistils are still mostly white, so that's a good sign for larger buds and more trichomes. Banana Purple Punch B is looking wonderful as ever. She doesn't seem to be suffering any issues with nutrient burn unlike her sister plant. She's perfectly healthy and has very nice bud production. The buds aren't quite as big as Banana Purple Punch A, but still nice and sizeable. The nutrient burn seems to have stopped for Banana Purple Punch A. So that's good. It should be perfectly fine now. Lighting is staying the same for the next couple of days. Although, I may keep it the same for the rest of the week. The environment is excellent now. It's raining today and the humidity is still at 47%. I did get it down to 44% for most of the afternoon yesterday, so I may be able to keep it down after the rain stops. Or just wait for the afternoon and see what happens. Either way, the humidity is now at 47% and the temp is at 76.8°. The VPD is at 1.57 kPa. A tiny bit high, but still well within range. Last night's temp was a little high at 69°. I'll have to drop the temp lower again to get that 65° sweet spot. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 45.7% VPD: 1.55 kPa April 28, 2024 Not much to do today. I mixed a new batch of nutrients for both plants. The only difference is that I cut the Overdrive in half down to 2 ml/gal. Neither plant needs it, but now it's mixed and ready to go. I may end up filling the reservoirs tonight as it stands. Or later this afternoon. I don't think they will last til tomorrow morning. Both plants are putting off a wonderful aroma. I honestly can't describe it. Like sweet and kind of a hint of banana and a bit heady. Trichome production is picking up quickly. The pistils are starting to turn orange as well. They are definitely in the late flowering stage. I think I'll start dropping the nutrients for the next watering. And I'll drop the DLI down to 40 mol/m²/d tomorrow I think. Not much else to say about nutrients or lighting, so moving on to the environment. It's a warm humid day out and raining off and on. My whole environment is wonky, with humidity being at 57% and the temp at 77°. I turned the AC on about an hour ago and the temp went down to 75°, and humidity up to 60%. I think I'll crank the AC all the way down. And hopefully get rid of the humidity with the temp being a bit lower than perfect. Update: I ended up adding about a half gallon of plain water to both reservoirs. Just Incase I have nutrient lockout or something. They should go through that by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe late evening. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 52.8% VPD: 1.39 kPa April 29, 2024 No watering today. I'm still waiting for the plain water work it's way through. However, I did drop the light power. Both ladies look great. Big buds, great scent and nice color. I'm not seeing any fade yet, but the nutrient burn is still there. I hope it will fix itself with the plain water. And then maybe fading will start. These two need a good 2 weeks or so before harvest. The lighting, as I said, was changed today. I dropped the power down to 70% to get as close as possible to 40 mol/m²/d. I may have to drop it another 10%. I'm not too sure. I'll check the DLI again when I'm more awake. (I'm finally on my second cup of coffee. Lol) Looks good though. Just around where I want it to be. But there are a lot of spots where the DLI is a bit high at 43 mol/m²/d. The tallest tops are also kind of high at 45 mol/m²/d. Again, I'll double check on a couple hours, but it should be fine. The environment is wonky again today. The temp is fine, but the humidity is still high at 60% and I don't see a way to drop it again. Not with the current weather. Hopefully I can get it down with some heat. The AC method did not work. Well, it maybe will work tonight. I'll be dropping that bad boy down to 59° tonight and hopefully it will do what I need it to. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 59.8% VPD: 1.15 kPa April 30, 2024 Watering day. The reservoirs were both nearly empty and there was just enough space for a full gallon in each one. It's the normal nutrient dose with Overdrive being at 2 ml/gal. These two plants are looking mighty fine. Excellent bud swelling and trichome production. I'm definitely going to be wet trimming them instead of my normal dry trim. I may leave the bods on the branches and do a partial wet trim, or I guess mostly wet trim. They smell great! Very strong aroma now. I swear they smell like artificial grape. I can't describe it any other way. Grape and pungent. Awesome. So far the light seems to be fine. No reaching or showing any signs of lack of lighting. They look pretty happy. Although, Banana Purple Punch A is a bit sad from nutrient burn. Banana Purple Punch B however didn't seem to have much of a problem with the burn. The environment is still pretty wonky. High humidity again. I can control the temp pretty easily, but the humidity is another issue. It's currently sitting at 56% and I'm holding the temp at 76°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 57.0% VPD: 1.26 kPa May 1, 2024 Not a whole lot going on today. No water needed, no light changes. I rotated both ladies 180° so now they are getting light on other sides. I'll leave them like this for the rest of the grow I think. Banana Purple Punch A actually fits better in the new position. Less wall touching and about the same neighboring plant touching. I also removed 3 leaves. Ones that were misshapen from being crushed against the tent walls. Banana Purple Punch B seems to fit a little better in the new position, mostly because of her sister plant. More room on the outside and a little less room inside. No leaves were removed today. I'll reserve that for the last 2 days of the grow cycle. Then I'll do a massive defoliation and then a wet trim. It's humid here right now and I need the space. Otherwise I'd stick with dry trimming. But I can't hold up the tent for 3 more weeks. I have other plants getting ready to be planted in their final containers. Like a week for that, I might be able to squeeze a week and a half, but that's it. They will have a space, but the main tent is where they will need to be. Not a 2x2 dry tent. I'll work it how I need to I guess. Anyway, both ladies look great! Trichome production is coming along nicely as well. They are very smelly now and I love it. They are also still packing on weight I think. Not a ton, but the buds are clearly getting denser now that some of the pistils are starting to turn orange. I'd say another 2 weeks on these two. As I said, the lighting hasn't changed at all. Not for another few days to a week. Then it will have another power drop. Until then, we are staying at a DLI of 40 mol/m²/d. It's roughly 38 mol/m²/d on the outer part of the canopy. The environment is STILL wonky. I cannot for the life of me get that damned humidity down at all. Not with a dehumidifier, not with the heat cranked, not with the AC cranked. I'll try my big dehumidifier in my room, but the humidity is like 49% and frankly I'd rather the room humidity stay there. Much easier to breathe. However, the humidity in the tent is suffering at 59% while the temp is hanging out still at 76° Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 56.1% VPD: 1.27 kPa May 2, 2024 Not a lot going on today. No watering needed, no trimming, nothing. I found a broken bud on Banana Purple Punch A. It must have been from when it was against the wall, or too close to the other plants and got stuck on a branch while I was rotating. Oh well. It's a lower bud, so not huge. It's also the last day of the week and that means new videos! For the rest of the grow, I'll be making weekly videos of the individual plants. So that will.be this week and the next 2 weeks or so. Banana Purple Punch A looks great aside from that one broken bud. Her buds are fat and thick. Super dense from what I can see. I would like to note that the fade hasn't started yet, so we still have that 2 weeks left. Unless it starts in the next day or 2, I'll be banking on 2 weeks. Banana Purple Punch B is still compact as ever, but her buds are getting fatter everyday and of all the plants in the tent, she has done the best with the nutrients. Very little burn and didn't seem to be bothered by it. Maybe I did something early on to have such a small plant, but still. I think I can bank on 2 oz from each plant. Maybe 3 oz. It's really nothing compared to previous grows, but as I said before, as long as it's fire, I'm happy. Trichome production on both plants is fantastic. They are loaded from top to bottom. And building more and more everyday. There's still plenty of time left for there 2 as well. Most of the trichomes are clear with about 20% being cloudy and sparsely amber. That's another sign that they need another couple of weeks. Maybe slightly less. I increased the light power yesterday back up to 80%. I think I was a bit early on the intensity drop, so I'll drop it again in a few days I think. Around mid week coming up. Now we are running a DLI of 43 mol/m²/d inside and 40 mol/m²/d on the outside. The environment kinda fixed itself, but not to the ideal climate. It's still at 55% humidity. Better than 60%, but still not good enough. It needs to be below 50%. However, I can still control the temp and I have it at 74.5°. I'll turn it up a bit and see if I can clear out the last 5% of the humidity. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa Update: I added a couple test videos to see if they would upload. Success!
April 16th - Day 66 : All good after that little issue the other day. The babies are doing good. Decided to cut the lower branches as they weren't getting any light. April 21st - Day 71 : The babies are doing great as you can see on the video and close ups! So exciting what do you think growmies??
Hello Growmies, As we step into week 14 with our Red Banana Pudding cultivars, the passage of 97 days has brought about a breathtaking exhibition of nature's artistry. The plants have entered a compelling phase of their lifecycle, showcasing an enthralling fade that mirrors the splendor of an autumnal forest. This natural process is particularly pronounced, with leaves flaunting shades of purple amidst the waning greens—a visual testament to their genetic legacy and the culmination of their growth cycle. The only nourishment these beauties have indulged in is plain tap water, a testament to the resilience and robustness ingrained in their very roots. This minimalist approach is by design, allowing the plants to channel their energy into the final push of flowering. In a further nod to the fine-tuning of their environment, we've dialed back the temperatures by a subtle yet impactful 2 degrees Celsius, both during the light and dark cycles. This gentle nudge toward cooler climes is our way of coaxing out a richer, more complex bouquet of terpenes, enhancing the sensory experience that awaits. A deliberate drought strategy has also been employed, letting the pots dry out significantly before the next watering. This mimicry of harsh conditions is a clever tactic to trigger a surge in terpene and resin production—nature's way of protecting and perfuming these botanical treasures. Opening the tent now unleashes a potent wave of fragrance so strong, it drifts out the window, a siren call to the senses that heralds the quality of the harvest to come. The colas stand as frosty sentinels, a landscape of crystalline trichomes that promises potency and pleasure. As we draw closer to reaping the fruits of our labor, it's clear that the Red Banana Pudding has been a grower's delight, responding with vigor to our cultivation strategies. With anticipation building and the promise of a rich sensory experience just around the corner, we look forward to the moment when we can enjoy the full array of flavors and effects that this strain has to offer. Stay lifted, Salokin
🌱 Erfolgreiche erste Woche! 🌱 Unsere Samen sind alle einwandfrei gekeimt und zeigen großartiges Wachstum! Wir freuen uns darauf, euch weiterhin auf unserer Pflanzenreise mitzunehmen. Bleibt dran für weitere Updates und Tipps! 💚 #Gartenliebe #Pflanzenaufzucht #Erfolg www.dampfmitstil.de
🌱 Erfolgreiche erste Woche! 🌱 Unsere Samen sind alle einwandfrei gekeimt und zeigen großartiges Wachstum! Wir freuen uns darauf, euch weiterhin auf unserer Pflanzenreise mitzunehmen. Bleibt dran für weitere Updates und Tipps! 💚 #Gartenliebe #Pflanzenaufzucht #Erfolg www.dampfmitstil.de
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).
thank you to the divine seeds team for the chance :) the girl is growing little by little:) I will keep her at home for another week, and then she will travel to nature :).