12.1. - I've started the week by adding the wires I mentioned, to spread the branches. I can already see some signs of preflower stage, so I guess it was right choice to stop bending the main stems. Let's see how will the plants react.
14.1. - Plants have reacted very well to the LST, so I've decided to add some more wires to the branches. Also had to tighten the ones already in place.
15.1. - Branches are shooting up, first preflower signs are clearly visible so I'm adding Bio Bloom & Top Max to the mix as well. Watered. 💧
17.1. - Almost all of the plants took over the full width of my pots. I have to adjust the wires everyday due to speed and strength of the branches. Seems like they really love LST. Watered. 💧
18.1. - Week wrap-up: I'm very happy to say that this week was successful. Plants have a lot of new growth and future bud sites. Today, I just couldn't resist and decided to bend the main stem to even all plants to same height. I've also swapped the plastic boxes under pots for new racks. I'm considering that I'll plant one more seed as I have some free space now, however I could use bigger LED. 💡
12.1. - 18.1.2024