Ahh shit, here we go again. After 2 month, I'm ready to grow again. This time it's gonna be Lemon AK, cuz its summer you know, not indica time. I'm using same lamp, same DIY growbox but with different reflective material. Gonna use Air Pot , i think it will be better than smartpot, will see. I have chosen some interesting combinating of nutrients for this plant, some from Advanced Nutrients and GHE, hope it works great.
First seed that i started to germinate on 23/6 didnt germinate, i guess it was my fault cuz have put seed in refrigerator, and temperature was bouncing between 7.8c- 14c degrees, i thing it was a problem, so no pretension to fastbuds, you guys are awesome.
Bought a new timer, set to 18/6 light.
3/7 Bought and started to germinate new seed, checked 24 hours later and its already opened, will plant after 48 hours, mb earlier.
7/7 Planted seed today.
9/7 After morning watering and turning on the lights, plant finally sprouted.
10/7 is first day, watering 2 times a day, on morning and evening. About 50-70ml under stem using syringe, rest 400+ml around plant.
Day 2 - 500ml with RootPlus.
Day 3 - 500ml with nutrients.
Day 6 - Switched lights from 18 to 20 hours. Fans are now turned on 24/7. Intake fan gives a plant some nice breeze. Had no time so watered at night, 1L water under and near plant, and another 1.5L all over pot so it can last until tomorrow after's morning.
Day 7 - Plant is showing great progress. No water today. New set of leaves showed up. Very happy with this week.