The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Día 66 (05/08) Cerrado por vacaciones Día 67 (06/08) Mi amigo viene a casa a hacer un riego con 1 Litro de H2O pH 6,5 Día 68 (07/08) Cerrado por vacaciones Día 69 (08/08) Vuelta de vacaciones! A ver como están después de 5 días sin verlas... 😱 Riego con 1 litro de H2O pH 6,5 Añado 3 cm de sustrato nuevo porque se ha compactado y se ven las raíces! 😢 Día 70 (09/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Eliminación de algunas ramas bajas Día 71 (10/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Sesión de fotos semanal! Día 72 (11/08) Riego con 1 Litro de Té Vegetativo de Lurpe Solutions. Preparación: 24 horas con bomba de aire (oxigenación) con ingredientes: Green Sunrise 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Hummus Lombriz 8 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L + Kelp Hidrolizado 0,25 g/L Aplicación foliar Kelp hidrolizado de Lurpe Solutions a 0,25 ml/l 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Woche 4 bricht an und es läuft hervorragend! Die Orange Sherbet bekommt diese Woche frischen Boden: eine Mischung aus Bio-bizz All-Mix und Greenhouse-Feeding, perfekt für die letzten Vegetationswochen und blüte. Zudem hat sich die Orange Sherbet sehr gut mit dem Backhefe-Buttermilch-Melasse-Experiment entwickelt, was zu einem starken CO2-Anstieg auf bis zu 1500 ppm geführt hat. 💨 Ich bin gespannt, wie sie sich in der neuen Umgebung entwickeln wird. Auf der anderen Seite explodieren die Frozen Black Cherries förmlich in der Hydroponik! 🌱 Die Entwicklung ist beeindruckend, und ich könnte nicht zufriedener sein mit ihrem Fortschritt. Die Blütephase rückt näher, und ich bin gespannt, wie sich alles weiterentwickelt! Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden! 🚀 Week 4 is here, and things are going great! The Orange Sherbet is getting new soil this week—a blend of Bio-Beth All-Mix and Greenhouse-Feeding, setting her up perfectly for the final weeks of vegetation and . Additionally, the Orange Sherbet has responded well to the back yeast-buttermilk-molasses experiment, resulting in a significant CO2 increase of up to 1500 ppm. 💨 I'm excited to see how she adapts to her new environment. Meanwhile, the Frozen Black Cherries are absolutely thriving in hydro! 🌱 Their growth has been phenomenal, and I couldn't be more impressed with their progress. The flowering phase is getting closer, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds! I'll keep you updated! 🚀
Woche 4 bricht an und es läuft hervorragend! Die Orange Sherbet bekommt diese Woche frischen Boden: eine Mischung aus Bio-bizz All-Mix und Greenhouse-Feeding, perfekt für die letzten Vegetationswochen und blüte. Zudem hat sich die Orange Sherbet sehr gut mit dem Backhefe-Buttermilch-Melasse-Experiment entwickelt, was zu einem starken CO2-Anstieg auf bis zu 1500 ppm geführt hat. 💨 Ich bin gespannt, wie sie sich in der neuen Umgebung entwickeln wird. Auf der anderen Seite explodieren die Frozen Black Cherries förmlich in der Hydroponik! 🌱 Die Entwicklung ist beeindruckend, und ich könnte nicht zufriedener sein mit ihrem Fortschritt. Die Blütephase rückt näher, und ich bin gespannt, wie sich alles weiterentwickelt! Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden! 🚀 Week 4 is here, and things are going great! The Orange Sherbet is getting new soil this week—a blend of Bio-Beth All-Mix and Greenhouse-Feeding, setting her up perfectly for the final weeks of vegetation and . Additionally, the Orange Sherbet has responded well to the back yeast-buttermilk-molasses experiment, resulting in a significant CO2 increase of up to 1500 ppm. 💨 I'm excited to see how she adapts to her new environment. Meanwhile, the Frozen Black Cherries are absolutely thriving in hydro! 🌱 Their growth has been phenomenal, and I couldn't be more impressed with their progress. The flowering phase is getting closer, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds! I'll keep you updated! 🚀
🌟 Welcome to the TrolMaster Chronicles: Seed to Harvest Adventure! 1st run🌟 Hey, Grow Fam! It’s DogDoctor here, and I’m thrilled to kick off this exciting new series with you. Today marks the beginning of our journey through the TrolMaster sponsorship, and we’re diving right into the heart of the action with germination and unboxing. 🌱✨ We’re starting strong with the Germination Station by @thecannakan, a game-changer for this process. I’ll be showing you all the details as we delve deep into every aspect of our grow adventure. Here’s today’s lineup for the germination extravaganza: 1️⃣ Mandarin Squeeze - Terpyz Mutant Genetics. 🌈 One seed germinated. 2️⃣ Punch Pie RQS and Tyson 2.0 Genetics. 🍰 One seed germinated. 3️⃣ RS11 by Kannabia Seeds. 🚀 One seed germinated. 4️⃣ Green Papaya by Super Sativa Seed Club. 🍍 Tester unreleased seed, one germinated. 5️⃣ Gorilla Mellon by Fast Buds. 🍉 Two seeds, one germinated (the first one didn’t make it). 6️⃣ Tropical Smoothies - Tried all seeds from the pack, but unfortunately, none germinated. 🌴 We’re also using the complete organic mineral line from @aptusholland, which includes top-notch nutrients to ensure our plants get the best start possible. 🌿✨ Plus, we’ve got the new ProMix Mycorrhizae soil, which will help create a thriving root environment. 🌱 Throughout this journey, I’ll be breaking down every step, sharing tips, and keeping it real with both the successes and challenges. I’m excited to share this adventure with you, and there’s so much more to come! For more in-depth coverage and exclusive content, make sure to check out my YouTube channel and subscribe—where you’ll find full video breakdowns, detailed insights, and more. 🌟🎥 Follow me on Instagram for additional exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes peeks that you won’t find anywhere else! 📸✨ Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to have you along for every step of this amazing journey. Let’s grow together and make some magic happen! #TrolMasterChronicles #SeedToHarvest #GrowDiaries #GrowJourney #TrolMaster #TheCannakan #GrowLife #PlantAdventure #HighFrequency #PositiveVibes #GrowWithMe #SubscribeNow #ExclusiveContent #AptusHolland #ProMixMycorrhizae P.S. 🌟💚 I want to take a moment to express just how honored and grateful I am to be the first TrolMaster Maverick. This opportunity is a dream come true, and I’m beyond excited to embark on this journey with all of you. Being a part of this incredible community and pushing the boundaries of indoor horticulture with TrolMaster and ThinkGrowLED is a privilege I don’t take lightly. 🙌 A massive shoutout and thank you to the entire TrolMaster and ThinkGrow team for believing in me and supporting this adventure. Your trust and support mean the world to me, and I promise to give it my all to make this journey as amazing as possible. 🌟🙏 Thank you, Grow Fam, for being here from the start. Your encouragement and enthusiasm fuel my passion and make every step of this journey worth it. Here’s to making magic happen together and to many more incredible milestones ahead. Let’s grow, learn, and shine! 🌱✨ With all my heart,Growers Love and thank you. 💚 #FirstMaverick #TrolMasterFamily #ThinkGrowLED #GratefulHeart #GrowTogether #MakingMagic Lets Play a game , FB Gorilla Melon Jump in to the future, can you guess the week ? Let me know in the comments before we get there , this is just for fun Lets Grow 💚💚💚 Growers Love everyone 💚💚💚
🌟 Welcome to the TrolMaster Chronicles: Seed to Harvest Adventure! 1st run🌟 Hey, Grow Fam! It’s DogDoctor here, and I’m thrilled to kick off this exciting new series with you. Today marks the beginning of our journey through the TrolMaster sponsorship, and we’re diving right into the heart of the action with germination and unboxing. 🌱✨ We’re starting strong with the Germination Station by @thecannakan, a game-changer for this process. I’ll be showing you all the details as we delve deep into every aspect of our grow adventure. Here’s today’s lineup for the germination extravaganza: 1️⃣ Mandarin Squeeze - Terpyz Mutant Genetics. 🌈 One seed germinated. 2️⃣ Punch Pie RQS and Tyson 2.0 Genetics. 🍰 One seed germinated. 3️⃣ RS11 by Kannabia Seeds. 🚀 One seed germinated. 4️⃣ Green Papaya by Super Sativa Seed Club. 🍍 Tester unreleased seed, one germinated. 5️⃣ Gorilla Mellon by Fast Buds. 🍉 Two seeds, one germinated (the first one didn’t make it). 6️⃣ Tropical Smoothies - Tried all seeds from the pack, but unfortunately, none germinated. 🌴 We’re also using the complete organic mineral line from @aptusholland, which includes top-notch nutrients to ensure our plants get the best start possible. 🌿✨ Plus, we’ve got the new ProMix Mycorrhizae soil, which will help create a thriving root environment. 🌱 Throughout this journey, I’ll be breaking down every step, sharing tips, and keeping it real with both the successes and challenges. I’m excited to share this adventure with you, and there’s so much more to come! For more in-depth coverage and exclusive content, make sure to check out my YouTube channel and subscribe—where you’ll find full video breakdowns, detailed insights, and more. 🌟🎥 Follow me on Instagram for additional exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes peeks that you won’t find anywhere else! 📸✨ Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to have you along for every step of this amazing journey. Let’s grow together and make some magic happen! #TrolMasterChronicles #SeedToHarvest #GrowDiaries #GrowJourney #TrolMaster #TheCannakan #GrowLife #PlantAdventure #HighFrequency #PositiveVibes #GrowWithMe #SubscribeNow #ExclusiveContent #AptusHolland #ProMixMycorrhizae P.S. 🌟💚 I want to take a moment to express just how honored and grateful I am to be the first TrolMaster Maverick. This opportunity is a dream come true, and I’m beyond excited to embark on this journey with all of you. Being a part of this incredible community and pushing the boundaries of indoor horticulture with TrolMaster and ThinkGrowLED is a privilege I don’t take lightly. 🙌 A massive shoutout and thank you to the entire TrolMaster and ThinkGrow team for believing in me and supporting this adventure. Your trust and support mean the world to me, and I promise to give it my all to make this journey as amazing as possible. 🌟🙏 Thank you, Grow Fam, for being here from the start. Your encouragement and enthusiasm fuel my passion and make every step of this journey worth it. Here’s to making magic happen together and to many more incredible milestones ahead. Let’s grow, learn, and shine! 🌱✨ With all my heart,Growers Love and thank you. 💚 #FirstMaverick #TrolMasterFamily #ThinkGrowLED #GratefulHeart #GrowTogether #MakingMagic Lets Play a game , FB Gorilla Melon Jump in to the future, can you guess the week ? Let me know in the comments before we get there , this is just for fun Lets Grow 💚💚💚 Growers Love everyone 💚💚💚
Great 50/50 hybrid, terp profile is a creamy gas with phunky rancid fruitypine kush tones, fruity coffee tones, Doughy, Candy GMO Dried for 15 days in dark dry tent at 58RH 67F | Dry hand trim | Curing in Grove bag
If you are lonely when you are alone, then you are in bad company. Bee pollen is considered a “vitamin bomb” due to the presence of almost all vitamins with an average of 0.02–0.7% of its total content, with a higher amount of water-soluble than fat-soluble vitamins. Bee pollen contains vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, and C. It also provides minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and selenium, I mixed a bunch of that with some honey and RAW cane molasses to make a nice big bucket of tea. A family friend who is a beekeeper was kind enough to share some honey. The nutritional content of raw honey is impressive and includes high levels of protein, amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, as well as various polyphenolic antioxidants. I am loading up nature's finest sugars, and sweet things, Honey & Mollases. UV-B-induced DNA damage (CPDs and 6–4 PPs) can be repaired efficiently by photolyases. Pyrimidine dimers can be repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER), or bypassed by replicative polymerases (Britt 2004). The expression of the CPD photolyase (PHR) gene is induced by UV-B light dependent on UVR8 signaling pathway, and is also induced by blue and UV-A light (Li et al. 2015) Old but gold. The camera picks up far more light than there is during the night cycle, camera is showing bright pink violet collages but my eyes barely see a thing, about 0.25ppfd in that tent overnight. Have been tweaking the spectrum of moonlight/intensity and watching the responses overnight. Tweak, tweak, tweak all week. PAR is 400-700nm, Overnight UVA in the tent is all 365nm and 385nm, so the meter only picks up a fraction of the light curve that makes it photosynthetically active past 400nm. Of the light in the tent, 0.25ppfd is from UVA Looks like It makes them 🕺 🕺 💃 all night. Better flower soon or ill be screwed for space, they are stretching, but is it "the stretch"? She has fire in her belly. Growing crops with insufficient light (i.e., below “optimal,” as defined here) limits the yield potential, which in turn wastes the other production inputs including labour, water, nutrients and electricity. As lighting fixture is one of the most expensive investment of the production, what is the relationship between light intensity and yield? Potter and Duncombe (2012) grew cannabis plants with varying canopy-level PPFDs during the flowering stage and found that increasing PPFD from 400 to 900 μmol·m−2·s−1 increased yield an average of 1.3 times higher, across seven cultivars, with no light intensity treatment effects on floral cannabinoid concentrations. Vanhove et al. (2011) found that cannabis yields were 1.3 to 3.1 times higher (depending on cultivar) when plants were grown under approximately 1000 μmol·m−2·s−1 compared to approximately 450 μmol·m−2·s−1 during the flowering stage.It was predicted that cannabis yield would exhibit a saturating response to increasing Light intensity, thereby signifying an optimum light intensity range for indoor cannabis production. However, a new research from Morrison (2021), after 81 days‘ experiment, found that When plants grew under LI ranging from 1200 to 1800 μmol·m–2·s–1 provided by light emitting diodes (LEDs), inflorescence yield increased linearly as LI increased up to 1800 μmol·m–2·s–1. "Cannabis will not stop flowering if the lights are turned on for a few minutes once or twice during the 2-month-long flowering cycle. If a light is turned on for 5 to 30 minutes—long enough to disrupt the dark period—on 3 to 5 con­secutive nights, plants will start to revert to vegetative growth." "Less than one half of one foot-candle of light (0.1ppfd) from sunlight will prevent cannabis from flow­ering. That is a little more light than is reflected by a full moon on a clear night. Well-bred indica-dominant plants will revert within three days. Sativa-dominant plants take four to five days to revert to vegetative growth. Once they start to revegetate, it can take from four to six ad­ditional weeks to induce flowering again!" Guess ill find out my answer soon.
Die letzten Tage für die Sour Jealousy von FastBuds.. Nächsten Mittwoch setze ich noch 2 Tage FlashClean von Terra Aquatica hinzu. Bis dahin nur Final Part. Ich habe nun normales Leitungswasser genommen damit der Ph Wert nicht so nach unten fährt und dieser stabil bleibt. Der EC Wert ist von 1 Tag von von 2.5 auf 6.0 gestiegen, die Pflanze hatte heute auf jeden Fall genug Nahrung.. Ph Wert fällt in wenigen Stunden um fast 1%. Hab das Wasser heute gleich getauscht. Wird auf jeden Fall ein guter Ertrag, jetzt kann nichts mehr schief gehen denn die Ernte wandert sofort in den Cannatrol Cool
Strawberry Amnesia is growing well. She is showing some big fat indica leaves. I did top her, and removed the first node branches which was the 3 way mutation early on. She is doing great. Thank you Herbies seeds, Athena, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
10/22: wow… what a mess. I should have defoliated last week. They were incredibly overgrown and now i had to stress the hell out of them to get the tent cleared up for light. Hopefully the stress does not cause any issues. As if the defoliation was bot enough stress on them, my light height has reached its top, and PL1 had two colas starting that were already pressed into the light. And so i removed their tops a node or two down. Im sure this was as good as hitting the plant in the face with a brick. Hope she recovers! If youve been following along, you know i planted these with hopes for the extremely purple pheno. And i believe that if i had it, she would have started showing her colors by now. Looking forward to seeing what these turn into and if they make it without any issues after i kicked them around a bit.
10/22: wow… what a mess. I should have defoliated last week. They were incredibly overgrown and now i had to stress the hell out of them to get the tent cleared up for light. Hopefully the stress does not cause any issues. As if the defoliation was bot enough stress on them, my light height has reached its top, and PL1 had two colas starting that were already pressed into the light. And so i removed their tops a node or two down. Im sure this was as good as hitting the plant in the face with a brick. Hope she recovers! If youve been following along, you know i planted these with hopes for the extremely purple pheno. And i believe that if i had it, she would have started showing her colors by now. Looking forward to seeing what these turn into and if they make it without any issues after i kicked them around a bit.
Week 5 started and the Ladys entered the flowering stage.