~ WEDDING CHEESECAKE FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "A delight for the mind and body: Wedding Cheesecake FF (Fast-Flowering) is a delicious strain that offers XXL yields in a 7-8 weeks flowering cycle. This terpene powerhouse produces loads and loads of mouth-watering vanilla-creamy-cookie-scented terps with hints of citrus and cinnamon. In addition to its delicious aromas, this variety grows very well in both indoor and outdoor setups, yielding up to 650 g/m2 without extra maintenance, making it the ideal strain for beginners as it allows you to maximize yields while minimizing work. This super-fast feminized photoperiod version offers upbeat and energetic yet deeply relaxing effects that are perfect for consumers looking for a heavily focused, motivating, and creative high. It’s the ideal strain for those needing that extra energy boost to start a busy day on the right foot. Wedding Cheesecake FF boasts chunky, large-sized buds with a thick layer of silvery-white resin and bright orange hairs scattered all over: that just screams ‘quality’. The lime-green flowers sparkle with an array of hues ranging from dark to light green, to magenta and purple, and reek of a delicious aroma that’ll remind you of fresh store-bought cheesecake. This is an XXL hybrid that grows extremely tall in height, reaching up to 3m with one huge main cola and multiple long side branches that can withstand enormous yields of up to 650 g/m2 with ease. Wedding Cheesecake FF is extremely resilient to the elements and can be grown in almost every climate as long as you’ve got the space and basics covered, making her an excellent choice for those looking for large-scale harvests with a quick turnaround time without much effort." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Wedding Cheesecake FF indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 8/21- Here we go into Week 3 of flower for the FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower! This strain has become a beast and, now that she's flowering, she is going to be looking exceptionally sexy😍 over the course of the next few weeks so hold on, it's gonna be a wild ride fam! 8/23- Our weather has finally cooled down and the daylight has dropped to just over 13 hours now. My daily watering campaign also continues with me giving the Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower 5-8 gallons of well water from the garden hose. 8/25- Along with my daily watering, I am also constantly going through the plant and removing any dead or yellowed leaves. I'm also checking over the entire plant including the undersides of leaves looking for early signs of insect infestation or their eggs being laid, as well as looking for signs of deficiencies and as flowering progresses mold and fungus.🤢 8/27- With three weeks of flower over and done with, in the next 3-4 weeks we should see this lady really trans form as she adds weight onto her colas. My biggest concern is that she has relatively thin branches and, depending on how heavy her cola's become, they will more than likely need to be supported in some way to which I'm developing a solution. Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
Let's be honest. These should have gone to flower months ago. Nevertheless, they look amazing, and they're going to flower this week. Plants have to move around so much that SCROG isn't really practical, and headspace is such an issue that these girls need to be tied down for a few weeks, hence the tomato cage/chicken wire solution. Stripped 'em up, flipping to 12/12 light schedule in a day or two.
I’ll try them next again, then I should remember the net for trying a Scrog. It’s a old classic strain that no one forget ;-) if you not have try the white widow, then you must go on !
Hello guys, I would like to share some thoughts with you. In this cycle I messed up with: - light bleaching This is the main reason why the plants slowed down in flowering cycle, everyone who would like to try this strain MUST keep in mind that it's TALL and STRETCHY, and in my case one of them grew up almost to 80cm with just 9L pots. Moreover, they should have done more flowering weeks to fully develop their buds, but with the first two plants I messed up, and with the third, even though I would have let her go up to 90 days, I didn't have time left due to other reasons. Anyway, I vaped and smoked the first harvested plant, guys... it's DEVASTATING!! Who did ever say autos aren't potent?? A fool! This weed gives you an instant headbang which then turn into a really creative high. Every plant in my grow has different aroma (in addition to the size and plant structure), in fact my only complaint is: Strain behaviour inconsistency, they were so much different from each other. On march I will run Skystompers, but I will supercrop them and maybe buy a grownorthern telos :)
Hey hey :) Flowering mode ON. They are looking realy good, one week in flower and i noticed this Strains require a boost of Phosphorus at this phase. Beside that the Vegeative phase was really good for a 150W Hps Lamp. I will keep it updated every week, Cya next week guys
harvested it one week earlier than i planned on my mother passed away and i was not around for 3 days taking care of things and when i came home she was very angry at me so i decided to chop her down will update a dry weight and taste when this stuff is ready taste is great effect is awesome
This was the first grow of my own, and it went pretty smooth overall. I'll update the outcome, tastes & effects after it has dried. growdiaries.com has been a great experience so far, very happy! 😀 Final dry weight was 2.4oz!!!👍
Sorry for the late post had a very busy period. The buds are great, good feedback from patients. First time I've been able to taste a fully organic bud and I can say I won't be going back!
It's been a while, I know, but been too busy during this festives to keep the diary up... As you can see, my ladies suffered from plague. Damn spidermites! I've try to control them every day but they were too long in bloom to do something for this little creepers! So, after 11 week of bloom I've decided to cut them and wash the buds as in a video made by Mr.Cervantes seen on youtube, and made a video so that it can be useful. I've mix 120ml of H2O2 in 10Lts of water, washed the buds for a couple of minute, rinse'em and then hanging for a couple of hours with a fan that gently blowin on them. The result is in the photo. So, mates, this journey has ended, I've learned a lot of things during this real first indoor grow, and this also thanks to you and your hint. Thank you, see you soon (more beans are waiting to born) and most of all CIAO!
It's been a while, I know, but been too busy during this festives to keep the diary up... Damn spidermites! I've try to control them every day but it was too long in bloom to do something for this little creepers! I've decided to cut them and wash the buds as in a video made by Mr.Cervantes seen on youtube. I've mix 120ml of H2O2 in 10Lts of water, washed the buds for a couple of minute, rinse'em and then hanging for a couple of hours with a fan that gently blowin on them. So, mates, this journey has ended, I've learned a lot of things during this real first indoor grow, and this also thanks to you and your hint. Thank you, see you soon (more beans are waiting to born) and most of all CIAO!
Girl Scout Cookies is one of my favourite strains, so to be able to grow this as a fem seed by RQS was a pleasure. As far as comparing to GSC, it looks, smells, tastes and grows exactly the same. I have a clone of this girl in veg so I'm looking forward to running her again but changing a couple of things. The pheno in this diary was a bit of a stretcher, but with that being said I do think I could have prevented this a bit. I'll also pinch her stems more when she's going through her stretch as I missed doing this on this girl because she kept a nice even canopy, meaning I wasn't forced to in order to even her out. She still went on to produce some nice dense cookie nugs with beautiful colouring. Her next run in flower will be under my new 315w CMH which I'm very much looking forward to! This girl has kept her place in the Fox's Den 🐺 I've enjoyed doing this diary, and all my others, on grow diaries and will continue to start more. If even one person has learned one thing from my presence on here, then that makes it all worth it in my opinion! From where I stand that's all we can do for each other our community. Because I've created 4 seperate diaries with 4 different strains, I've had to calculate these by dividing the conditions by 4 (4 plants in total but only one of each strain). This is the fairest and only way to work it out properly. I also want to thank Royal Queen Seeds for creating this partnership between us and I definitely look forward to growing more of their strains. All of which will be on Grow Diaries! Thanks for following and happy growing! 🐺
THe little i smoked was great for pain. Got crazy munchies afterwards. Thumbs up!
Transplanted and doing great! My youngest that I planted a week late has caught the older ones and I'm happy. Looking good
Attempted to LST in this one burn realized my grow area was too small so I scrapped the idea a, this could directly be the reason for a small yield. Learned a lot from a this grow and also took a clone from this plant. Also documenting here. Thanks for viewing. Good luck to all the growers out there.
No real change other than buds starting to form more. Not one type of plant performing better than another. Took cuttings from northern lights and white widow. They are under 300w led. I cant recommend the 900w viparspectra led enough. Used one last grow with a 600w hps and they are on par yield wise. Run alot cooler!!!