This week I harvested these two Quebec Black Bud, it was really a great experience. Its unique appearance and these colors charm us from start to finish. Calm in vegetation but surprises us in flowering. I can't wait to see the final product 😇 Harvest : Pheno #1 day 56 flowering 119 total Pheno #2 day 60 flowering 123 total Training : They have received my hand manipulation since day 8 and this every day to force them to grow bigger and stronger until the addition of the scrog. I started my base again on a manifold. For now I'm having fun like that, let's see later 😁 I'll leave you with these beautiful photos and come back to you later. After drying and curing I realize how the color is an intense purple almost black, The genetics are not called Quebec black bud for nothing. the buds are really compact, I know that with the auto pot system I give myself a chance that they will be denser but I believe that hard training leaves its mark.
(The numbers of this harvest are from a single plant) I ended REAL ORGANIC and let plants dry by themselves on their pots outside the tent and gradually day after day i was picking and selecting dry buds from the branches 2 smoke m all! This particular diary gave me a sense of adventure, and a lot of fun, i´ll always remenber that made my quareentine a lot easier to live, by that time i felt i was prepared even for the end of the times if it comes to that 😂
Nutrients are a mix of multiple brands. Some nutrients are hydroponic specific and some are soil specific. On to the next grow: https://growdiaries.com/diaries/61723-gorilla-glue-autoflower-mk-ultra-grow-journal-by-gorglue Thanks for stopping by!
Lots of growth this week and working to solve the humidity issues. I think it's probably because of the size of my pots but these girls just won't stop growing! I think I'm going to have to consider some defoliation for her next week. I noticed some rust spots on some of the leaves this week, I'm fairly certain that it's down to the humidity. Where leaves were gathering condensation they seem to have discoloured, probably because of magnifying the light - I'm just a beginner though so I'm happy for other people's opinions. I've kept feeding her a little bloom every couple of days, there was a little bit of yellowing to the tips of some leaves which I though could be down to nute burn but I'm not too worried about it at the moment. I think this plant has overtaken the Jack Herer now, she seems to be flowering a lot more. She smells divine - really strong citrus notes, I think she's going to be tasty! To fix the humidity issues I diverted the extraction duct to another room which seems to have made a big difference, RH is now consistently under 57% and usually around 55% - still not ideal but I don't think I'll get it much lower. I've moved the fan so that there's plenty of air moving over the canopy - hopefully enough to keep away the mould as the grow progresses.
Esa familia, otra cosecha más, no tan contento esta vez la variedad en si está buena pero su cultivo es algo complicado y no está estabilizada la genética, los días de floración son más de 55 días como dice el banco,más de 3 meses de floración con estos ejemplares... Pero mereció la pena esperar el colocón es bastante fuerte, para mi que , sativa dominante a mi parecer, 24% de thc , cruzada entre cookies x OG Kush , muy productora en general. Así esto es todo , pronto más trabajos, buenos humos familia.
Hello everyone Welcome 🙂 In the end I harvested at day seventy of flowering ✂️⚘ This strains was pretty easy to grow and doesn't stretch to much.. Internodes are very close , but onestly this I have to say happends mostly of the time thanks to infrared in led light.. In any case , she's a very good choise for indoor : 1: She produce a good amount od dense flowers and the central cola wasn't to much bigger respect the lower branches.. In fact, the central flower is practically the same size as the lower primary flowers 💪 The aroma is delicate , a little sweet and earthy with somnthing else.. Nice one cannabis flowers about smell and taste , but nothing to special , for my experience.. But onestly , one thing I really need to say it's, trichomes are pure glue 🔥 During I roll the joint for the taste test , I was have hard time due the stickiness.. Very difficult to close 😅 Not to much to see her finish burn 😎 Nice oil all around the ash , on the rolling paper.. Almost all white.. Smooth and clean.. Much better on the Mighty or on the Ghost mv1 And more potent 🚀👌 I usually vapes at the temperature around 177° to 195° , with Ghost 200° The effect is very calm , mellow state but you can do things or work out , it not knock you out 😁 At least on me About the Living Soil High-Brix recipe Loke I say week by week , for this lasy I have use a 20l geotextile pot with around 1/3 of the Living Soil I have made ( in this case in november 2019 ) Isn't a Super Soil subcool recipe or similar.. Trought this metodology we're not feeding the plants , but the soil.. Basycally the important things are principaly four Soil energy Cation exchange Microbial activity Mineral balance Soil energy is kept high with humus Cation exchange with rock powders Microbial activity is achieved with innoculants and some teas or other Mineral balance is achieved by adding the micronutes and having everything in the right ratio's For doing this I have use a base mostly of light-mix soil with already perlite inside ( classic cannabis soil ) coco nut humus zeolite then I have add Neem soil , Kelp , Krill , Azomite , Basalt , Gypsum , Calcium Carbonate , Phosforite , Alfalfa and Leonardite Then I was have "cooking" it for a month an half.. And this was the engine that allowed the plant to stay in constant health, keeping the Brix level high 🌋 During the flowering time I have add mostly only water , one times a week with molasses for feeding the microbs.. I have also make a humus/nutrient tea for she and her sisters , just one time.. I'm feel good doing in this way , like it and I understand so many more things about the lives into the ground in general.. But just for be precis For having the high brix in plants we can not just have a good soil but everything around her , the envroiment , especyally in indoor.. And obviously a fundamental it's First , great strain 💪🌳🔥 Second , love Anyway.. At the end she was produces around 29g of flowers dryed , manicured and cured for about one month and a weeks.. Good strain.. And thats all for this diary thank you so much at all supporter during the grow , or only now : 1:: 1: 🙏 See you somewhere 😎 Always growing 🌱🌳🔥 Ciao ✌️ 🇮🇹 BONUS I have also growing the same strain but in different ways.. Here is the link below 👇 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/48209-barney-039-s-farm-dos-si-dos-33-grow-journal-by-funclouds And I have using the same type of "Living Soil High-Brix" with this other lady , Blue Gelato #41 👇 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/46282-barney-039-s-farm-blue-gelato-41-grow-journal-by-fun-clouds
Had to keep them in veg for another week while something finished up in the flower room. ⏰ cant hurt right. 🤷‍♂️🏽 did some more cleaning up to prepare them for the flip. ✂️
Hello growers welcome to harvest day 82 I did cut her down at day 75 so very quick plant indeed for the first 10 days I gave her water from my tap not ph at all from there she got bio grow/bloom until I see her first pistols from there I gave her bio grow/bloom/top max/bio heaven up to day 61 I then flushed for two weeks then cut her down I had her in a 20/4 light cycle from start to finish she was very easy to grow and has give me some very nice buds smelling like pear drops bang bang that’s it for now happy growing and be safe ✌️
Hello growers day 82 and the bud is in the jar well it was an interesting grow from germination she played right up growing slow and deformed she had white leafs all over her but I let her go and she grow some nice little purple buds I gave her water for the first ten days then gave bio grow/bloom until I see first pistols then I gave grow/bloom/top max/bio heaven until day 61 then flushed until day 75 I clearly had a doggy pheno I will try again hopefully get a better one I had her on a 20/4 hour light cycle through out the grow well that’s all folks until next time be safe and happy growing 😡
I found this strain very easy to grow and responded very well given the hot/humid weather we have here on the island. This strain held up very well to pest and mold/mildew
Hi guys Welcome 🙂 After more than month postharvest , I have tested this Blue Gelato #41 🍦🌱 In the end was passed 78° days in flowering for the right maturation I can only say.. Awesome 🤩 About taste , perfume and effect Also the grow inself was fun and not to hard In the beginnig my plan was to growing her in a natural way But in the end I have decide to topping her and create a multiple primary colas And she was react very well: 1:🌳 Flowers are very dense , also after the dry and cure process The aroma of smoke after my first pitch from a joint, obviously weed-only, reminded me a lot of Amsterdam The bluberry taste is the first thing you feel, and it's clear and clean Afterwards there are notes of earth and something similar to citrus on a sweet base The effect is enough for the day because it keeps you motivated and creative too But if you sit on the sofa and close your eyes, you can clearly feel a tingling on the forehead halfway between one eye and the other 🧠👁️ And the imagination is facilitated, expanding the creative process For this reason it could be vaguely psychedelic I personally love it I want to spend two words about post-harvest artistic process😉 Personally I have spent more time figuring out the best way to have the tastiest, smoothest, cleanest and most perfect burning weed. First I just want to say one thing... ..WEED SHOULD NOT SMELL DURING THE DRY PROCESS.. If this happens, it means that the temperature and humidity are too high and probably the fans are aimed directly at the inflorescences The scent that is felt are all terpenes that are dispersing in the air and which consequently will be less intense during final consumption The less trichomes remain in contact with air, the better If too exposed to air and light, these oxidize, thus removing much of the final experience Personally, what interests me most is the taste, because it already creates the effect in itself A bit like when you sit down to eat I prefer a well-cared for dish with quality ingredients that leave me a great memory after consuming it, rather than a dish that only fills my stomach Mc Donald weed vs Five star restaurant . Sorry Mc lovers 🍔🍟🙌 Said this.. My method is that the cannabis is dried whole plant for a maximum of five days at constant and balanced temperature and humidity, the important thing is to maintain a narrow range between te ur, 20 ° or 24 ° C little changes, even if humidity remains between 55 and 60% is fine The increase in temperature must also correspond to an increase in humidity And so also in case of a decrease In any case In the first few days it must lose most of its water 💧 When the branches are about to break, but still not cracking, I cut the branches one by one and perform a professional manicure Afterwards, always with the flowers still attached to the branches, I put everything inside a classic brown bread bag (not white because it is colored and not the best) For about two days I leave the buds inside, opening the bag several times a day to circulate air and to move the branches with the flowers After a couple of days, the inflorescences usually have reached a good level of drying and are dense to the touch, but by pressing, you still have to be able to crush between the fingers Explaining in words how hard they can be pressed to find out if the ur level is optimal is difficult to say It is must necessary to try and make mistakes many times And never be satisfied You can always do better 😎: 1:💪 So, now we are about ten days after the cut of the plant and, at this point, the flowers can be placed in an airtight container BASIC The flowers are put in the vase "a moment before" that the branches break cleanly, this is important An optimal method to understand when the right time is is to see if the popcorn buds are easily detached from the branch, without dragging with them the "thread" of the bark Once placed in the pot, normally I leave it closed for 24h in order to let the moisture come out from the central area of ​​the flower and distribute it evenly After this first day, I start to open and close the pot several times a day, but always for a few seconds At each opening I always move the flowers to allow a correct exposure to the little air present in the vase The jars would be better not to fill them completely, but just a 3/4 or a little more The important thing is that the flowers can move easily enough This process generally lasts about four weeks, and every seven days I decrease the number of daily openings Usually, after the first week, the scents that will be created begin to be felt And this makes us realize that we are on the right track 🛣️🚀 After four weeks, if everything has been done in a workmanlike manner, the perfume will be pungent and intoxicating and the flowers will be dense and oily to the touch When the humidity level appears optimal, I insert a bag from the Boveda series to keep the ur around 62% In all cases, I personally start using my flowers constantly two months after cutting 📆 I noticed that in general, Haze-type Sativas are tasty even after only a month For the Kush the optimal terpene profile I appreciate it in the neglect only after a couple of months In this way the flowers will be extremely fragrant, crunchy and smooth in flavor once consumed and always create a clear oil all around the rolling papers As you can appreciate in the videos what place, and that I hope to be able to post for much longer every time I conclude a new cycle You need to savor a lot of cannabis in order to have a clear idea of ​​how a high quality finished product should look 🔥👌 This is my thought about our true works for having the best , I hope it can be useful 😉 About the Living Soil with my High-Brix formula Like I say week by week , for this lady I have use a 20l geotextile pot with around 1/3 of the Living Soil I have made ( in this case in november 2019 ) First thing to say is Trought this metodology we're not feeding the plants , but the soil ☝️ Basycally the important things are principaly four Soil energy Cation exchange Microbial activity Mineral balance Soil energy is kept high with humus Cation exchange with rock powders Microbial activity is achieved with innoculants and some teas or other Mineral balance is achieved by adding the micronutes and having everything in the right ratio's For doing this I have use a base mostly of light-mix soil with already perlite inside ( classic cannabis soil ) coco nut humus zeolite then I have add Neem soil , Kelp , Krill , Azomite , Basalt , Gypsum , Calcium Carbonate , Phosforite , Alfalfa and Leonardite Then I was have "cooking" it for a month an half And this was the engine that allowed the plant to stay in constant health, keeping the Brix level high 🌳🔥 During the flowering time I have add mostly only water , one times a week with molasses for feeding the microbs I have also make a humus/nutrient tea for she and her sisters , just one time I'm feel good doing in this way , like it and I understand so many more things about the lives into the ground in general But just for be precis.. For having the high brix in plants we must need obviously a good soil with a right nutrition way, but we have also to maintain the environment around her in the best condition Temperature , ur , right water dosage in right time , good ventilation and fresh air The balance it's the key Like in our daylife 🙂 And obviously a fundamental it's First , the right strain selection from serious breeder 🏆🔥 Second , passion&love 💚 (Don't look for them in a growshop) So, I think I said it all I apologize for this long review But I wanted to explain the best of the things that personally took the quality of my cannabis to a higher level Thanks for everybody stopping by here in this few months or just now for the first time🙏 Thanks Barney's farm for create this and more strain 🤝 And like as always thanks the people behind Grow diaries for maintaine this creativity space👏🙌👉💪🏅 Hope you was enjoy Or at least , hope you are stoned like me right now 😁 See you somewhere Always growing 🌲 Looking for a clouds ☁️ Ciao ✌️ 🇮🇹 FC
Wow well she's finally finished! Crispy dry so it's time to weigh up. Over 200g!!!!!!!!! That's not bad FastBuds!! Well done guys. Very strong genetics. She grew well throughout. Also I'm currently making QWISO from all the leftover trim. Lets see how much it makes when it's all evaporated off. Update: I have a solid 6g of extract from all the otherwise wasted trim from this 1 plant! Will last ages 😁
The Lemonberry Haze is a strong open plant, with big side stalks,big leaves but not that many. She has medium internodes. A little bit of LST did help to get the cannopy more even. EC levels never raised EC 1.4 and i had never a problem with feeding her. She matured very fast and i was amazed by her speed. You could have harvest her at day 63 but i did flush her a bit longer. This plant had a wonderfull smell of turpentine with lime and had very dark looks, very dark green with some purple nicely covered with white crystals very nice. Overview of my grow: Tent: Secret Jardin DS120 4 x 4 (120 cm by 120 cm) Lights: 2 x 120 Watt CTlite c4 clusterled Climat: Trotec Dehumidifyer 240 watt- 10L/24h Filter: Prima Klima carbon filter PK2600 fan: 2 x Secret Jardin 20watt osc. fan Pots: Gronest 4 x 11 liter airpots Water : automated water system PH: bluelab Nutrients: Plagron cocos A/B Plagron PK 13/14 ATA cal/mag Epsom salt no rights to music in the videos