3/6/2023 - Day 8 Flower: Not a lot to report. The girls are definitely stretching. Grew about 10 inches in the last week. Did a light foliar today with some Pure Protein Dry. Figured with the significant growth they could use a little extra nitrogen. Even with the recent stretch, I've been real pleased with the node spacing. Looking like they are going to stack real nice. They a drinking much faster now too. They will need to be watered again tomorrow, so they are drinking about 8 gallons a week. Other than some very minimal tip yellowing of a few leaves, thay look healthy as can be.
3/7/2023 - Day 9: watered with 4 gallons of 6.5 ph water. Added Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja as a wetting agent, then added Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, and Bio-Phos, BuildASoil Big 6, BuildABloom, Coconut Powder, Fermented Comfrey and Fermented Peach. I skipped the Pure Protein Dry this time, since I just foliar fed them with it yesterday.
3/9/2023 - Day 11: Added the second layer of trellis netting. I may need to lower it, but I want to wait and see how much more they stretch. Otherwise, everything else looks great.
3/10/2023 - Day 12: lowered the trellis net today and lolipopped the girls. Also watered 6 gallons today, mixing in Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja as a wetting agent, then added TeaCo Super Tea Blend, Recharge, Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, BuildASoil Big 6, BuildABloom, Coconut Powder, Yah-Whey Thrive, and Pure Protein Dry. Today was the first sign of some preflower.
3/12/2023 - Day 14 Flower: the plants did not like something about the last watering. The newest growth is having some severe curling and I discoloring. I'm thinking it has to be either the TeaCo or Recharge, but I've never had problems with either of those before. They were the only thing different about my last watering. They will need to be watered again tomorrow, so I plan to ease up on the nutrients, and definitely will not be adding anymore TeaCo or Recharge. Hopefully they can grow out of this and it doesn't get worse!