The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Giorno 49 Ho girato in fioritura. Le due Zombie come già detto nelle settimane scorse sono due fenotipi completamente diversi. Uno sicuramente haze e l'altro bubba Kush. Stanno bene entrambe ma la più grande l'ho dovuta defogliare per bene e sono certo che tra 15/20gg farò una seconda passata. Ultima bevuta prima di mandare in fioritura EC 1.28 ph 5,8. Anche le due Rainbow Belts sono diverse perché sfregando il gambo una sa di Zkittlez l'altra di frutta quindi penso più a qualche fenotipo dosidos. La Milk Monkey è quella che per struttura mi piace più di tutte. Per la prima volta ho preso dei cloni anche se non so dove tenerli e sotto che luce. Per ora li ho messi in un vaso ricoperto da velina nel box delle autofiorenti
On average flowering technically truly begins 7 days after 12/12 switch...i waite 7 days because plants dont instantly Flower right at 12/12 switch most take 4-8 days to start actually takes time for the hormones to be triggered and start taking effect, so i waite 7 days an consider that the transition period...i suggest waiting on any bloom boosters until after the transition period..also ((Brut worm casting and natures living soil is mixed into soil at listed rates not mixed into water water, all other nutrients are mixed with distilled water.))
Share PROMO CODE: rocknroll CHECK OUT MY MUNCHIES DIARY AND ALL MY OUTDOOR DIARIES FOR RESULTS FROM GREEN BUZZ LIQUIDS👍🤘 This is what's in the box👍👍 guaranteed the best fertilizers on the market by far. I'm going to start using it on all my outdoor diaries because they are still younger but I will wait until my next indoor grow to use it so I can start from the beginning 👍. Such a detailed and easy to follow feeding chart and directions from them it's foolproof. Everything is 100% organic. I mentioned to them as a joke that I might drink it all to get bigger and stronger and they ACTUALLY gave me a recipe for a drink made with these products. Now that's what I call organic👍. I didn't expect that. So if you're nervous about what you feed your plants then these products are for you. If we can drink it then you know how safe it is👍 PERFECT FOR LIVING SOIL AND ORGANIC GAREDENS. It will work amazing on fruits and vegetables too, so I will use it on my MUNCHIES DIARY for all my vegetables too👍 They are located in Europe, so if you live anywhere in Europe you need to TRY THESE PRODUCTS👍 I hope we can spread the word on green buzz liquids so we can get it in stores in North America. SO PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD my friends👍🤜🤛. This is the best fertilizer products you can get I will guarantee it🤘. They have pre made kits for beginners, professionals and vegan👍 with detailed instructions and information for everything 👍 from beginner, professional and vegan. They are priced very well in comparison with other big brands👍 SO CMON AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD and lets help them get it to Canadians and Americans and all over the world👍🤜🤛 Check them out and all their awesome products at: @greenbuzzliquids #greenbuzzliquids Here is a bunch of information about these products: Description: PH POWDER Lowers the pH-level fast and effectively Out of respect for mother nature: organic pH correction in powder form With pH- Powder: • pH-level is corrected quickly • nutrient lockout is prevented • plants are provided with extra nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesia, sulfur, and high-quality silicates More advantages of pH- Powder: • applied regularly, it prevents signs of nutrient deficiency before they occur • easy to use – can be fed at the same dosage during the entire life cycle • it is 100 % organically obtained and makes the use of hazardous acids unnecessary • not harmful, because it is in powder form Application: This information serves as a benchmark only, as starting pH-levels vary a lot depending on your region • mix all nutrients and supplements, then measure the pH-level • about a teaspoon (1-2 grams) should be enough for 5-10 liters of nutrient solution; stir well and measure pH-level anew; this is optimal between 5.8-6.5 pH • if the pH level is still too high, add more powder; if it gets too low, add more water to dilute the concentration. Description: FAST PLANT SPRAY Vitalizing plant aid for young plants Ideal to use on: • Seedlings                                       • Young plants • Cuttings • Mother plants With Fast Plants: • nutrients are unlocked more easily, increasing receptivity right from the start. • plants produce higher amounts of CO2 and other beneficial matter, which lets them grow faster. • nutrient deficiencies are removed reliably. Fast Plants offers many advantages: • clearly better and quicker root development • no more nutrient deficiencies or stunted growth • shocks are dealt with more easily, shortening the growing phase • foliage is visibly vitalized and highly branched • stress tolerance and heat resistance are increased Application as foliar spray: We suggest spraying the leaves dripping wet after the lights have gone out. Seedlings • spray every two days Cuttings • spray every third day Young plants • spray every fifth day Mother plants • spray three days before and three days after taking cuttings Description: FAST START GEL Fast and reliable rooting gel With Fast Start Gel: • cuttings develop roots faster and better • survival rate of 100% under the right conditions • helps grow vigorous, well-rooted young plants in the shortest time possible Fast Start Gel offers many advantages: • cuttings will be well-rooted in no time • cuttings are clearly stronger and more vigorous than untreated ones • faster transition to the growing phase • healthy cuttings are the foundation of a successful crop 2-3 additional applications with Fast Plants Spray brings even more advantages: • no more limp, hanging leaves from cuttings • the usual signs of nitrogen deficiency are prevented • vital nutrients are provided directly to the foliage, relieving roots in this most critical stage Application: DO NOT shake before use! For taking cuttings: • Take desired amount from bottle. Then squeeze remaining air from bottle and close tightly. Keep refrigerated after opening. • Soak the cuttings where the cut was taken immediately for 2-3 minutes in Fast Start Gel. • Next, stick cutting into the rooting media of choice. • Remaining gel can be used to seal the holes in which the cuttings were placed. Description: LIVING ORGANICS Ideal to improve and activate soil life Living Organics consists of trichoderma and bacterial fungal strains which upgrade your soil life. As a result, plants can process more nutrients and have a higher resistance towards environmental stress. These microorganisms occur everywhere in nature in different concentrations and should not be neglected when growing organically. With Living Organics, soil life is clearly improved from the very first application. When adding Living Organics to your growing media (especially soilless substrates), it is treated with various beneficial microorganisms. Millions of trichoderma and bacterial fungal strains help improve the condition of the growing media with every further application. The result is a symbiotic relationship between the plants and the beneficial fungus, which interacts with the plants’ root system. Living Organics offers many advantages: • it improves soil life and root development by continuously populating mycorrhizal strains; • promotes compact plant growth; • raises nutrient uptake and protects plants from disease; • plants’ resistance toward environmental stress is higher; • ties down excess nitrogen and phosphorus while making organic material available to the plants; • stabilizes ph-levels and helps to achieve higher yields. Application: When preparing your growing media: • 2 g (1 tablespoon) per 10 liters of water The growing media can be upgraded further with products such as Humic Acid Plus and More Roots before planting to achieve better germination or to reduce stress on cuttings. The products accelerate root development and reduce the risk of losing plants. The plants will be able to begin their vegetative growth faster. When treating your growing media before transplanting: • Sprinkle a thin layer of Living Organics on top of your media. For starting seedlings, sprinkle a small amount into the hole where the seed will be placed. • When transplanting to a new container, sprinkle Living Organics into the hole where the roots will be placed. You can also spray the root zone with water and sprinkle Living Organics directly onto the roots. To refresh the existing microorganisms within the growing media: • 1 g (1 tablespoon) per 10 liters of water Refreshing the media every 14-21 days with Living Organics to keep the microbes healthy is advisable. We do not recommend applying Living Organics continuously for cost reasons. Description: GROWZYME The plant aid for more efficient plant growth With Growzyme: GROWZYME is a liquid brown-algae extract from the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, which is harvested in the Atlantic Ocean along the north coast using an innovative, high-quality and gentle cold-pressing process. We place great importance on seaweed of the best quality, because it is particularly rich in amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients that are not present in this variety in terrestrial plants. Our seaweed is sourced only from the unpolluted northern part of the Atlantic and is harvested at the most nutrient-rich stage of the plant-growth cycle. Growzyme offers many advantages: • applied directly to the leaves, the plants already look much more vital on the next day, regularly applied more bushy • increases and stabilizes chlorophyll in plants, resulting in dark-green leaves and increased sugar content • promotes the growth of microorganisms in the soil that can bind nitrogen from the air • increases the absorption of nutrients and minerals from the soil into the plant • increases flowering and the size of blooms and fruits Further advantages of Growzyme: • improves seed germination and promotes root development • produces powerful plants with greater resistance to diseases • increases the shelf life of fruit by slowing protein loss Application: Growzyme should be applied with each watering throughout the growing cycle as follows: From seed germination / with fresh cuttings: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water The seedlings should be watered once, together with our products HUMIC ACID PLUS, LIVING ORGANICS and MORE ROOTS; cuttings should also be sprayed using the same dosage. As a spray solution during the entire vegetative phase, up to the fruit set: • 3 ml per 1 liter of water Growzyme is ideally additionally sprayed daily together with 5 ml/1 L HUMIC ACID PLUS, 2 ml/1 L MORE ROOTS and, as needed, with 1 ml ORGANIC MORE PK. Spray the plants dripping wet half an hour before sunrise/beginning of illumination, and again in the evening hours. Plants sprayed with Growzyme for the first time can absorb the valuable vitamins, ingredients and nutrients directly through the leaves and thus already look much more vigorous the next day. All other life stages: • 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water Water the plants regularly with Growzyme as well as with all other products of the respective week according to the feeding charts. As a flavour enhancer after the rinsing process with Clean Fruits: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water continue to use regularly until harvest. Description: ORGANIC CALMAG Calcium-Magnesium booster for highly debilitating plants When the rate of photosynthesis in plants increasingly declines and their leaves begin to turn yellow prematurely, it is time to act quickly. Organic CalMag has been designed to meet the ever-increasing demands of highly consumptive plants in plant breeding. This means that Organic CalMag specifically prevents calcium and magnesium deficiencies especially in the increasingly frequent indoor cultivation of plants under LED lights; with many automatically flowering varieties; when the growing medium coco or airpot is used; or with prolonged acidic pH-values of below 6.0. In addition, if deficiency symptoms are already developing, they can be quickly and effectively counteracted with 1-2 applications. Organic CalMag is also ideal for preventive application in all other cultivation media or cultivation systems for the purpose of generally increasing yield. In this case, however, the reactions of the plants must be taken into consideration after each application and the application reduced or completely discontinued if necessary. In these situations, Organic CalMag should always be used with the appropriate caution and attention. We only use naturally occurring raw materials for our CalMag fertilizer. Organic CalMag contains not only the nutrients calcium and magnesium, as the name suggests, but also a wide range of other raw materials and their beneficial secondary components. Application: Recommendations of official advisory centers have precedence. Shake well before every use! Organic CalMag can be used either regularly with all other necessary plant aids and fertilizers with every second watering procedure or, in the case of imminent or acute deficiency symptoms, in increased short-term dosages. For regular watering in the nutrient solution: • 2 ml per 1 liter of water Water the plants additionally with Organic CalMag with every second watering procedure, if necessary. In the case of emerging deficiency symptoms: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water The plants should only be watered once or twice with Organic CalMag, after which the deficiency symptoms should go away again. Note: An optimally adjusted pH-value of the nutrient solution of 5.8-6.5 guarantees a constant absorption capability for all nutrients necessary for the plants in the flowering phase. For optimal results, we recommend you follow our feeding charts and our nutrient-availability table. Description: MORE ROOTS Plant aid for a faster and better root development Ideal as a regular application for young plants until the beginning of flowering With More Roots: • auxin production in the root hair is increased by 150-300 %, enhancing root development considerably • nutrient uptake and vitality of plants is higher due to the improved root development • plants are less vulnerable to pests like spider mites and aphids thanks to the naturally obtained essential oils • the contained essential oils have an immunizing effect and protect your plants against diseases like powdery mildew, mold, or damping off More Roots offers many advantages: • leads to clearly faster and superior rooting • reduces the risk of stunted growth due to low temperatures Application: More Roots is applied together with your nutrients and supplements regularly during the entire growing phase until bud sites start to show. For watering use: • 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water Feed the plants regularly with every watering. When bud sites appear, we recommend substituting Big Fruits for More Roots for maximum bud production. More Roots can be blended with any other nutrients or supplement and benefits any growing media. Description: HUMIC ACID Soil additive for an active soil life in any growing media. With Humic Acid Plus: • fertilizers are more effective and less nutrients are drained to waste • plants show clearly higher nutritional needs due to increased cell stability and size • contained microbes accelerate the production of biomass, which results in higher yields of enhanced quality and taste. Humic Acid Plus offers many advantages: • improves soil structure and plants’ water-holding capacity • natural catalyst for microelements • higher permeability of the roots’ cell membranes, resulting in better nutrient uptake • encourages plants to produce enzymes • delays the reduction of UV-unstable active ingredients like vitamins and iron Application: Humic Acid Plus can be applied during the entire life cycle and in any growing media. Seedlings and Cuttings: • 5ml per 1 liter of water Soak the growing media well before planting. Remove excess water. Rockwool should be squeezed out. Causes no problems with other rooting agents or nutrients. All other life stages: • 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water As Humic Acid Plus is a natural plant aid, it can be applied with each watering without causing nutrient burns of any kind. As a flavor enhancer: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water Continue to use regularly after rinsing until harvest. Description: ORGANIC MORE PK Phosphorus-Potassium fertilizer for compact flowering Organic More PK is an N-P-K flowering fertilizer meant to support the effectiveness of the main fertilizer to achieve even better results. High amounts of phosphorus and potassium are what the plants need during the last weeks of flowering to form strong and compact buds. Organic More PK provides these key nutrients in abundance and sets a new standard in organic cultivation thanks to its 100 % organic formula. Finally, organic fertilizing is possible without using chemical PK boosters. Other advantages of Organic More PK • high amounts of P and K make for better flowering; you will see the difference – even in the lower branches • 100 % vegan – contains no animal excrements Note: Organic More PK should be used in the last weeks of flowering together with Organic Bloom Liquid as flower booster. It can also be used without the use of our basic fertilizers for a 100 % vegan fertilization, but in the first two weeks of flowering should be stopped completely with the application in this phase, because otherwise the plants can stretch up to much. A too previous repotting makes an early fertilization in the first days unnecessary anyway. Application: Recommendations of official advisory centers have precedence. Shake well before every use! For watering as a nutrient solution: • 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water (in soil, apply with every second watering) Please always observe the following after each fertilization: When leaves turn a dark green color, reduce amount of fertilizer by 30%. If leaves turn a lighter green, increase fertilizer until leaves regain their normal color, and continue with that amount of fertilizer. Description: ORGANIC GROW LIQUID N-P-K fertilizer for a healthy and thriving growing phase With Organic Grow Liquid your plants are provided with everything they need for a strong and vigorous growing phase. Thanks to the pre-soluted formula, 50 % of the nutrients are available instantly while the other 50 % show an effect after 7-10 days, depending on the microbial activity in the growing media. The high quality of ingredients contained in Organic Grow Liquid will help optimize cell structure and general resistance of your plants to pests and disease. Your plants will be ready to flower in no time. Note: An optimum pH-level of the nutrient solution (5.8-6.5) guarantees the availability of all nutrients at any time required. Application: Shake well before every use! (when not in use, shake every 2 weeks) A thin layer can be visible at the bottom and is easily dissolved by shaking. This is no loss of quality, but comes from using the highest concentration possible. For watering as a nutrient solution: • For soil and coco: 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water (in soil, apply with every second watering) • Any other growing media: 3-5 ml per 1 liter of water Please always observe the following after each fertilization: When leaves turn a dark green color, reduce amount of fertilizer by 30%. If leaves turn a lighter green, increase fertilizer until leaves regain their normal color, and continue with that amount of fertilizer. Description: ORGANIC BLOOM LIQUID N-P-K fertilizer for a successful flowering phase With Organic Bloom Liquid, fructification sites grow to become powerful buds thanks to the pre-soluted formula. 50% of the nutrients are available to the plants immediately while the other 50% feed the microflora and become available to the plants after 7-10 days, depending on the growing media and the microorganisms within. The well-selected, high-quality ingredients will give you a true connoisseur taste experience that you have not known before. Note: An optimum pH-level of the nutrient solution (5.8-6.5) guarantees constant availability of all nutrients required in the flowering phase. Application: Shake well before every use! (When not in use, shake every 2 weeks.) A thin layer can be visible at the bottom and is easily dissolved by shaking. This is no loss of quality. It comes from the high concentration of organic nutrients. For watering as a nutrient solution: • For soil and coco: 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water (in soil, apply with every second watering) • Any other growing media: 3-5 ml per 1 liter of water Please always observe the following after each fertilization: When leaves turn a dark green color, reduce amount of fertilizer by 30%. If leaves turn a lighter green, increase fertilizer until leaves regain their normal color, and continue with that amount of fertilizer. Description: FAST BUDS Plant aid for a faster and better bud production Ideal for the transition stage when light cycle is changed With Fast Buds • the transition phase from growing to flowering is clearly shorter • fructification is faster and lusher compared to plants not treated with Fast Buds • plants produce higher yields and offer better taste in fruits • plants reach the actual flowering phase earlier (5-10 days instead of 14-21 days), giving the plants more time to effectively produce buds. Fast Buds offers many advantages: • causes plants to flower better and more quickly • makes plants less vulnerable to heat, especially during summer time • activates the soil life in any growing media • binds unpleasant odors • accelerates composting process when recycling soil Application: Fast Buds can be applied as a foliar spray or as part of your nutrient solution. For a stimulating foliar spray: • 50 ml per 1 liter of water For best results spray plants dripping wet at dusk, daily, until flowers start to show.Stop spraying at the beginning of flowering. Once mixed, spray lasts max. 10 days. For watering during transition phase: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water Feed regularly, starting 10 days before switching lights to flowering. Stop application shortly after flowers start to show. The plants’ own hormones have been stimulated successfully. Description: BIG FRUITS The plant aid for a stronger and more compact bud development Ideally suited for regular application, starting at the base of the fruit and continuing until the end of the flowering phase. Big Fruits contains, many other things, various high-quality amino acids, fruit extracts, kelp (ascophyllum nodosum) and other vitamins that are useful for the plants. With Big Fruits: • fructification can be raised by 25 % thanks to the higher auxin production in the bud tips when applied regularly • higher yields and a clearly better aroma are guaranteed • the plants are less vulnerable to pests due to the naturally obtained essential oils Big Fruits offers many advantages: • supplies plants with small amounts of root stimulant until the end of the flowering phase – since roots continue to grow during flowering, they should not be neglected during this phase • strengthens cell stability, which leads to more compact buds • raises the plants’ heat resistance Application: Big Fruits can be blended with other nutrients and supplements as part of a nutrient solution. Apply with every watering as soon as bud sites appear. For watering as a nutrient solution: • 2-5ml per 1 liter of waterFeed the plants regularly. Stop using Big Fruits about a week before harvest and continue with ph-corrected water only. Big Fruits can be used in any growing media and with any nutrients. Description: CLEAN FRUITS Clearing solution for rinsing out nutrients fast and thoroughly Ideal application for the last week(s) of flowering! With Clean Fruits: • all unwanted nutrients are rinsed from the growing media fast and thoroughly from the first application on • your fruits are able to develop a far better taste thanks to a well-flushed growing media • desalination of the media and the plants guarantees a mild taste with no trace of fertilizer, as is often witnessed with commercially grown fruits. Clean Fruits offers many advantages: • having to use enzymes or chemical desalination products to flush your growing media has finally become a thing of the past • can be used as a replacement for enzymes during the entire life cycle • signs of nutrient burns are treated fast and effectively • the substrate can be reused directly after preparation Application: Clean Fruits can be applied for: Flushing during the last week(s) of flowering: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water Increase the volume of your growing medium threefold and flush the plants with this amount of Clean Fruits solution. When the plants have lost their color to about 50%, a further application is not necessary. Curing toxic nutrient conditions: • 5 ml per 1 liter of water Keep on flushing the plants with Clean Fruits until their natural color comes back.
Last week of flower complete. This grow was a good learning experience. I'm ready to start my next batch of seeds later this week. Also I will be harvesting this plant today and when it dries I will make one final update to showcase the flowers. Thanks for joining me, see you next grow!
This is the best strain I've grown so far. Taking in consideration the growing process, buds quality & effects. This plant was my 4th attempt to find a specific taste I'm searching since I started to grow, in 2020. My "Purple Quest". Once again, it's not the right one 😔 But it's still the best plant I've grown so far. 10 Weeks of veg. Topping, main-lining (nebula's method), defoliation, LST. Everything went well :) But I may try to have a shorter veg period with my next grow. Arround 6-7 week. 8 weeks of flowering. Matching perfectly RQS estimations. Mention : Made 3.4g of Bubble Hash out of the trim of two plants (leaves only).
Final week before we start harvesting. Im currently flushing right now. Gonna start trimming also this week
Giorno 49 Ho girato in fioritura. Le due Zombie come già detto nelle settimane scorse sono due fenotipi completamente diversi. Uno sicuramente haze e l'altro bubba Kush. Stanno bene entrambe ma la più grande l'ho dovuta defogliare per bene e sono certo che tra 15/20gg farò una seconda passata. Ultima bevuta prima di mandare in fioritura EC 1.28 ph 5,8. Anche le due Rainbow Belts sono diverse perché sfregando il gambo una sa di Zkittlez l'altra di frutta quindi penso più a qualche fenotipo dosidos. La Milk Monkey è quella che per struttura mi piace più di tutte. Per la prima volta ho preso dei cloni anche se non so dove tenerli e sotto che luce. Per ora li ho messi in un vaso ricoperto da velina nel box delle autofiorenti
Giorno 49 Ho girato in fioritura. Le due Zombie come già detto nelle settimane scorse sono due fenotipi completamente diversi. Uno sicuramente haze e l'altro bubba Kush. Stanno bene entrambe ma la più grande l'ho dovuta defogliare per bene e sono certo che tra 15/20gg farò una seconda passata. Ultima bevuta prima di mandare in fioritura EC 1.28 ph 5,8. Anche le due Rainbow Belts sono diverse perché sfregando il gambo una sa di Zkittlez l'altra di frutta quindi penso più a qualche fenotipo dosidos. La Milk Monkey è quella che per struttura mi piace più di tutte. Per la prima volta ho preso dei cloni anche se non so dove tenerli e sotto che luce. Per ora li ho messi in un vaso ricoperto da velina nel box delle autofiorenti
In the first week of flowering, only two had pistils, one at first is male and the other plants cannot be sure yet I'll wait for sure to see if there is any male for me to remove from the grow
Just added Mephisto 3 sour crinkles and 2 double grapes to the equation. It was meant to be 4 sour crinkles but one seed still ent popped so I’m hoping it will! On to the grow where I haven’t trained any plants it’s a fight for space but I’m happy with most of the plants few fast buds wedding still ent properly flowered yet week 7 on but am happy with a couple glues and the 3 runtz the runtz is frosty! The grape Walkers are starting to swell and fill out big time I am happy so far with it all had a couple burns and defincys through the 7 weeks so far but got over them! The grape walkers are the big budded plants then the frosty ones at the back are runtz then the rest are glues! Started defoliating plants
Just added Mephisto 3 sour crinkles and 2 double grapes to the equation. It was meant to be 4 sour crinkles but one seed still ent popped so I’m hoping it will! On to the grow where I haven’t trained any plants it’s a fight for space but I’m happy with most of the plants few fast buds wedding still ent properly flowered yet week 7 on but am happy with a couple glues and the 3 runtz the runtz is frosty! The grape Walkers are starting to swell and fill out big time I am happy so far with it all had a couple burns and defincys through the 7 weeks so far but got over them! The grape walkers are the big budded plants then the frosty ones at the back are runtz then the rest are glues! Started defoliating plants
Just added Mephisto 3 sour crinkles and 2 double grapes to the equation. It was meant to be 4 sour crinkles but one seed still ent popped so I’m hoping it will! On to the grow where I haven’t trained any plants it’s a fight for space but I’m happy with most of the plants few fast buds wedding still ent properly flowered yet week 7 on but am happy with a couple glues and the 3 runtz the runtz is frosty! The grape Walkers are starting to swell and fill out big time I am happy so far with it all had a couple burns and defincys through the 7 weeks so far but got over them! The grape walkers are the big budded plants then the frosty ones at the back are runtz then the rest are glues! Started defoliating plants
7/8 still looking good still. Put her outside today and set up my drip irrigation for while im on vacation 7/10 had her outside for 2 days and she shot up like 4 inches. She's praying super hard. Shes loving the sunshine💚
1 week before harvest!!! The buds are airy and small, i hope it improves over the week. In this week, flushing is still on effect and daily monitoring of trichomes so i would know if its ready to harvest.
I originally had applied to Green House Seed Co.'s Taste of the USA Contest here on Grow Diaries. Turns out I was ineligible but the good folks at GHS still had the big hearts to send me seeds anyway. So big ups to them for hooking this grower up. Welcome to the Sea of Fire 🔥 For this grow were using the Dark Phoenix seeds that GHS sent to me to create a Sea of Green. I've got 8 plants in 8 1L pots. I've decided to use Black Swallow's living soil for this grow so we won't need to add anything but water for the first 3 weeks or so. Our goal for this grow is to have these girls ready for harvest in about 20 weeks which will bring us to the beginning of November 2021. If all goes according to plan these firey buds should be filling my friends stockings this Christmas.
I originally had applied to Green House Seed Co.'s Taste of the USA Contest here on Grow Diaries. Turns out I was ineligible but the good folks at GHS still had the big hearts to send me seeds anyway. So big ups to them for hooking this grower up. Welcome to the Sea of Fire 🔥 For this grow were using the Dark Phoenix seeds that GHS sent to me to create a Sea of Green. I've got 8 plants in 8 1L pots. I've decided to use Black Swallow's living soil for this grow so we won't need to add anything but water for the first 3 weeks or so. Our goal for this grow is to have these girls ready for harvest in about 20 weeks which will bring us to the beginning of November 2021. If all goes according to plan these firey buds should be filling my friends stockings this Christmas.