The plants continue to grow although slowly. I turned the Gavita back on this week and even at 42 inches it seems to be too much light at full power because although they're getting adequate nutrients, the leaves appear to be showing signs of damage to the chlorophyll pigments. I'd like to splurge and get the adapter and controller so that I can dim the light and slowly increase the intensity to allow for a more gradual photo acclimation period, but I will probably hold off until my next run. I've also considered adding supplemental Co2 to help the plants more effectively tolerate and take advantage of the light intensity, but it seems like a big expense for an uncertain benefit considering all of the other variables that are sub-optimal. Perhaps I'll give those Excellofizz Co2 pucks a try. Someday I'll build sealed grow room with automated Hvac, feeding, and Co2 enrichment but for now I'll soldier on and hope for the best as the flip to 12-12 approaches.
More to come next week!