Growing and growing and growing..... This week i ramped up the ppfd to 750 by also bringing the light a good bit closer. Because i got scared by the crack in the previos week, which now showed, i didnt do any more LST-bending shenanigans, though im quite sure it wouldve been already too late for that, as both of the BPPs were growing some dummy thicc stems! Water dosage ramped up to 2.5L which is or is really close to full saturation. PH in stays at 6,5 and out is now around 6,1 and im happy with that. Each plant received 2 ml/L of activera, biogrow and biobloom and 1 ml/L of topmax respectively. They were really putting on some weight. i mainly defoliated a bit, mostly fanleaves that were blocking budsites. in retrospect, i shouldve more aggressively removed whole sidenodes from the inside, because its getting real crowdy in there now. On the last day of week 5, they were growing some nice Flowersides AND - Plant B already started to make a name for herself - she started to purple up!
Had a good week overall. I decided to cut back on watering a bit to allow some stress to set in and allow these babies to grow a bit mo. Hopefully loosening up the soil will help a bit with the slow root growth. Wish me luck!
Essa variedade veio de brinde de numa compra que fiz, a planta cresceu bem bonita e saúda e já comprei mais 3+1 da Puro Instinto , as sementes tem um bom preço e eu não conhecia esse produtor e sstou gostando muito do desenvolvimento da planta, hoje mesmo já estou abrindo o diário com as 4 sementes que foram para germinar hoje. Essa belezinha aqui está JK ambiente externo pegando um som já bem intenso com a proximidade da primavera nk hemisfério sul.
Had a good week. Transplanted these babies into a much bigger pot and they started stretching out right away.
Today start of week 10 (Day 70) 😎😵😏 with Trailer Park Mod 😂😂😂😂 i had old fans around here and a ice box, so i startet to build the 7 watts Trailer Park Fans Mod 😁😁😁
São 3 plantas da CBD Auto da Fast Buds , qualidade comprovada , duas estão bem parecidas e uma deu uma alongada no caule mas tem também boas flores achknqje as 3 me deram uma boa colheita geral.
8/14/2024 Topped plant A due to the node spacing and side branching. Hopefully, this will cause this pheno to bush out a bit more. Intentionally FIMed plant B due to the short internodal spacing and difficulties getting a clean cut for a topping. This plant is already quite bushy and condensed - hoping that it will respond nicely to FIM. Water was not changed over entirely, only added one fresh gallon of nutrient water with additional nutrients added to step up entire system to close to 575-600ppm. Both plants are looking great, root zone needs some improvement with water temperatures. I have ordered a larger water cooler and hope that will help reduce the water temperature inside the tent. Although water temps are a bit high in the buckets, the roots are flourishing and are pearly white! 8/16/2024 Noticed Plant A is showing signs of potassium issues. Added one fresh gallon of non-nutrified water as I was unable to complete a water change. 8/17/2024 Pumped out 5 gallons of nutrient water and refreshed with 5 new gallons. Both plants look to be responding well to the water change. The resulting PPM was 650 after allowing time for the system to reach equilibrium. Extra insulation on the buckets is helping to maintain lower water temperatures throughout the day with lights on in the tent. The environment is pretty well dialed in at an average 1.2-1.6 VPD. 8/19/2024 Replaced water cooler with one that is twice the size and rated for 15-gallon systems. Running reservoir temp target at 18.5 C. Conducted some minor LST on the bushy plant (Plant B) to get the middle opened up a bit more. Did some leaf tucking on plant A to get the lower branches some more direct light. 8/20/2024 Both plants are looking phenomenal. There is a very slight cannabis smell in the tent at all times.
8/21/2024 Added two fresh gallons with week 4 nutrients to bring the reservoir up to 750ppm. Will plan to do a more substantial water change in the next few days. Both plants are booming! Added the trellis netting to begin training the plants to fill the tent! This week should be interesting. 8/24/2024 Both plants are looking good up to this point. Have continued to add fresh nutrient water as they are drinking much more now. I have a second trellis net on hand as I believe it will be required for an aditional layer of support as they stretch into pre-flower. Looking like a 4.5 or 5 week veg before flipping. 8/25/2024 Noticed Plant B water level was only a few inches in the bottom of the bucket. Had a pump flow rate issue with most of the feed from the reservoir diverting to the closer bucket. Working to rectify the issue, but Plant B is definitely stunted, unfortunately. 8/27/2024 The water level issue was remedied by putting a separate pump and feed line in place for each plant. Continuing to defoliate as I prepare to take clones. I will likely run this week of veg a few extra days to allow Plant B to recover a bit from the water issues. Additionally, after taking clones I will give 1-2 days of recovery for the plants before switching to 12-12 and starting pre-flower! 8/29/2024 Raised the lights to drop DLI to about 30. Continuing to monitor water level issues. 8/30/2024 Did a final pruning on both plants before flipping to flower tomorrow. Started topping reservoir with bloom nutrient blend. Shortened light cycle by 2 hours to not shock the plants into flower. Added a second layer of trellis netting. Plant A (larger of the two) is absolutely thriving, plant B (smaller of the two) is bouncing back from the water level issues earlier this week! Both plants are looking ready for flower.
Temperature is becoming a challenge, very hot outside and inside the house. 32 max and 26 min. Plants are reacting well and are very very strong. Smell is very earthy and fruity, it remind me some old kind of weed, like from 90’, sweet when watering them before night time and very spicy and earthy during the day. Buds are getting fatter, I was a bit scared when I saw all little flowers getting red hair already. Entering the 7th week, so normally 2 more weeks to go. Changes from 6th to 7th week were amazing, I’ m curious to see how far they can get. Ciao belli!
8/21/2024 Added two fresh gallons with week 4 nutrients to bring the reservoir up to 750ppm. Will plan to do a more substantial water change in the next few days. Both plants are booming! Added the trellis netting to begin training the plants to fill the tent! This week should be interesting. 8/24/2024 Both plants are looking good up to this point. Have continued to add fresh nutrient water as they are drinking much more now. I have a second trellis net on hand as I believe it will be required for an aditional layer of support as they stretch into pre-flower. Looking like a 4.5 or 5 week veg before flipping. 8/25/2024 Noticed Plant B water level was only a few inches in the bottom of the bucket. Had a pump flow rate issue with most of the feed from the reservoir diverting to the closer bucket. Working to rectify the issue, but Plant B is definitely stunted, unfortunately. 8/27/2024 The water level issue was remedied by putting a separate pump and feed line in place for each plant. Continuing to defoliate as I prepare to take clones. I will likely run this week of veg a few extra days to allow Plant B to recover a bit from the water issues. Additionally, after taking clones I will give 1-2 days of recovery for the plants before switching to 12-12 and starting pre-flower! 8/29/2024 Raised the lights to drop DLI to about 30. Continuing to monitor water level issues. 8/30/2024 Did a final pruning on both plants before flipping to flower tomorrow. Started topping reservoir with bloom nutrient blend. Shortened light cycle by 2 hours to not shock the plants into flower. Added a second layer of trellis netting. Plant A (larger of the two) is absolutely thriving, plant B (smaller of the two) is bouncing back from the water level issues earlier this week! Both plants are looking ready for flower.
Tag 63 - Ende der 9. Woche. Die Blüten entwickeln sicher super und duften extrem. Der Hauptstamm wird schwer, sodass ich die Pflanzen etwas stützen muss, damit sie nicht biegen. Das Harz an den Blüten hat diese Woche nochmal deutlich zugelegt. In dieser Woche habe ich den Dünger angepasst und Big Bud durch Overdrive ausgetauscht um die Blüten zu härten. Diesen Vorgang werde ich vermutlich nächste Woche nochmal wiederholen und dann langsam aber sicher mit dem spülen beginnen. Wir beginnen nun mit der 7. Blütenwoche. An Tag 57 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B 2 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Overdrive Advanced Nutrients. Davon hat die Pflanze 1l an Tag 57 erhalten.
gorilla cookies is a resin producer of the very finest calibre. Her buds are covered with trichomes that start to mature after only about 60 days. A few more days and the lady will be harvested. So is so beautiful
this time we got a different phenotype, the whole plant has started to turn purple, not just sporadically like in the last ztrawberriez grow. It looks beautiful and will be harvested soon
Tag 49: Gießmenge 3,8l@6,4 bei den Büschen. Apple braucht noch nichts. Tag 52: Apple Strudel wurde einem Main lining unterzogen so gut ich das nach Gewissen hinbekommen habe. Dann bekam sie ein Gitter und wurde spaliert. Ja ich weiß jetzt war das alles ein Umweg und letzten Endes Scrog'e ich sie doch.. Tag 53: Heute wurde wieder entlaubt auf mittlerer ebene und es wieder gegossen und gedüngt, es kommt JBL pH Minus in die Tonne und dafür jetzt das pH Down von BioBizz auf den Plan dazu noch ActiVera da mir aufgefallen ist dass ich mir mit dem anderen ph-zeug den Boden etwas zerschossen haben könnte und somit immer wieder die Probleme hatte die letzten runs diese waren zwar nicht gravierend aber doch könnten diese zu nährstoffmängeln geführt haben und Probleme mit den Wurzeln.