Day 8 Flower (Day 50)
The first day of the second week of flower and the strech is real. The right girl is getting pretty damn big and keeps on drinking a lot. I gave her another 3 liters of pH 6.4 water today.
On the other hand, the left girl drinks hardly anything, so I didn't need to water her.
I also did some lollipopping today and got rid of a whole bunch of undergrowth. I saved some clones off the big girl but no clue what to do with them. We'll see what happens.
Day 9 Flower (Day 51)
Chill day today. All I did was to give each girl 3 liters of pH 6.5 water and snap a few pics.
Day 10 Flower (Day 52)
Today I finally got around to re-organize the small tent to move the light as high up as possible to give the canopy some additional space.
I moved the exhaust fan to outside the tent, so it was out of the way for the light, and then put the circulation fan below the canopy, blowing upward. Finally, I adjusted the light so it was reading about 900 PPFD in the center of the canopy.
The left girl didn't need any water today, but the right girl got 3 liters of pH 6.2 water.
Day 11 Flower (Day 53)
They're back! The fungus gnats are back in the tent, although I'm not surprised, and let me tell you why.
When the light for my tomatoes and peppers broke down, I had to move them so that they get some daylight.
It is still cold here (the coldest May around these parts ever, I think), so they have to stay inside even though they usually would have moved outside long ago. The best place to keep them in my apartment is by the window in the same room as my grow tents.
The last time I had gnats, I only had enough nematodes to treat my girls, but I didn't do the rest of the apartment even though I should have.
So currently, my peppers and tomatoes all have a ton of gnats. Put plants with gnats in the same room as your grow, and it is only a matter of time before the gnats find their way into the tents.
So yeah, it wasn't a surprise at all when I noticed the gnats in my tents some days ago.
I put up some yellow sticky traps to deal with the adults and ordered more nematodes, enough to treat my girls, plus all other plants in my entire apartment. Twice.
The nematodes arrived today, and I mixed up 10 million of them into 6 liters of water and gave each girl half at pH 6.5.
That was it for today.
Day 12 Flower (Day 54)
Exhausting day today. I opened the tents, took pics, closed the tents. Phew! I think I need to lay down for a bit.
Day 13 Flower (Day 55)
Late last night I decided to supercrop the right girl to slow her down and get the canopy to even out. We're almost at the end of the second week of flower so this is the last training I will do besides some defoliation later on. I think I cropped around 10 branches or so.
Today, most of the branches were already standing up again and she was VERY thirsty so I gave her 4.5 liters of pH 6.4 water. The left girl on the other hand didn't need any water.
Day 14 Flower (Day 56)
The last day of the second week of flower and the right girl is in flower. Early yet so still small and no smell, but they are there.
The left girl is in flower as well but isn't as far along, but that isn't unexpected considering the different lights.
The left girl is 68 cm tall (18 cm increase in a week), and the right girl is 100 cm tall (23 cm increase in a week) but would have been even taller without super-cropping.
I gave each girl three liters of pH 6.3 water and removed the tape from the right girl's broken branch. She looks fully healed, so I removed the supports as well, and she was looking great. However, thinking about it for a second, I put back one of the supports, just in case.