Strawberry Gorilla is my little plant. I'm going to run this one again. I believe it didn't take transplant well, it's been a smaller plant but healthy. It's growing good, leaves look good, in every way it looks healthy, it's just smaller. I have no complaints about the strain, it's looking very good.
Day 28/06/2024 I chopped the first one, day 08/07/2024 I chopped the second one and today day 09/07/2024 I'm going to chop the other two (bigger ones) Very satisfied with all this, just the beginning and you will also see more diaries around here! These plants were perfect for a newbie like me, but I also learned that I'm very good at this, all the knowledge were in my head. See yall! 😎👻👽😈 Edit: great smoking, relaxed but not much couch lock, good after a day of work, will try on days of to see, I’m fucking happy bros!!!!!
Day 28/06/2024 I chopped the first one, day 08/07/2024 I chopped the second one and today day 09/07/2024 I'm going to chop the other two (bigger ones) Very satisfied with all this, just the beginning and you will also see more diaries around here! These plants were perfect for a newbie like me, but I also learned that I'm very good at this, all the knowledge were in my head. See yall! 😎👻👽😈 Edit: great smoking, relaxed but not much couch lock, good after a day of work, will try on days of to see, I’m fucking happy bros!!!!!
We are at the beginning of the 9th week of flowering. The trichomes are slowly beginning to change color. I'm now going on vacation for 9 days, I couldn't have planned it any shittier. But anyway, I've decided to keep them growing and then probably harvest them straight after my vacation.
We are at the beginning of the 9th week of flowering. The trichomes are slowly beginning to change color. I'm now going on vacation for 9 days, I couldn't have planned it any shittier. But anyway, I've decided to keep them growing and then probably harvest them straight after my vacation.
die erste pflanze fängt an trichome zu bekommen :D alle drei wachsen wunderbar, keine probleme! allerdings bilden sich auf vielen blättern kleine weiße punkte, weiß jemand was das ist?
The garden is really doing well. Flowers are getting bigger almost daily. I got to order another tent to dry in because they are all finish at different times but I’m ok with that. Still dealing with a little bit of a calmag issue I think. I got one plant I’m going to give a dose to when my lights come on later. I’m waiting on my dehumidifier to get here so I can run my vpd up to try and increase some resin production. I’m excited to grow these lemon cherry cookie seeds I got. I’m happy with my first indoor grow. The wedding glue #2 could have used some more defoliation but she wouldn’t quite stretching
In size they grow ;) attempting to keep mainlining and light defoliation. biggest plants starting to flower up. gonna feed her with bio pk, next watering sensing that the other plant is a little week behind.
Hola 🐴 Tobaccos growing, flowering and drying nicely. Pretty huge plant now with flower head. Humidity has been between 45 to 80 in wood shed and leaves drying slowly. Smallest ones was already dry so I but them to the jar with 62% bovedas. In couple days I'm going to taste it 🚬 With smokey hopes 🤞🚬
This week has been time to put on weight!! They are getting so heavy glad put in secondary scrog net. Have only been doing water so plants can just pull what they want our the soil they are starting to fade on their own. They have some amazing kinda blue tent to the buds. They have a gassy sweet smell to them! This will be the last week I feel but still see some clear heads and no amber so shall see over next week!!
Day 78 Day 28 flower 19/07/24 Friday Started the week with a good watering as she had a double feed end of last week. She took 4L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 and no run off, added another 1L and see run off forming on all sides. She is a happy, strong 💪 plant !! The buds development is nice on this strain! I like to see the calyxes stacked like this, I'll get some macros tomorrow. Smelling like lemon sherbet it's insane 🤯 or a old school sweety shop. Day 79 Day 29 flower 20/07/24 Saturday Nothing to report. Day 80 Day 30 Flower 21/07/24 Sunday Big feed again, de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 added nutrients. Seeing her stack now 🤩 Smells getting stronger daily 🙌 💚 Added a short video. Day 81 Day 31 Flower 22/07/24 Monday Update on pictures and video 📸🤩
So finally the wonder of stretch started,) During my last living soil experiment exactly that did not work. This time with help of topbooster and P-booster it works good.
Hey Leute! Das ist nun der Stand nach Woche 3. Die Blütenstände entwickeln sich allmählich und allgemein macht sie mir einen guten Eindruck. Einige Blätter werden langsam gelb-lila farben, was hoffentlich auf den Fortschritt der Blüte hindeutet und nicht auf einen Mangel. Wenn ihr da mehr drüber wisst bzw. Sagen könnt, gebt mir doch gerne mal ein Kommentar. Möchte nochmal erwähnen, dass ich kein Profi bin sondern dies mein 2. Grow ist. Falls ihr Tipps für Verbesserungen habt oder Anregungen für Veränderung, gerne kommentieren! Habe die Zufuhr von Stickstoff nun angehoben um auf den erhöhten Bedarf zu reagieren, da mir die Blätter etwas zu hell aussahen.
Tag 21 - Ende der 3. Woche. In dieser Woche habe ich den Wachstumsdünger nochmal ein bisschen erhöht. Die Pflanze entwickelt sich sehr gut und voraussichtlich werde ich im laufe der nächsten Woche das Licht auf 12/12 umstellen und die Pflanze in die Blüte schicken. An Tag 15 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Voodoo Juice Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part A 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part B Davon hat die Pflanze 500ml an Tag 15 erhalten.
Tag 21 - Ende der 3. Woche. In dieser Woche habe ich den Wachstumsdünger nochmal ein bisschen erhöht. Die Pflanze entwickelt sich sehr gut und voraussichtlich werde ich im laufe der nächsten Woche das Licht auf 12/12 umstellen und die Pflanze in die Blüte schicken. An Tag 15 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Voodoo Juice Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part A 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part B Davon hat die Pflanze 500ml an Tag 15 erhalten.