day 2 - week 7 of flower has started and tbh it feels like the flowers are not growing too much at the moment. lets just hope paitience pays out and just continue just as before. she is still being H2O stressed, but not only getting water every other day. if i see her leafs hanging in the day time i also give her a good amount of water so shes not being tortured :) day 5 - got a new LED light today, so no more shitty NDL pics. also i found brown leaf tips on some sugar leafs and i will give her more water now. at least a little. i think it is caused by too much H2O stress. i will keep you updated on that day 7 - day 2 i said it feels like the buds aint grow fast enought, but if i compare todays pictures with last weeks i think she is doing just great! still will have to give her at least 1 or 2 more weeks until i can think about harvesting but she looks good in my opinion! because of H2O stress, she got a little more water now and also the tips are just fine and seem to dont brown out any further.
Ladies looking really good 😎👌🏻💚🙏🏻 they are in two different tents but all from the same beans rdy to chop of at any time ! dense flowers strong smell !
Ladies looking really good 😎👌🏻💚🙏🏻 they are in two different tents but all from the same beans rdy to chop of at any time ! dense flowers strong smell !
I gave her 150 ml of phd water around the stem and kept her under natural sunlight and she seems to be bouncing back after a harsh spell under the led’s Her stem has grown firmer and she is coming out of the seedling faze with a set of five fingered leaves. I won’t feed her until I see a sign of wilting!
I haven’t fed her this week as I trying not to over feed her. She has been doing very well under natural sunlight. She is coming out of the seedling faze she has five fingered leaves coming through. I will continue the draught until I see signs of wilting!
She is still moving with no pace but with no signs of deficiency. She has i problem with her rootball at the moment. I gave her a saturation of phd balanced water two days ago and she seems fine but it’s still touch and go with her.
This is a fastflowering test strain and I have no real information on the genetics. I'm guessing the flowering time of 57 days is about right for a fast flowering strain. I trimmed her after 13 days of drying and got 30g of decent solid buds and 15g of larfy buds that will go with the trim to make some hash. Power used for whole grow in 114 days. Lights=201.7Kw (201.7×0.25)(=£50.42) Rad=212.23kw (212.23×0.25)(=£53.05) 201.7÷114=1.769kw per day light average. Average 100w for veg Average 150w for flower. Light average for grow 125w. Stats for the grow. FFNA2410=42g FFNA2411=45g FFNA2412=43g Acapulco Gold=44g Expected hash from trim 28g Total=174g 174÷125=1.39g/W
She has received a little water this week a gave her 100 ml of phd balanced water she has been recovering steadily under the natural sunlight so I will keep her there and play it by sight. I will wait until the pot drys a bit before I feed h
Finales de la pasada semana y esta lavado de raices. Agua con ácido cítrico y ácido ascórbico. Corte de los apicales más formados y con mayor riesgo de botritys y el resto seguirá una semana 10 dias más. Han salido diferentes fenotipos, unos de más skunk y otros de más Critical, A los 60 dias obté por cortar los apicales y dejar el resto de las plantas para que terminaran de engordar y madurar. Entonces volví a regar con Bloom Bud y call-Mag -
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had sunshine and clear skies until the afternoon. We had clouds roll in and about 4:00 P.M. a severe thunderstorm hit. There was high wind, heavy rain, and grape sized hail. Fortunately the hail lasted only a few minutes. Day 2 we have clear skies and sunshine. The temperature is mid 70's. Day 3 we had rain and thunderstorms through the previous night and into the morning. We had sunshine, clear skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. That was followed by severe thunderstorms, rain, and a touch of hail from 4p.m. to 6p.m. These were topped and had thr bottom nodes removed. Day 4 we had relief from the rain. Temperatures were in the mid to upper 70's and lots of sunshine. We have a few days of sunshine in the forecast 🙏 Day 5 we had lots of sunshine and clear skies. Highs in the upper 70's and 49% humidity. We needed the dryness. 🙏. Day 6 we had clear skies and sunshine. Temperatures were in the mid to upper 70's. Day 7 we had partly cloudy skies and temps in the middle 70's. This week was a success. The plants doubled in height and thankfully didn't have any serious damage from the hail.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we have lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80's F. I watered today about 1.5-2 gallons per pot directly from the hose. Well water is 7.6 pH and about 50°F. #1 and #2 got topped today. #2 was topped in the evening at 6.30 p.m. I waited for it to get a little more space between the nodes, so there's a bit of stem above the node. This will help it to not split. Day 2 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. The #3 plant was topped today. Day 3 we had lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80's. That evening we had thunderstorms and rain which became severe that night. Hail was in the forecast but we missed it 🙏. I noticed the number 1 plant was growing crooked. I had moved the pots to get more sunlight and the one was uneven. I did some moving and adjusting today and hopefully it will straighten up. Day 4 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night. Day 5 we had rains early morning and then cloudy most of the day. We have sunshine in the forecast for the weekend. 🙏🙏🙏 All pots were top dressed with 50ml of ferrous sulfate. Day 6 We had sunshine in the morning and afternoon. Clouds began to move in about 3.30p.m. Suddenly about 4:00 p.m. we had a severe thunderstorm that produced heavy rain and grape sized hail. Thankfully the hail only lasted a few minutes. There was some damage to this group, but only leaves. Day 7 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures with highs reaching low to mid 70's. The plants began to show some Interveinal chlorosis in the new growth on day 5. I checked pH and it's above 7 in the pots. I added ferrous sulfate to counter this. On day 6 I noticed the #3 plant falling behind from receiving less direct sunlight. I've run out of space to accommodate the suns procession. I moved it to a better place for it to receive more sunlight. This week produced challenges. The topping was successful, but the position of the plants prevented some of them from receiving maximum direct sunlight. It took a few days to notice the affect on growth. We did not have much height gained this week. There was the issue with rising pH again, but this was promptly dealt with. We survived the challenging weather. Overall a successful week as lots of downward root growth was achieved. This will be evident next week as plants shoot up.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are topdressed @ ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we started with lots of sunshine and clear skies.Then we had a pop up severe thunderstorm with grape sized hail. Thankfully it only lasted a few minutes. Day 2 we have clear skies and sunshine. The temperature is mid 70's. You can see the hail damage that occured day 1. The #3 plant was topped by a hail stone. Luckily it only got the top and didn't take out the side branches growing out of the 4th node. This was very fortunate a topping above the 4th node done by nature. Day 3 we had rain and thunderstorms through the previous night and into the morning. We had sunshine, clear skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. That was followed by severe thunderstorms, rain, and a touch of hail from 4p.m. to 6p.m. Day 4 we had relief from the rain. Temperatures were in the mid to upper 70's and lots of sunshine. We have a few days of sunshine in the forecast 🙏 Day 5 we had lots of sunshine and clear skies. Highs in the upper 70's and 49% humidity. We needed the dryness. 🙏 Day 6 we had clear skies and sunshine. Temperatures were in the mid to upper 70's. Day 7 we had partly cloudy skies and temps in the middle 70's. Overall this week was a success. We thankfully avoided any major damage from the hail. The girls more than doubled in height and really kicked out some branches after topping.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. Day 2 we had rain in the morning followed by sunshine, then thunderstorms that night. Day 3 we had rain and thunderstorms that morning and intermittently throughout the day. Day 4 we had rain in the morning and cloudy until the evening when the sun came out. Day 5 we had rain in the morning then mostly cloudy until the late afternoon. Day 5 we had sunshine and clear skies until the afternoon. Around 4:00 pm a severe thunderstorm hit. It produced strong winds, heavy rain, and grape sized hail. Fortunately the hail lasted only a few minutes and only damages some leaves. Day 6 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures in the mid 70's. Day 7 we had rain and thunderstorms through the previous night and into the morning. We had sunshine, clear skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. That was followed by severe thunderstorms, rain, and a touch of hail from 4p.m. to 6p.m. The weather has been challenging this week. Rain everyday or night and lots of it. The rain on night 6 and morning 7 has started turning the hairs of TCA2 top bud brown. There's no softness and I hope it's not the start of rot. These fastbuds have taken a beating from the rain and there's more in the forecast. Other than the rain the buds are starting to smell and grow. Overall it was a successful week.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. Day 2 we had rain in the morning followed by sunshine. That might we had severe thunderstorms and the threat of hail. We missed the hail but had heavy wind and rain. Day 3 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night. Day 4 we had rain in the morning then mostly cloudy until the late afternoon. Day 5 we had sunshine and clear skies until the afternoon. Around 4:00 pm a severe thunderstorm hit. It produced strong winds, heavy rain, and grape sized hail. Fortunately the hail lasted only a few minutes and only damages some leaves. Day 7 we had rain and thunderstorms through the previous night and into the morning. We had sunshine, clear skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. That was followed by severe thunderstorms, rain, and a touch of hail from 4p.m. to 6p.m. The rain hammered this girl this week. It didn't seem to slow her down any. This week was a success
24/05/2024 lowered the rh to 50% made the silly mistake to overwater but a few days without watering and its like it never happened started watering less but more regularly 25/05/2024 Led on full blast, Rh at 50% but inside temp raised to 27º the plants seem to enjoy the environment 03/06/2024 added kelp meal to soil. 04/06/2024 defoliated and watered 2 days straight for the first time, the plants drank 2L each in one day. 05/06/2024 topped + LST 🤞🏻
Growing fast! So my goal is to have a few main branches, and make them as thick as possible. Want to see if this creates larger colas. Added silica for 1 feeding so far. The stuff raises PH quite a bit FYI. Added it first before all other nutes. Also feed Recharge a day after watering while soil still moist. Stress techniques - - Super cropped a lot more. I would bend harshly without breaking in between each node just before watering. Did it on all stems at once, entire plant looked so sad but perked right back up later in the day. Maybe I'm triggering it's survival mode because growth seems to speed up after initial stress. - I keep taking off new nodes as they appear to keep the growth structure I want. I'm taking something off almost everyday and might be the most stressful thing I'm doing. - The tight ring around the base of the stem is showing heavy scaring and buildup. I'm keeping it on so it stays tied down, and to see how the plant deals with it. I like to think the plant thinks it's bugs attacking its stem. I have noticed the main stem hardening up. - First week I did a heavier feeding. Want to see how far I can push the nutes without burning the tips. No tip burn yet apart from some light stress (maybe). Crazy how this 100 watt light is doing. You think 100 isn't enough but it most definitely is. At least for 1 plant in tent.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we have lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80's F. I watered today about 1.5-2 gallons per pot directly from the hose. Well water is 7.6 pH and about 50°F. #1 and #2 got topped today. #2 was topped in the evening at 6.30 p.m. I waited for it to get a little more space between the nodes, so there's a bit of stem above the node. This will help it to not split. Day 2 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. The #3 plant was topped today. Day 3 we had lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80's. That evening we had thunderstorms and rain which became severe that night. Hail was in the forecast but we missed it 🙏. I noticed the number 1 plant was growing crooked. I had moved the pots to get more sunlight and the one was uneven. I did some moving and adjusting today and hopefully it will straighten up. Day 4 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night. Day 5 we had rains early morning and then cloudy most of the day. We have sunshine in the forecast for the weekend. 🙏🙏🙏 All pots were top dressed with 50ml of ferrous sulfate. Day 6 We had sunshine in the morning and afternoon. Clouds began to move in about 3.30p.m. Suddenly about 4:00 p.m. we had a severe thunderstorm that produced heavy rain and grape sized hail. Thankfully the hail only lasted a few minutes. There was some damage to this group, but only leaves. Day 7 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures with highs reaching low to mid 70's. The plants began to show some Interveinal chlorosis in the new growth on day 5. I checked pH and it's above 7 in the pots. I added ferrous sulfate to counter this. On day 6 I noticed the #3 plant falling behind from receiving less direct sunlight. I've run out of space to accommodate the suns procession. I moved it to a better place for it to receive more sunlight. This week produced challenges. The topping was successful, but the position of the plants prevented some of them from receiving maximum direct sunlight. It took a few days to notice the affect on growth. We did not have much height gained this week. There was the issue with rising pH again, but this was promptly dealt with. We survived the challenging weather. Overall a successful week as lots of downward root growth was achieved. This will be evident next week as plants shoot up.
📆 Week 5, 19-25 May 2024 19-25 May - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 The plant is very compact with big, wide leaves, typical with Afghan varieties. The spacing between nodes is a good 1”. What I do is tuck the big leaf under the developing branches rather than cut them off early in this stage, to help the plant produce maximum energy. I also snip very low sucker shoots that do not have a chance to keep up with the plant, which is only a few. This keeps all the growth focused on the top of the plant for now. This will probably be her last week of what I consider veg, as she is starting to show more bud development. 🍶 19 May nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 19 May feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient solution EC 2.6 at 70 degrees F 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 28 canopy coverage at 18hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Honestly guys she is amazing but bit slow flowering like northern light Shame I have to cut 3 main cola top coz to close to light and she couldn't photosensitive and that's cause slow flowering so I decide to cut 20cm from 3 main cola 😢😢hope that work Well I figure out why she won't flowering coz she too big for 6L pot thats why so I transplant bigger plant into 25L fabric pot and next day she start developing bud so happy 😊 Day 56 and finally preflowering is finish 🙌