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Hey gents! She is growing so well... Glad I started this hobby. Buds are filling out. I see many pistons turning brown. Maturity wise I think Im halfway done with flowering. My guess would be that 4 more weeks and this will be ready. Minor defoliation was done. (fan leaves that were shading bud sites). 90% of the community would have just trimmed the bud sites in the lower part of the canopy but I didn't wanna touch the plant more and just allow her to do her own thing. Thank you so much for stopping by. Enjoy your grows 🌷
Esta semana hubo un crecimiento muy acelerado. Estoy manejando la altura de las plantas con HST y corte, esperando a una nueva que agregué, para que empiece a estirarse. Cuando tenga la altura de las otras plantas, paso todo a floración. Estuve cortando los bajos de algunas plantas. Otras las estoy dejando crecer un poco para hacer nuevos esquejes. La solución se mantienen las mismas proporciones. Voy a ir actualizando la semana con fotos diarias, para tener una referencia del crecimiento. Día 16. El crecimiento es increíblemente rápido. Estoy aplicando cortes y super cropping porque quiero lograr plantas bien fuertes y bajas. Además quiero aprovechar la superficie de cultivo lo mejor posible. Por lo que voy a hacer varias cabezas por planta, y voy a intentar darles bastante crecimiento para que den más producción. Iré actualizando. Día 19. Se aplica bioestimulante Aux ym foliar. 2ml/l. Ya preparando para pasar a flora en 10 días. Prendí una de las luces laterales par darle más luz a la pequeña Jamaican Dream de prueba que hay en la punta. Día 20. Mañana se cambia la solución. Las plantas estan creciendo mucho. Voy guiando algunas ramas para que queden todas a la misma altura. La pequeña tiene toda esta semana para pegar el estirón final antes de pasar a flora. Confío en que va a llegar porque es sativa 90% a diferencia de sus vecinas 80% indicas. De todos modos me voy a concentrar en las Green Tiger, ya que este diario está dedicado a ellas principalmente.
Well let me start out by saying DONT LISTEN TO YOUTUBE BULLSHI** .. LOL almost lost all of my plants to nutrient burn it completely ate my Blueberry #1 and took out one of my washing machines.. I have my (WM) chilling out in the 2 gallon pot still and probably will flower it in there.. good thing is I got more space now for my other babies!! We flushed the 2 gallon pots completely and transplanted as soon as we could to stop any more damage from happening. Thankfully saved 8 of the 10 girls and brought them back to full health . I can definitely tell how much it slowed them down because now that they have the right climate and feed they’ve been exploding in growth ..///I wanted to do my own thing when it came to training so I had a couple experiments 🧐 I honestly can’t wait for this grow to finish because I’m bringing in an auto pot system for the next run I’ll be running some fire (Wet Betty seeds from exotic genetics) well anyways here they are!!
Well let me start out by saying DONT LISTEN TO YOUTUBE BULLSHI** .. LOL almost lost all of my plants to nutrient burn it completely ate my Blueberry #1 and took out one of my washing machines.. I have my (WM) chilling out in the 2 gallon pot still and probably will flower it in there.. good thing is I got more space now for my other babies!! We flushed the 2 gallon pots completely and transplanted as soon as we could to stop any more damage from happening. Thankfully saved 8 of the 10 girls and brought them back to full health . I can definitely tell how much it slowed them down because now that they have the right climate and feed they’ve been exploding in growth ..///I wanted to do my own thing when it came to training so I had a couple experiments 🧐 I honestly can’t wait for this grow to finish because I’m bringing in an auto pot system for the next run I’ll be running some fire (Wet Betty seeds from exotic genetics) well anyways here they are!!
J'ai voulu utiliser le easy start fourni lors de la coupe du printemps par RQS et le résultat n'est pas du tout à la hauteur de mes espérances... J'ai pourtant suivi les instructions... Je préfère faire germer directement dans le substrat ! Ce n'est pas trop grave, c'est quand-même une bonne banque de graines... Il me reste des graines de cookies gelato, je vais voir ce que je vais en faire mais je pense que pour la Spring cup, c'est mort, il fallait utiliser le matériel fourni lors de la culture, ben tant pis... Snif
0/3 également, je n'aime définitivement pas cette méthode de germination. Je n'en veux pas à RQS, c'est une bonne banque de graines... Je vais recommencer une culture à partir de leurs graines de cookies gelato et je vais tester la runtz de chez Zamnesia... Ça me fera quand même essayer la runtz, je devrais bien aimer, j'adore la cookies...
3 semana de vegetación y noté una clara deficiencia en las 2 plantas (1 más que en la otra) al principio no sabia lo que podía ser, y varios cultivadores me dieron opciones, busque la composición del alimento que uso y me di cuenta que no tiene calcio y muy poco porcentaje de magnesio, aparte que estoy regando con agua purificada+ósmosis inversa, así que por conclusión es carencia de calcio y magnesio, me recomendaron calmag un alimento rico en los 2 nutrientes así que lo compraré y espero ese sea el problema, no hay estancamiento pero si están creciendo más lento Hoy toco riego con alimento siguiendo la tabla de green house, realicé un riego foliar con acti vera como preventivo de alguna plaga u hongo.
April 24, day 35, the plant continues to widen with the LST I am performing, and has nice healthy growth. Lots of branching, but the early stages of the flowering stretch is opening the plant up a little. I switched from a transition nutrient profile to an early blooming profile, as there are a few pistils popping out here and there on the plant. My guess is that there will be another week or so of growth/stretch so I am hoping to get the plant significantly larger. April 25, day 36, I raised the light by 5 inches. I should have realized earlier but I was chronically running the light a little too close this run which likely contributed to the stocky tight growth. I figured that if my brightness was not exceeding sunlight and I was not noticing leaf issues it would be fine. However, measuring the ppfd at a 15 inch hang height showed readings of 750+ at the edges and 1000 at the center. This amount is just not helpful for the plants structure even if it is growing vigorously. I raised the lighting to 20 inches which brought the ppfd to 650 at the edges and 850 at the center which is right where I want it. I am not otherwise touching the plant today, but will prune and perform some LST tomorrow. April 26 Day 37, just letting it grow. April 27 Day 38, did some training and pruning of the growth. The Euforia's transition to flowering has been slow, but the growth and vigour of the plant has stayed strong so at least it's giving me the time to fill up the tent. It's taking up just shy of 4sqft of growing space, so by the time time the flowering stretch finishes I am hoping to have growth close to all corners of the tent. So far I have been successful keeping the growth low, as this tent is very tight in its height. April 29, day 40, just letting it grow. April 30, day 41, switched watering to 3x daily 20 second intervals. The leaf tips are not showing any signs of burn, so so far so good. Took a few leaves off to expose the preflowers as needed.
Cream Mandarine XL-Auto #2 / FOOP Nutrients ======WEEKLY GOALS ======= 🌞Drying Environment - 62/65F & 60% RH should take about 10 to 14 days to dry. ========Plant Update=========== 📝 PRE-HARVEST REPORT- Currently the buds are in curing totes and will trim up on Friday or Saturday / Purchased a Trim Bag will see how it goes. Hope to have a completed Harvest Report by Sunday! =========================== ▶️Monday 04.26.21 / Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Tuesday 04.27.21 / Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Wednesday 04.28.21/ Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Thursday 04.29.21 /Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Friday 04.30.21 /Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Saturday 05.01.21/ Flushing with H20 PH 6.2 ▶️Sunday 05.02.21 / Harvested today! ▶️Saturday - 05.08.21 Dry tent is staying within the scope of the environment. ▶️ Sunday - 05.09.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Monday - 05.10.21 / Start of Week 2 in the Dry Tent Moving Along Nice and Slow Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Tuesday - 05.114.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Wednesday - 05.12.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Thursday - 05.13.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Friday - 05.14.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Saturday - 05.15.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Sunday - 05.16.21/ Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Monday - 05.17.21 / Moved the buds into drying/curing totes with stems on for a week- Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Tuesday - Currig, Dry Room Variables 55%/58% RH, and 65F/68F Light Air Movement / In Darkness. ▶️ Wednesday - 05.19.21/ Removed the buds from the steams and continuing to cure in the totes. Planning to trim on Friday or Saturday. ▶️ Thursday - 05.20.21/ Removed the buds from the steams and continuing to cure in the totes. Planning to trim on Friday or Saturday. ▶️ Friday - 05.21.21/ ▶️ Saturday - 05.22.21/ ▶️ Sunday - 05.23.21/ ▶️ Monday - 05.24.21/