6/17 - Watered today. 5 days since last watering. Made sure to add water slowly to the cups, as the medium I'm using is a coco/peat based medium, and I realize that peat becomes hydrophobic when it dries out, and the top was close to that. By watering pretty slow, it allows more of it to be absorbed vs just running through. Both Dreamcatcher plants have 2 nodes developed and are starting on their third nodes (slightly behind the Chinook Haze also being grown in the tent).
6/18 - I watered yesterday, then life hit, and the plants were without lights for just over 24 hours. Looks like the newer area started to yellow a bit, which I assume will green again within a day or two now that the lights are back on.
6/19 - Plants are looking good to me. There seems to be a lot less vein swelling, so it appears the chance of overwatering that looked like it was coming on a week ago is subsiding. Got to let them grow some more before I start to chop them up in an attempt to mainline.
6/21 - Plants will be watered tomorrow. Other than that, it is just slowly moving along, and I am considering going to 1g pots soon. I believe I am going to try to go from solo cup to 1g to 5g this time, and I think that by doing so, I might not need to fertilize at all during veg at least. I figure if I can get 3-4 weeks out of the solo cup, then similar out of a 1g, by the time I get to 5g, I will be close to 8-12 weeks, and close to flipping time. I have dimmed the lights a bit, and raised them close to 35" above the 2 Dreamcatcher plants in hope to induce a little stretch between nodes, but they still seem to be growing fairly compact.
6/22 - Watered the plants today. Could have probably waited another day, but I figure 5 days between watering was enough, and the cups did feel pretty light.